Here in Newton County, in a State of Missery, there simply ain't no reason to pick up a Democrat or LibberToon primary ballot. Widder Minstel-Show Mel Carnahan shall win her primary because the pathetic guy running against her has dropped out, and there isn't anyone running for most of the offices. Nor does anyone have to vote LibberToon, but if they do to vote for Manley, not Tamster-the-Hamster Millay because I have enough LibberToons running on the ballot to win by default for Roxie Fausnaught as Presiding Commissioner and for myself and Roxie to win as Libertarian candidates for precinct committeeman and committeewoman. In fact, the Newton County and other county Democrats ought to vote for me as a means to embarass Talent and the Republican Establishment...
U.S. Senate
Well, you might as well vote for me on this one, although Doc May is pretty good as well. In fact, Scott Craig Babbitt or Doris Bass Landfather is better than Talent. Anyone other than Talent!Let's remember who voted to ship out working-class White (and black) jobs and ship them to Mexico by voting for NAFTA in 1993. Who voted against unemployment benefits to help those put out of work by Talent's treasonous votes. Who voted to make illegal aliens 'legal' by giving them 2.5 million green cards. Who sent our jobs to Mexico and brought Mexicans to rob and rape and pillage and take away what jobs remained to feed our families. Who was the deciding vote for the assault-rifle ban. How Talent talks like Charleton Heston and votes like Charlie Schumer!
Until Jim Talent and his corpsorate imperial whigger supremacist backers are in the same boat us working-class White people are, then Jim Talent and the Missouri Republican Establishment are going to keep on preying upon us. However, we turn Talent out and tell the Repubs that treason doesn't pay, then they shall either have to go down with us or start pulling their share in doing what needs to be done in this country. And that repudiation of treason isn't going to come about until there is a repudiation of Talent.
I'd prefer that the voters vote for the White Nationalist candidate, the one which is hated by and hates jewsmedia, imperial whigger supremacists, whiggers in White clothing, legal or illegal -- makes no difference to me -- immigrunts, the gubbermint, and who if elected (ha!) will proceed to sling a gigantic monkey-wrench into the works to screw the criminal regime five ways from sundown. Namely me! However, vote for ANYONE and ANYTHANG other than Talent! Anythang except Talent!!!!
State Auditor
Vote for Al Hanson. The reason is because Al Hanson isn't supported by the Missouri Republicans. Al Hanson is his own man. Al Hanson isn't getting any money from the Enron Repubicants. Al Hanson isn't Jay Kansler, with the odious little creep Nikky Meyers handling all the corpsorate campaign contributions, like Judas Iscariot ass-licking for Baalzebub, that such theiving vermin gives to its own, like Jay Kanzler. I sure wouldn't vote for a lawyer or a jew or anyone acting like such or tolerate those who do. When in doubt, ALWAYS vote for the underdog, because the underdog isn't beholden to anyone but the electors. Which is why they don't get [s]elected..
U.S. 7th District Kongress-kritter
Leave this space blank. Only Roy Blunt is running, having bought off the other candidate. Roy Blunt is the Kongress-kritter for Korpsorate Amerika. Roy loves bringing in them beaners to the Degeneracy of Northern Tysonia in hopes of them beaners voting for Roy and giving the rest of us more divershitty than we want to handle. Don't vote for Roy. Leave the oval blank..
State Senate -- District 32
There are four politicians running for office, all of them wanting to be sccessful professional politicians. I shall list them in order of my preference. Nobody is running as a Democrat or LibberToon.Martin Bubs Hohulin. I only met Mr. Hohulin once, back in the mid 1990s. Hohulin is a thinking conservative, and his Talmudvision ads are the closest to being pro-White. Hohulin dares to tell immigrunts that "if you can't obey 'our' laws to go back to where you came from." Well, there went the whigger and jew and beaner vote. Since Hohulin dares to say the most pro-White thing anyone other than myself has ever said, then he got my vote, although Hohulin, like Sam Gaskill, is a term-limited state-rep who was redistricted out. Houhulin is young and can wait another 8 years for the next state senator to be term-limited out, although I don't think ZOG has eight more years.
Sam Gaskill. Sam is one of the few politicians who actually listen and will fight for his beliefs. Of course, I've disagreed with Mr. Sam plenty of times largely because Gaskill is 20 years older than I am, a full bird colonel in the Air Force, retired from being a fighter jockey in Vietnam. Sam Gaskill is a gentleman of great courage and decency, but little capacity to change a corrupt criminal regime which demands bloody overthrow, not the incremental changes customary to an older generation.
