At 01:58 PM 8/16/99 -0700, Khazarl snarled: >Now Marty, haven't you been reading the news? You and your racists >finally bagged the limit with that little party Buford Furrow threw in >LA. Seems the true, honest-to-God patriot citizen Militias have finally >had enough of you and yours and many have purged their ranks and offered >their help to the FBI to investigate you. You mean to tell me the hair >hasn't been rasied on the back of your neck for the past few days and >you just couldn't figure out why? > >I'm stupid? If so, how come you're the guy with the bullseye painted on >his chest? Sweet dreams, asshole. -- Carl F. Worden ========================================================== Khazarl, I for one have no objection to you phoning the ADL/FBI yet another couple of hundred times with a complaint about my White Nationalist politics or my Christian Identity religious beliefs. I mean, it's not as if you haven't complained and bitched and bellyached about how some of the more dangerous Israelite cattle have got on to you so-called 'jews' and how we are spreading this sedition to the rest of the White herd you infest and how we are causing all manner of trouble. In fact, inform away. If you'll give me the e-mail address of your FiBbIe Special Agent In Charge, I can cut you out as the middleman, Khazarl. This latest provocation by your Manchurian Oswald Furrows and your incitement to racial and religious civil war, this time between the remaining regimeist militia-generals and the Resistance is bogging down quick, having been a failure. A pity. Just like you Khazarl, I want an escalation in religious and racial hatred until only one side is left alive. Just like you, I think only one race will prevail and the other one will become largely extinct. I want the White Aryan Israelite race to survive and you want the Ashkenaz-Gogsspawn Satanic Mongollian 'jew' race to rule forever over what docile mongrel-men you allow to live to serve you alien parasites. ------------ We are a lot alike, you and me, Khazarl. We both sit at our computer terminals, sift through the Internet and newspapers and listservers and usegroups for the vast amount of raw data we will use as relevant information for the propaganda we will resend onto our respective side's listservers and WWW pages. We also communicate with the more militant of our troops using code phrases or occassionally getting on to a untraceable public computer to send messages or get information to our respective soldiers we may or may not know. But our main job is an open one, and we wish for the largest possible audience for our propaganda, taking the responsibility and making the moral decisions which will mean victory for each of our respective sides. I run the 7th Missouri Militia with a firm hand since 1996 just as you have run your one-man South Oregon Militia since 1997 or 1998. I imagine you are paid much better than myself, Khazarl. But perhaps you are an unpaid fanatic being fed by your wife, earning enough only to pay for the cheapest Internet access and a couple of hundred dollars to keep one's computer able to cruise the Internet. Like me, it is doubtful you have a steady paying job (Well, you might well be getting paid as your side is both rich and powerful.) because you do not want to spend a single productive minute except in plotting the destruction of the enemy side, as each of us hate absolutely the Enemy of our respective People. So superficially we are much alike, Khazarl, each struggling for our Good side to triumph over your Evil side. Mirror opposites. I think that I've gotten the better of you, Khazarl, each and every time we have clashed. For the past six or so months you usually responded "blah, blah, blah" because it was the only safe thing for you to say. Now, because you are losing the propaganda/political war you are opening up. This is the desperation of a side which is on the wane. Having fought and derailed several regimeist 'militia' propaganda offensives I can recognize that the next couple of days this offensive will reach a climax, be defeated by a Resistance counter-attack, and you will have to go back to "sulk" mood, Khazarl. The question remaining is whether or not you will be of any use to the regimeist side or even if there will be a pro-regimeist militia movement left for you to lair-up in. Let's look at the political/propaganda situation. The criminal regime sent Pvt. Furrows as the Manchurian Oswald to engage in an act of provocation by ineptly shooting at a private pre-skrule for gogsspawn. The hype in the flagging TalmudVision and jewspaper media outlets reached critical mass, but the Patriotic medium of the Internet counter-attacked to where even your side feels it must address the issue in order to maintain credibility. The story is beginning to unravel. However, this is not the real issue. The real issue is that known regimeist infilltraitors and agents provacateur like yourself have had to parrot the NWO/ZOG regimeist line of censoring the Internet, closing down the gun shows, demanding the registration and eventual disarmament of Whites, branding Whites as an inherently criminal race, calling for the suppression and persecution of the White