The Gliberal Double (Anti-White) Standard




>>  In a message dated 6/24/99 7:57:52 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
>> writes:
>>  The educated black community is in favor of neighborhood schools, 
>>  too -- they feel they can better educate their own, that forced 
>>  integration has harmed black education.  The best educated black 
>>  students come from private black colleges -- not public ones, 
>>  which lower the bar -- but private ones where black educators demand
>>  excellence of black students.  One reason we say we are not liberals 
>>  is that we, unlike liberals, do not approve of lowered standards, 
>>  and where separation of cultures leads to the best results for all, 
>>  as in education, then separate but equal systems seems the reasonable 
>>  choice.

> From:
>But then that causes another problem. Why is it that when white families 
>raised hell over the integration they were all called racist pigs and the 
>national guard was sent out to shoot them if necessary, but now that the 
>blacks are saying, hey, maybe we did screw up, maybe we should have stayed 
>separate.......everyone is jumping on their band wagon again? 


    The answer is really quite clear:  Anything which has the effect 
of raising racial awareness of Whites, thus increasing White Nationalism, 
is something to be feared.  Why?  Because White Nationalism means 
White Separatism and White Separatism means White Revolt, which means 
good-bye multi-racial evil empire, good-bye white gliberal ruling elite, 
good-bye New World Order, good by Zionist Occupational Government, in 
short, good-bye parasitical rule over Whites.

    The gliberals know full well that allowing normal de facto 
segregation by whites would mean that their rule of exploitation 
over a multi-racial evil empire would end -- that such an allowance 
would be the equivalent of an end to the expansion of their power, 
and probably even a curtailment of that power as segregationally 
educated White children would grow to be voting adults who would 
then institute segregation in the workplace, in businesses, and 
in all areas of civic life.  Eventually this de facto situation 
would lead to where there would be a demand to legalize, to 
make de jure, the actual reality.

    But allowing black children to learn that they are black, and to 
take pride in themselves for their race, that can be allowed because 
then they can be used as assault troops to keep White Majority Amerika 
in line.  There is nothing wrong in having a smart negro around, 
provided that this smart Negro doesn't use his education to the 
advantage of his own people, like the Black Nationalists Booker T. 
Washington, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, and Louis Farrakhan did. 
No, the educated negro is groomed to be an obsequious "house nigger" 
or Uncle Tom in service to the white gliberal and Khazar NWO/ZOG 
plantation owner -- a lackey 'intellectual' working to help enslave 
both White Majority America and his fellow blacks.

   Of course the White Gliberal, a racial renegade and scalawag, 
won't mention their true motivation in wanting to continue their 
pattern of exploitation over every race in the multi-racial empire. 
They prattle about the brightness of their 5-watt sanctimoniousness 
haloes and are constantly on the lookout for the thing they fear 
most -- White solidarity -- which they detect in a "Whites Only" 
upper-class country club, or middle-class Sons of the Confederacy 
meeting, or a poor-white motorcycle gang or Aryan Brotherhood prison 
protection circle.  Of course the poor whites have little to lose, 
and they naturally hate the criminal regime which oppresses them, so 
they instinctively wear the tribal standards and emblems of their 
racial lost Causes: The Swastica, the Iron Cross, and the Stars & Bars.
    ( I laugh at the pretentiousness of the upper and middle classes 
in trying to claim 'a right' to display a White Icon in fedrule kort. 
Thus they claim a "heritage violation" if they are not allowed to 
display the Stars & Bars on a tee-shirt at publik skrules or to 
display Robert E. Lee's picture in shitty hall.  Of course the 
Khazars and negroes are allowed to "do their thing" in public without 
fear of criminal prosecution at the same time.  But it is only a 
matter of time before some White Nationalist files a "heritage 
violation" federal civil-rights lawsuit for the right to display 
Adolf Hitler's portrait or to wear a Black Swastica on White Circle 
on Red Background Nazi-flag tee-shirt.  In fact, the next time 
some White kid gets suspended from publik skrule for wearing the 
Stars&Bars, I suggest the rest of the White kids show a little White 
solidarity by wearing a swastica tee-shirt to publik skrule.)

    And to further accentuate my point, let me point out that it 
only takes but one or two posts for the gliberal and the Resistance 
figures to recognize each other before indulging in mutual hatred. 
Same thing happened to me on the Misc.Activism.Militia usenet. There 
are a few raising of issues, some debate, and then the determination 
on each side to exterminate the other.  It isn't the presence of law 
or morality which prevent this happy racial gang riot from happening, 
but rather the fact that the imperialist criminal regime still commands 
a fairly efficient army of oppression and occupation over White America.  
If it wasn't for the fact that I probably wouldn't get away with it right 
now, I'd happily gut a gliberal.  One of the wisest acts of a Resistance 
army unit would be to take over a prison and turn loose ALL the inmates 
and tell them to go ahead and settle some old scores against the 
pig-lice, judges, lawyers, guards, and legistraitors (and their 
families) who put them behind bars.

    Nope, Amerika today is an imperial police state with the ruling 
NWO/ZOG criminal regimeists scared to death of a White Revolt.  These 
parasites are very much aware that White Majority America could exist 
quite happily without them, but that they wouldn't possibly be able 
to live without White Majority America.  Hence they must keep their 
parasitical rule intact by increasing the repression and being 
constantly aware of any possible development of White Separatism, 
White Nationalism, and White Revolutionary Revolt.

-- Martin Lindstedt
Resistance Political Front
June 26, 1999



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