Gary Nodler. Gary's problem is that Gary is a professional politician who has never been elected in his own right. Rather, Gary was a former congressman's executive aide in a bygone era in which going along to get along was how political business was done. Nodler got the endorsement from the current officeholder because Gary Burton supported another candidate, a crook, in the 1998 primary. So Nodler has a chance to win far better than the two above. Nodler's problem is that he is simply a soft politician in an age that requires and will require tough sonsabitches.
Gary Burton is the term-limited state representative who has the advantage of being firmly in his state-rep district, unlike Gaskill and Houholin. The reason I don't support Burton is because Burton has been the water-carrier for the insurance industry as have most of the past and current state reps in this area. Over the years they have passed legistreason which benefits the insurance industry, but not working-class White families which can't afford to buy insurance. At one time, state reps like Burton imposed such an overbearing insurance industry upon the people of Missouri that there was a revolt, and the mandatory insurance requirement was repealed in favor of only making people buy insurance if they were in an accident. The public roads were the avenues of the People, not the cash-registers of the insurance industry. If the insurance industry was concerned about safety and liability issues, then there could have been passed a state insurance agency to pool risk for the poor, but Burton wouldn't have it. So Gary Burton doesn't need my vote or any vote from poor working-class Whites, as he can become an insurance company lobbyist or sell insurance to his corporate buddies.
State Representative -- District 129
Edward Duff. I was impressed by this decent man who addressed the meth problem at a Republican function. Jasper County is the #1 County in the #1 State for the production of methamphetamine, i.e., meth. The problem is a vast inbred white trash population which has given up being able to fend for itself, and absolutely corrupt local law enforcement. Put the two together and of course there is a meth problem. Duff recommended -- get this -- actually not putting methheads in prison if they agreed to treatment. Of course acting like a decent human being like this isn't going to get him much support in this Buckle of the Baal Belt, this Sodom & Gomorrah of thieving whiggers, white trash, and piglice symps who want to get tough on any criminal activity not of their own manufacture, but I liked it. Also, Duff's brother came up to me after I spoke to the Jasper County Republican women meeting thingey, saying that he appreciated what I said but didn't agree with all of it. Two decent people from the same family. Duff's brother also brought up that Ron Richard was firmly into the pockets of the gambling and liquor interests, but that's not much of a secret and polyticking is something done amongst Polytickians. Vote for Duff.
Ron Richard. Former mayor of Joplin, whom I've sued for federal civil rights violations because he let the Joplin pigs run wild and they arrested me for 'obstruction' for something I said concerning Waco to a FiBbIe pig at a piglice academy function. Richard is a 'booster,' i.e., a mindless businessman who thinks what is good for his business, and that of his contributors, is good for the country. Almost always that notion is wrong. What is good for self-serving businessmen only concerned with the root of all evil -- love of money -- is almost always something wretched for the People. Every time Richard has run for something I've advised people to vote for Richard's opponent. Today is no exception.
State Representative -- District 130
Doug Stone is Chair of the McDonald County Republicans. Around here, if it comes from McDonald County, isn't a lawyer, and not too much into running drugs between Joplin and Fayetteville Arkansas, it is as good as you can get. Kevin Bill Wilson has even more support from the Newton County Korthouse Klique and so he is second in my book. James Link is the most arrogant polytrical pup and so I'd recommend the voters keeping him home so he can admire himself on his own nickel. I really don't know much about these candidates, though as they are complete unknowns other than by the number of yard signs, which I have listed in inverse order, from Stone having the least to Link having the most. Lindstedt's Rule of Yard Signs -- If you don't know the candidate, always vote for the one with the least amount of them damnable annoying stupid yard signs. It means that the candidate is likely poor and honest enough to where he/she/it isn't whore enough to be for sale or want to be.Them yard signs cost money. Money which is going to be recouped somehow, usually by special-interest self-serving legistreason and/or higher tribute/taxes. I'll end up having to pay for them damn yard signs one way or another -- and so will you. Count on it.