fundamentalist Christian Identity religion in both of its two major doxologies, and, most importantly, forcing the rural White militias to take sides against their White brothers. This forcing the issue aginst interest as the waning side of what is becoming a civil war means that pretty soon you and the rest of the pro-regimeist rabble pretending to be patriots will soon have absolutely no leverage whatsoever. Don't get me wrong, Khazarl. Just as the LORD commands that the Sword should fall on the LORD's House first, to purge the unrighteous who did infiltrate, so too should the Patriot Movement suffer a purge. The Resistance is approximately 99% all teeth, submerged into various Resistance Active Service Unit cells and lone-wolf activists who will act given sufficient opportunity once they feel that the time is to act. Benjamin Smith is a lone-wolf who jumped the gun and who went on a rage-fueled suicidal rampage with the result that he suffered "suicide by cop." Pvt. Furrows, on the other hand, is just another Manchurian Oswald, pressed into place as a provacateur for the pre-Y2K long, hot summer. Either way, the body of the Resistance is beyond regimeist detection, awaiting the Day of the Rope while sharpening their long knives. The open Resistance political/propaganda units are also beyond your reach, Khazarl. Openly scrapping the First Amendment to the Bill of Goods by engaging in censorship and religious oppression will just hasten open civil warfare which will rapidly escalate into using biological weaponry. This will mean the destruction of the social order and the end of the criminal regime. No, I imagine that myself and Resistance political operatives like me have at least another year or two of spreading sedition, most of which won't have to be wrapped in a political and religious cloak. An emotionally disturbed criminal regimeist like yourself will just have to live with it -- and rest assurred, I will gloat about it as well. What you have done, Khazarl, you and the other criminal regimeist militia generals like you, is to pull out all stops in your attempt to put pressure on the White rural militia people -- and your attempt failed. Screetching like a frustrated 'jew' from the ADL/SPLC and calling them mentally disturbed racists and openly getting into bed with the FBI certainly didn't win you or your fellow regimeist militia generals such as Jon Roland or the Michigan Militia Corps' deposed Van Huizen/Wayne anything other than pariah status. Let's see what your demented chaotic khazarian screetching has accomplished with the Gadsden Militia-Men, the one militia outfit which scored a propaganda victory against the NWO/ZOG's BATF police, capturing them on on video acting like "racist thugs." ================================= -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [cp] THE SPAWN OF CHRISTIAN IDENTITY: BUFORD O. FURROW Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1999 21:46:49 -0700 From: wolfeyes Reply-To: Organization: CWA To: Al Olson ,"" Carl F. Worden Liaison & Intelligence Officer Southern Oregon Militia wrote: Ladies & gentlemen: As many of you know, I have always taken a strong stand against the proliferation of anti-Semitic and racist rhetoric whenever I happen upon it. I do this because I understand and accept the fact that such rhetoric, coming to rest upon the ears of persons socially misfit enough act upon it, can and does lead to the reality of incidents such as that in Los Angeles where a man sprayed semi-automatic weapon fire on innocent children attending a community center -- for no better reason than they were the children of Jews. My God, what have we come to? The son-of-a-bitch who did it is one Buford O. Furrow, a known member of Aryan Nations and a vocal proponent of anti-Semitic rhetoric. Anyone observing Furrow's demeanor as he was led away in handcuffs could see that he felt fully justified and smug in the face of overwhelming rejection. The question we should be asking is this: "What kind of closed environment did Furrow exist in that would permit him to develop into the smiling monstrosity we saw being led away in chains?" He'd just shot up innocent little children, scarring them both physically and perhaps emotionally for life, and it appeared you'd have to remove his smile surgically to get it off his face. Does that disturb you? It sure as hell disturbs me, and it smacks of those 1940's photographs of smiling Nazi SS officers presiding over the executions of Jews. It also reminded me of that unanswered question: How could the German people have allowed the holocaust to happen? I think I know the answer, and I'm seeing the same phenomenon right here in America. I just unsubscribed myself from a tight little clique of characters called the "Kempgroup". This group is largely cosmopolitan in make-up, being neither ultra-right wing nor overtly socialist in nature, and with some members pressing the limits of the envelope from time to time in either direction. Having said that, they are a group overwhelmingly supportive of another person's right to voice or write his/her opinion unmolested by the likes of me, and that's where we came to a parting of the ways. You see, most of the members