

                   SOUTHERN  DIVISION           Filed 12:45 July 21, 2004

                        CIVIL COMPLAINT

Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt,        )
Republican Candidate for Governor  )
of Missouri,                       )
Enter above the full name of       )
Plaintiff or Plaintiffs in         ) 
this action                        )
vs.                                )   CASE NO. 04-5062-CV-SW-WAK
Matt 'Runt' Blunt,                 )
Secretary of State & Chief         )
Election Official of Missouri,     ) 
and Rival Republican Candidate     )
for Governor of Missouri.          )
Enter above the full name          )
of Defendant or Defendants in      )
this action                        )

I.   Parties to this Civil Action

     (In item A below, place your name in the first blank and
     place your present address in the second blank.  Do the same
     for additional plaintiffs, if any, on back side of this

     A.  Name of Plaintiff       Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt

         Address    338 Rabbit Track Road, Granby, Missouri 64844.

     (In item B below, place the full name of the defendant in
     the first blank, his official position in the second adding
     word blank, and his place of employment in the third blank.
     Use item C for the names, positions, and places of
     employment of any additional defendants.)

     B.  Defendant, Matt 'Runt' Blunt is employed as:

          Missouri Secretary of State & Chief Election Officer at
the Missouri State Capitol Building in Jefferson City Missouri.

     C.  Additional Defendants  -- None

  II.  Statement of Claim

     (State here as briefly as possible the facts of your claim.
     Describe how each named defendants is involved.  Include the
     names of other persons involved, dates, and places.  Do not
     give any legal arguments or cite any cases or statutes.  If
     you intend to allege a number of related claims, number and
     set forth each claim in a separate paragraph. [Use as much
     space as you need to state the facts.  Attach extra sheets
     if necessary.]  Unrelated separate claims should be raised
     in separate civil actions.)
          In 2002, Plaintiff filed to run as a Republican
     Candidate for U.S. Senate against Jim Talent and wanted to
     file as Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt.  Defendant Matt Blunt,
     then Secretary of State, had his underling and Counsel,
     Terry Jarrett, refuse to allow Plaintiff to run with that
     nickname. Also, Defendant's office refused to post
     Plaintiff's campaign web site on the list of official
     candidates as well.

          Figuring out that Defendant would apply the same modius
     operandi in 2004, Plaintiff got on the Newton County and
     municipal ballots as Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt in 2002,
     2003, and early 2004, to prove-up his 'right' to the
     nickname and decided to run against Defendant for Governor
     on the Republican ballot in 2004 and see if Defendant would
     again violate his Office as Secretary of State and Chief
     Election Official of Missouri this time to directly benefit
     himself. Plaintiff again filed, or tried to, as Martin 'Mad
     Dog' Lindstedt, on March 10, 2004 and again this time was
     denied, but told that the matter would be under review by
     Betsy Byers, one of Defendant's subordinates. Also,
     Plaintiff signed the form naming his campaign web site,
     www.martinlindstedt.org for the Secretary of State to post
     on the Official Candidates Listing on the Missouri Secretary
     of State's official web page.

          Plaintiff waited, although Plaintiff was sure that
     Defendant would again abuse his position of trust to benefit
     himself, and at the Missouri Press Association meeting on
     June 5, 2004 at Lake Ozark Missouri Plaintiff confronted
     Defendant with the paperwork from 2002 and the filing
     paperwork and acknowledgment from the Missouri Ethics
     Commission of Plaintiff's nickname.  Defendant doodled on
     the paperwork while Plaintiff confronted him in debate, then
     after the meeting got up and ran from the room leaving the
     paperwork behind.  On July 9, 2004 Plaintiff sent Defendant
     a letter demanding that Defendant grant Plaintiff his
     nickname on the ballot and post Plaintiff's web page.
     Silence. Then on June 24, 2004 Plaintiff filed a complaint
     to the Missouri Ethics Commission (MEC) concerning Defendant
     using his position as Secretary of State and Chief Election
     Official to curtail public knowledge of Plaintiff's
     candidacy. On June 29, 2004, Michael C. Reid returned
     Plaintiff's Complaint, claimed a lack of jurisdiction, and
     suggested contacting an attorney to pursue other legal
     action elsewhere. However, after July 5, 2004 Defendant,
     having received from Plaintiff a copy of the MEC complaint,
     put up a new campaign web page from Republican Candidate
     Jeff Killian, but still refused to post Plaintiff's long-
     standing web page.  On July 7, 2004, Plaintiff inquired of
     Kay Baum, Newton County Clerk, whether the ballots at the
     county level could be changed to reflect Plaintiff's
     nickname. On July 8, 2004, this Chief County Election
     Official said that the ballots had already been printed and
     that she had no discretion to change the 'Official
     Certification' by Defendant.