State Representative -- District 131
Don Stubblefield is an idiot. A knuckle-dragging complete idiot. A complete idiot who wants to sever the property tax from local skrule funding, which shall certainly destroy the ability of the skrule board comprised of even more stupid and degenerate thieving morons to be able to fund bigger and more lavish capital improvements which shall attract Tysons Food greaser chicken pluckers & phuckers. This complete idiot says that he supports the pubic skrewls but in effect would make it impossible for there to be anything other than trailers for poor inbred White kids to study in. It will make the edjewcational establishment piss and moan to the high heavens that this Neanderthal-looking goomer is the Anti-Christ if they did believe in God except secular humanism. Don Stubblefield pissed me off with his love for John Asscrack, but all in all, Stubblefield is the sort of useful idiot that I support. Stubblefield thinks that decoupling local taxation from local pubic skrewls is possible, but in fact it shall destroy pubic edjewcation, as his opponent points out. We need a useful knuckle-dragging complete idiot like Don Stubblefield to keep Eastern Newton and McDonald County a paradise for inbred crackers who hate greasers and niggers (if there were any niggers around to hate). Plus, Stubblefield has only one yard sign up which is being stingily paid for out of his own money, which is congruent with Lindstedt's Rule of Yard Signs.
Marilyn Ruestman is a nice lady who thinks good thoughts and listened to what I had to say to her. And she wants to reform the pubic skrewls and try to pass a law providing only for incremental taxation of 10% per year as opposed to the 50% per year which has struck both Newton and Jasper and McDonald Counties over the years. Which means that she will be out of her league in Jeff City. I don't need a civilized polytickian up in Jefferson City to represent me, I need a mean asshole. I'd prefer a smart mean asshole, but a stupid mean asshole will do. So I was going to quietly vote for Stubblefield until I read in The Jewplin Glob that she supported letting beaner and greaser immigrunts register to vote. This is stupid and racially treasonous. All the more reason to let the pubic skrewls go to shit, because they will go to shit anyway when the greasers come with their fifteen little greasers speaking Spiclish. Only a stupid whigger doesn't figure out that in a dem[on]ocracy that the majority gets to rule, and if you give every greaser a vote than Eastern Newton County will look like Noel Missouri, where she grew up and refugeed out of. This is even more stupid than anything Don Stubblefield would be able to think up, which he couldn't. No Marilyn, you are wrong in all of your policies. I can and probably will home-school my grandchildren as necessary so I don't need or want the pubic skrewls to 'improve' at my expense. I simply cannot afford to let you turn my home in Granby into Nuevo Noel in Nuevo Missouri, Nuevo Mexico.
Associate Circuit Kort Judge -- Division 2
Terry Neff is none too bright and probably doesn't know anything more about the law than any other lawyer. However, he isn't a complete thieving moral degenerate like the incumbent, Gregory Stremel. I've known Terry Neff since I got out of the Army in 1985 and hauled hay with my brother for Terry Neff's dad, Larry Neff, who is the smart businessman of the family. Terry wasn't much of a farm manager. However, Terry has a decent spot when I knew him, which others have noticed, and which makes him head and shoulders above a complete crooked degenerate like the incumbent judge, Stremel. A bunch of women's groups have hinted that Stremel is likely a closet homosexual, unlike Neff who at least has left some hostages to fortune in the form of a family. Neff is no more learned than Stremel in the law, but the law is nothing more than the will of the regime criminals in power anyway. I'd say compassion and mercy is far more necessary in a judge than these little lawyers playing god on a bench stained by the innocent blood they shed in the name of the People they betray and the law they quote when convenient. Neff has some store of compassion today. Don't know if Neff is going to keep it once being made a godling, but Stremel long since lost any decency, if ever Stremel had any.
Gregory Stremel is a crook and the incumbent. As Chief Justice John Marshall once wrote about a corrupt and dependent judiciary being the most dreadful punishment that God could impose on a wicked and stupid citizenry, Stremel is third, behind Killebrew, Perigo and tied with LePage. Shame Cambysis II is long dead or Stremel would be useful as a raw dripping pelt for Neff to sit upon, making Neff mindful to behave.
Associate Circuit Kort Judge -- Division 3
One of the most evil degenerates infesting a public bench, Judge Harmon A. Killibrew, decided that he had stolen enough for his eventual eternal sojourn to hell, and so the most profitable probate bench position is open. Probate is a lawyer's dream, in which the judge can appoint a lawyer to steal an estate blind in guardianship and administrtive costs until there is no estate left for the true heirs. Probate is the plum picked by the crooked judiciary.
Ann Wells is the best of a sorry lot. She was supposed to handle my stepdaughter's divorce from her first husband and it was supposed to be an uncontested divorce. When the first husband decided to contest custody of the two children Ann Wells decided to return the fee. This is the first and only time I've ever seen a lawyer return a fee if the lawyer felt that she couldn't do what she was paid to do. Most lawyers would have kept the money and said, "screw you,' but Ann Wells didn't. Most lawyers are nothing more than parasites who have sold their worthless souls to the criminal regime for a monopoly license to steal from the peasantry. Ann Wells didn't. She has run a competent campaign stressing 'compassion' as opposed to yapping, like Selby and Dobbs, to how many people they managed to fraud a jury into imprisoning for life or murdering judicially. She might turn out bad, given the unaccountable power a judge is given, but she isn't evil yet.