of the Kempgroup see my open rejection of a published anti-Semitic as being a form of censorship, which is patently absurd. I can't censor another person on the Internet -- it's not even possible -- but I can sure as hell exercise my own right to free speech by making the SOB feel unwelcome. That's where the Kempgroup found me, let us say ... unreasonable? I should respect another person's viewpoint, they said, apparently regardless of what that viewpoint is, and apparently without speaking my mind if I find that person's published rhetoric so repugnant that it might incite another to commit a violent act against a Jewish child. I suppose what appalled me most was the fact these otherwise normal -- and probably respectable -- people did not join me in condemning and rejecting an individual who had published written works that were rabidly and unapologetically anti-Semitic. According to them, that was his opinion, he was entitled to it, and I should shut up and not criticize him. So who was trying to censor who? He was a nice guy and a great American, they wrote to me, and they'd go "back-to-back" (I suppose in battle) with him anytime. He was also funny and possessed a great sense of humor, thus apparently awarding him additional Brownie points in their eyes. After watching those glowing interviews with neighbors of Buford O. Furrow, it occurred to me those neighbors could just as well have been discussing the same individual whose rhetoric I objected to. The last straw came when an emotional cripple named Charli in the Kempgroup tried to draw an analogy between my "rigid ideology" and the mother who abused and beat her as a child. Obviously, I was dealing with idiots, but they were nonetheless average idiots, and represented an interesting slice of America today. What we have now is a society so lacking in moral values and compass that they do not openly condemn people who publicly promote a racist or anti-Semitic agenda -- as any decent American human being normally would do. Shockingly, that includes some members of the Kempgroup who claim to be members of the American Militia! How anyone can defend the Constitution of these United States, and at the same time hold racist or anti-Semitic beliefs is beyond my comprehension, but somehow they manage it. If they are truly defenders of that American document, why don't they speak up in opposition against those who promote that which is diametrically opposed to what the Founding Fathers intended for this country? What, no guts maybe? They talk tough enough. Or is it as I suspect; that they are closet racists and anti-Semitics merely posing as defenders of our Constitution? I suspect the latter. The Militia Network, as well as a number of other areas on the Internet, is attracting more and more Christian Identity adherents who sometimes pose as Jewish scholars of Jewish history in order to deflect the ever-expected criticism that they are what they really are: Just angry white losers looking for a Jewish scapegoat to blame for their personal shortcomings. The Internet, and especially the Militia Network, has become a cesspool of unsubstantiated rumor, fear-mongering and Christian Identity-sponsored anti-Semitism that seems to be growing out of control, and it is my personal belief that not enough of the level-headed, truly patriotic Militia members among us are taking the time to let these losers know that they are just as much losers on the Internet as they are wearing sheets on the street. It's a whole lot easier to hit that delete key than it is to put these cretins in their place -- until you realize that just maybe a guy like Buford O. Furrow mistook that lack of negative response for agreement and acceptance of what those sick, lying bastards of Christian Identity have been promulgating about the Jewish people. Carl F. Worden Liaison & Intelligence Officer Southern Oregon Militia ------------------------------------- Pore Khazarl got on the KempGroup, and then when the inhabitants refused to gratify Khazarl and lynch one of their fellow Alabamans, namely Jim Floyd, Khazarl got all hot and bothered. These White people believe that fellow Whites should be allowed to speak or write whatever they please. Yet another White lady compared Khazarl to her domineering mother and Khazarl lost it. Khazarl spewed out the standard lies about the alien parasites known as 'jews' -- how they are the true Israelites and the real s[h]emites -- and how the Founding Fathers, most of them slave-owners who were against Ashkenaz-Gogsspawn immigration to America in the first place, somehow believed that White men ought to be pre-emptively censored in advance lest they harm an alien parasite. In short, White people are to be treated in their own country like the Palestinian Arabs are treated by Jews in their own country. Since this went over like a lead balloon, Khazarl shit all over the Kemplist, and immediately complained how yet another listserver, the Militia Network, has become infected with White Nationalism as well. All of which goes to show that the real militias out there, as opposed to those altogher pro-regimeist in nature, are gradually expelling Khazarl as an alien parasite. As to be expected, Khazarl