          Therefore, since this is a continuing line of abuses by
     Defendant against Plaintiff's civil rights, and neither
     reason nor administrative action at the state level has
     corrected these abuses, Plaintiff hereby files this federal

III. Relief

     State briefly exactly what you want the Court to do for you.
Make no legal arguments.  Cite no cases or statutes.

     Plaintiff asks that the punishment fit the crime.  Since it
is too late and too costly at the public expense to correct the
ballots and place Plaintiff's web page on the Official List of
Candidates, Plaintiff requests that Defendant be punished by
having his nickname of Matt 'Runt' Blunt be placed on the general
election ballot if Defendant wins the Republican primary and that
a link be placed to Plaintiff's web page on the Official
Secretary of State web page concerning this lawsuit and
Defendant's moral, mental and political shortcomings.  This is
not a demand for monitary damages but rather in the nature of
injunctive and declaratory relief.

IV.  Do you claim the wrongs alleged in your complaint are
     continuing to occur at the present time?

     Yes.  Plaintiff has received no satisfaction for this
     misconduct by Defendant.

V.   Do you claim actual or punitive monetary damages for the
     acts alleged in your complaint?

     No.  Plaintiff asks only for declaratory and injunctive
     relief for Defendant's self-serving abuse of his powers.

     If you answered yes, state the amounts claimed and the
     reasons you claim you are entitled to recover money damages

VI.  Counsel

     Do you have an attorney to represent you in this civil


     A.   Have you made any effort to contact a private
          attorney to determine if he or she would represent you
          in this civil action?

     B.   If you answered yes, state the names and addresses
          of the attorneys contracted, and give the results of
          those efforts.

     C.   If you answered no, state your reasons why no such
efforts have been made.

          Plaintiff barely has $150 to pay for filing this case.
That wouldn't buy an hour of lawyer time. Plus, this is an
unusual case and Plaintiff hasn't ever heard of the like so why
have a lawyer screw it up.

VII. Administrative Procedures

          A.   Have the claims which you make in this civil
          action been presented through any type of
          Administrative Procedure within any government agency?


          B.   If you answered yes, state the date your claims
          were so presented, how they were presented, and the
          result of that procedure.

                    As mentioned above, Plaintiff made a
          complaint to the Missouri Ethics Commission concerning
          Defendant as Secretary of State using his power of
          office and state resources to advance his political
          campaign for governor to the detriment and exclusion of
          Plaintiff's non-funded political campaign for the very
          same office of governor on June 24, 2004.  The Missouri
          Ethics Commission claimed to lack jurisdiction to hear
          this matter and told me to look elsewhere for legal
          remedy on June 29, 2004.

     C.   If you answered no, give the reasons, if any, why the
claims made in this action have not been presented through
Administrative Procedures.

     Signed this 21 day of July, 2004

                                Signature of Plaintiff or Plaintiffs


State of  Missouri                 )
County of Greene                   )

     Martin "Mad Dog" Lindstedt, being first duly sworn under
oath, presents that he is the plaintiff in this action; that he
knows the contents of the complaint; and that the information
contained therein is true to the best of his knowledge and


                         Signature of Plaintiff or Plaintiffs
                         All parties must verify

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 21 day of July, 2004

Notary Public   Paula Millsap

My Commission Expires   June 23, 2006


Over to Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt, Republican Candidate for Governor of Missouri -- 2004
Over to My Struggle -- The Rants of a Resistance Political Operative
Over to Thought for the Day
Over to Martin Lindstedt's CI Church & State WWW Page
Back to www.martinlindstedt.org or Patrick Henry On-Line