John Dolence listened to a friend of mine drone on and on for 45 minutes as to how the Joplin piglice were harassing him. Dolence was offering a 'free initial consultation.' I looked at Dolence, obviously not giving a shit and yawning, as my friend told his little tale of woe and despair. When the consultation was nearly over Dolence said that there was absolutely nothing he could do -- which was true enough. Dolence had not a clue as to how to file a motion or even a simple federal civil rights complaint form. Dolence has plenty of experience doing absolutely nothing. While at least not doing any harm is a virtue that Dobbs and Selby are unable to do, it isn't much of a recommendation for electing anyone to anything.
Bill Dobbs is a professional jailer. Went up through the ranks of being a probation officer and jailing everyone anytime that the jails needed to be filled as a sort of cross-bar motel for federal funds for county law enforcement. Now Dobbs is a professional prostituting attorney, working for the District Prostitutor Scott Watson. Dobbs is none too smart -- a whole gaggle of prostitutors and ex-prostitutors prosecuted and defended a Newton County jailer I call "Pig Rapist" who loved to rape or coerce sex from the meth-whores jailed in Newton County for the crime of not being able to cover their tracks and cook enough "Doerge Dope" -- and Pig Rapist got off in Barry County last November and bids fair to get away with it on Round #2 coming up. Dobbs believes that the more jails are filled that more lawful the overawed subjects of that mighty Evil Empire are. I don't have as much stuff on Dobbs as I do on Kevin Selby, but doubtless others do. It is persecuting attorneys like Dobbs which create the shock troops of a Revolutionary Army which promptly puts lawyers, judges and politicians against the wall or choking on the gallows and sends their families to a death camp.
Kevin Selby is the worst of the lot. He likes to brag about putting 'bad guys' in jail. He railroaded me into the Jasper County Jail for 30 days because I refused to pay a bogus ticket for a burnt-out headlight because the City of Granby, like all other municipalities are forbidden by statute, Constitution, and contract from writing a ticket upon state and federal highways for anything other than "traffic flow and regulation," i.e., speeding or failure to stop at a light or stop sign. Selby and a crooked judge named Schoberl connived to give me a jail sentence without benefit of jury and while a writ of prohibition was before a Missouri appellate court (and in violation of Article 8 of the Missouri Constitution because it was an election day), which was double the maximum jail sentence under law for a Class C misdemeanor of 15 days. I got to eat slop in the Jasper County Jail while the Missouri Supreme Court violated the law in refusing to hear my petition for habeas corpus.
. . . . Why all this crap? Because I helped out my first son-in-law over a bogus ticket written by a crooked Granby cop named Brady who last year was given kid-glove treatment for being a thief. When I was in jail, the municipal judge, Steve White, and Selby railroaded my son-in-law, threatening, "We'll do to you just like we did to your father-in-law, Martin Lindstedt, if you don't plead guilty.
. . . . To further show how crooked this was, myself, Shawn, and stepdaughter Amalie told how the accident in which a postal vehicle was the postal worker's fault, that she didn't want to pursue it because it was her fault, that the crooked cop Brady lied on the very face of the ticket, and that nobody wanted this matter to proceed. Selby promised to do what was right, but instead forced the postal worker to testify, tried to get me jailed for "unauthorized practice of law" and when that failed, had me railroaded to jail for 30 days while forcing the issue to trial while I was in jail and not able to help my son-in-law.
. . . . Recently Selby did the very same thing to a man who claimed that he was being railroaded for sexual molestation of his daughter because the molestation really occurred in a foster home in which the Division of Family Services put the girl. This man was not allowed to bring this matter up at trial and he got sentenced to life in prison.
. . . .Would Special Prosecutor Kevin Selby deliberately lie and send an innocent man to a life of hell behind bars if it would benefit Kevin Selby? Well, I don't have to think long and hard on that matter. Kevin Selby pulled unlawful evil on myself and my son-in-law. Didn't have a bit of problem with it.
. . . .Selby probably knows more of the law, at least in terms of how to do dirty dealing, than all of the four above lawyers wanting to be a judge. And Selby did help me and my grandchildren out by getting an admission from my former son-in-law at the divorce that the affidavits were correct in that Shawn was mean to the kids, would throw them around and 'forget' to catch them from divorce proceedings before Judge Stremel. However, it was merely bringing up relevant testimony which by law should have been raised by any competent attorney.