doesn't like it much. The leader of the Gadsden Minute-Men, Mike Kemp, got wind of this somehow, and Kemp then sent back a response to both Khazarl and Red Mike Vanderboegh, a known informant for the Alabama Bureau of Investigation, the FBI, and Morris Dees' Southern Poverty Law Center. =============================== Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 22:50:35 -0400 (EDT) X-Sender: X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.2 (16) To: From: Mike Kemp ( Subject: Re: Mike Kemp Cc: You need to understand something, Carl. I'm not ashamed of what I do, nor who I am. My work and my words stand for themselves, and I have proven myself in word and deed for years. I am my own man, I associate and exchange views with whom I choose -- white, black, oriental, jew, muslim, warrior society, white nationalist, black nationalist, you name it. Since I am not remotely *normal*, I must and do respect the individual right of everyone, so long as they respect me and my God-given rights. I do not attempt to censor anyone, and those who do not attempt to censor me are welcome in my company. I will answer for me, and not per your judgement. I speak truth, and I attempt persuasion -- and I absolutely despise those attempt censorship. Everywhere you go you stir internal trouble, insult and denigrate everyone not of your narrow stripe-- a penultimate Mather-ite bluenose, a troublemaker and disrupter, and vastly ignorant of the Constitution and its underlying principles, to boot. So I want you to vent your spleen wherever you wish, poison the wells wherever you go. I don't need *acceptance,* rejection fazes me not at all, and I do not practice deception. I'm a big boy, and can look our for myself. However, you chose to obscenely and profanely attack some very nice ladies who happen to be friends of mine, not just associates, who never attempted to shut you up or interfere with you in any way. There are lots of folks of the *Southern mentality,* who do not take kindly to such a priori personal attacks on women. You have therefore made a serious mistake. Those absurd and self-revealing comments could well find their way into general circulation. That could prove most unfortunate. Carl, one of these days, you're going to find yourself awfully thirsty, and will find all the wells poisoned -- by your own hand. And, while mosquitos may be generally irritating, they are rarely fatal. Have a big ol' time. William Michael Kemp ============================== The above letter is Alabaman for Kemp's pissed. Generally the more polite these deep Southrons get the madder they are. Khazarl's "absurd and self-revealing comments" did indeed find their way into general circulation -- specifically to the pro-regimeist militia-general list called Patriot Informant's Mail List run by a character nicknamed Ed (-the-FiBbIe-Dog) Wolfe. (Ed-the-FiBbIe-Dog made the mistake of admitting on June 30, 1998 that he had deliberately shielded the identity of a government informant/agent provacateur. See: The message # on this latest PIML is 4155 and it can be accessed by going to the following URL: Thus this message, having made the rounds, probably cannot be taken back or purged from the message base of a regimeist WWW militia page such as The Vigo Examiner, (also known as The Greater Khazaristan Times&Tattler) any more than Khazarl's admission to being a cowardly child molester can be erased. See: "His Name Was Khazarl & He Was a Child Molester" at URL: Khazarl, like the other criminal regimeist informants and agents provacateur has just gone through what remains of the real militia movement. Alabamans are instinctively hostile to 'jew' agitators stirring things up. It gets even worse when these 'jew' agitators start threatening their fellow Whites with censorship for saying openly what at least 75% of native White Alabamans think. It is not as if there is any shortage of 'white racists' and unreconstructed Confedruts still running around wild in the Alabama countryside. Branding as 'racist' the members of the KempGroup who tried so scrupulously to be fair to both the arrogant 'jew' Khazarl while avoiding censoring a fellow Alabaman who was not even on the KempGroup list, shows that there simply is no pleasing a racist racial alien such as Khazarl, who did indeed foolishly poison that well of civil discourse. The lesson learned: The White Man can never, ever please a group of alien tribal parasites who insist upon being master in the White Man's Home. Part 1 of this series aims to show why and how the criminal regimeist militia-general informants and agents provacateur have alienated the natural White rural militia people, and thus handed political/propaganda victory to a Resistance largely composed of White Nationalists and Identity Christians. In Part 2 of this series is designed to show the genuine hatred, loathing and fear between the centralized criminal-regimeist militias which collaborate with the FBI and the Resistance Active Service Unit cells and lone-wolves which are waiting for an opportunity to execute them when Civil War Two heats up. --Martin Lindstedt Resistance Political Front August 18, 1999.
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