. . . .It is lawyers like Selby and Dobbs and judges like Stremel, Killibrew, Perigo and every other single judge I've ever encountered which make this former great nation a hellhole of injustice and iniquity. We the People have not rule of law, but tyranny of lawyers..
Presiding Commissioner and Prosecuting Attorney leave blank. Jerry Carter and Scott Watson don't need your vote and you don't need to waste moral capital on the likes of them.
Recorder of Deeds
Leonora Hyder is the chief deputy clerk and has been doing much of the work for years. Let her keep it smoothly running at a minimum of public expense..
County Auditor
Six people running. I don't know any of them except two. I prefer Iola J. French for the excellent reason that she doesn't have any yard signs, and thus is in complete full and total obedience by default to the Lindstedt Sign Rule.
Next to last is Rebecca Tipton for not dancing with the one who brung her. The Democrats appointed her to the auditor job, and a county commissionership and because she didn't have a chance of being [s]elected by the denizens of Sodom & Gomorrah she jumped ship, pretending that she always wanted to be a Republican. This is tacky behavior. If she had any sense she'd know that one of the Repub crooks is going to get the boot because most of them are too stupid and arrogant to cover their tracks, and then she could get re-appointed by the Democrat governor to some other office. I am also amused, but annoyed that she has 're-elect' Rebecca Tipton on her yard signs. She wasn't elected, she was appointed by a Democrat governor. So how can she get 're-elected?' Don't you just love it when someone pisses on your head and tries to con you into thinking that the golden drip is just rainwater and a honey shampoo? I don't reward ingratitude and disingenuousness. Why should you?
Lastly is Gena (Genesio) Rodriguez. I don't vote for niggers or greasers. The Bible says not to set a racial alien above your People. Gena comes from good stock and wants to waste her racial heritage on a greaser. She may want to be a candidate for thaumurgy, but any cow wanting a wildebeast is simply nuts.
I make it a policy to ignore any bullshit about being a CPA being any sort of qualification for anything involving looking after the pubic treasury. After all Arthur Anderson sure helped a lot of crooks loot Enron and a lot of other corpsorations. Besides, Nikky Meyers is a CPA as well as an idiot and a piss-pot lenin and a sneaking weasel. My point is that I sure wouldn't let him audit anything more complex than a dunghill, so why need a CPA for anything? I'm sure Inola J. French will do just fine. If she don't, then give her the boot the next [s]election.
Collector of Revenue
After fighting with Nikki Meyer's Repubican mob John T. Jones complimented me on my courage. I told him that Nikki's mob was stupid to let me irritate them so easily. Jones then asked me if I was saved. I told him that I was a babtised Dual-Seedline Identity Christian. Jones said that he was a 'New Testament' Christian and that God loves everyone. I pointed out that Christ called an Canaanite woman a dog and said that He had come only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Jones complimented me on my knowledge of the Bible. I said that if I were to pick and choose what part of the Bible I was gonna obey that it would be be much easier for me to simply worship myself and cut out the religious middle-men. Jones at least had a sense of humor about that conversation.
Jim Otey can go back to reading the sports on the TalmudVision. Terry Lankford needs to turn states' evidence against Sheriff Ron Doerge. Don't make me have to press 'hindering prosecution' charges before a Revolutionary drumhead tribunal.
I feel sorry for Lee House. She is proud for being married to Roy D. House. Roy D. House is the stupidest asshole in Newton County. Roy's brother was supposedly killed 30 years ago by his fellow drug runners -- it is one of the most popular gossip subjects for the old-timers. Roy ran as a Repub back in 1994 and House interrupted me at a debate posed by a home schooler for tax breaks for home schoolers. Roy House wants nothing but pubic skrewels forced on all children. I told House to shut up on my time. In addition, House whined like a pussy after the Republican primary that the Lawrence County clerk, Robert Bartlesmeyer, stuffed the ballot boxes so that his wife Linda could win the Republican primary, and then when I asked him if that was true, House screetched like a psychotic banshee that he had never said what was common knowledge. Roy D. House is vermin, and definitely at the shallow end of the gene pool even if the pool is nothing more than a bedpan. The thought of the House family being tax collectors is noxious to myself. If you knew of them like I do, they'd be noxious to you too.
Proposition A & Proposition B are tax increases. Vote no on them. Prop B is a regressive sales tax of a half-cent to tax people who don't use the roads, and with a four-cent gas tax increase, the highest tax increase in years.
Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt
Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate -- 2002