.September 22, 2003 Sheriff Ron Doerge
Newton County Jail
Neosho, Missouri 64844Re: Invitation for you to attend Granby City Council Meeting
at 7:00 p.m. Sept. 23, 2003 in an official capacity.Hello Ron Doerge:
I'm still laughing my head off at the last time we met, approximately 2:45 p.m. on January 21, 2003 when you extended a personal invitation to yell and scream at me before a private audience of four or five of your deputies concerning a speech before the Granby City Council of Jan. 14, 2003 that I wasn't allowed to give in any case. Not that I had intended to give such a speech anyway - but I must keep up appearances for my political audience and followers on the Internet. As was usual, and has become the norm, I was prevented from using my First Amendment to the CONstitution of the Bill of Goods to "petition the [d]ruling government (that's the council-critters) for a redress of grievances," i.e. firing their piglice chief for his role in having my grandchildren kidnapped by the Newton County Division of Family Services. The criminals on the Granby City Council act like superstitious savages, thinking of me as some sort of wizard putting a hex or mark of Cain upon them, and that if they can prevent me from preferring all of the criminal charges pertaining to their criminal actions performed under color of law, then the `spell' is broken and the curse is of no effect. Silly white chickens.
As I recollect, you screamed about portions of my little manifesto calling for the extermination of government officials and their families, Standard Operating Procedure for every revolution in its mopping-up aftermath. I showed how extermination of the ancient regime was Biblical and practiced upon King Saul and King Ahab and their families, and how it is both wise and legitimate to deal harshly with traitors and parasites. Of course, as the enforcement arm for the ancient regime, you complained about how history and justice are harsh upon the `innocent' minions of destroyed mighty Evil Empires, and twice threatened to have me arrested for writing about specific incidents of misconduct of two of `your' deputies. Since you seemed all red-faced and irrational, I simply pointed out that I have a history of litigation against your sheriff's department which the federal courts have covered up and prevented me from joindering you as a defendant. You are an experienced regime- enforcement officer, you sensed that I would be far more difficult to handle than the brother of meth-cooker that you and your deputies stomped to death back in 2000, and in any case, you had to turn the murdered meth-cooker's brother loose after a week anyway. After four or five minutes I got tired of the clumsy way you were trying to twist my words into some sort of justification for you to arrest me and terminated the inquisition. You called me "crazy" and I called you "evil." You looked very old, as if there is a picture of Ron Doerge which is young, but your face is stained by all your evil-doing. I hear tell that you will retire and will not be running for re-[s]election next year. Bill Pierce should have been so smart.
On September 9, 2003, I went before the Granby City Council to complain about one of their police officers wanting to make a false accusation of trespassing at my grandchildrens' home across the street from me. I also wanted to inquire about why there had been no special election for municipal judge given that the incumbent who defeated me in last April's election for that office had been shipped over to Iraq with the 203rd Engineer cannon & depleted uranium fodder Battalion in May to join the Zionist Occupation Forces there battling them A-rabs ungrateful for their `liberation.' I sat in on one of these illegal municipal kort sessions in July and saw that they had appointed a lawyer, Anne Wells, to screw the white trash with bogus tickets. Steve White and his police had deliberately wound down tickets to ten or fifteen per month because neither the municipal judge nor most of his police would be there to prosecute or testilie for them in Iraq. Why was there not held a special [s]election given that it would be me running as a candidate? Were they afraid that I would win the election as the only candidate running?
I have a copy of a videotape on CD-ROM in Windows *.mpg1 format, playable by any Pentium computer running Windows95 and above which shows what happened. The 12 and a half [minute] video shows that I set aside my Internet speech and focused on the specifics of their corruption. The first 4.5 minutes is other business, and I went about speaking about my threatened false arrest until the nine-minute mark, when, as probably arranged before, the City of Granby police chief got up and falsely accused me of using profanity. I asked him where and when and he evaded giving specificity to his false accusation. He prompted the city council to claim that I was "disturbing the peace," mentioned some un-named city ordinance that he claimed that I violated, and with three of his subordinates, Granby police, including one of your part- time deputies named Kevin Stevenson, threatened me with arrest if I did not leave.
First of all, this is a criminal violation of my First Amendment `rights.' I could have used as much profanity as I pleased as long as some progress was made in my political speech complaining about civic corruption on the part of a municipal corporation. However, listening to the video, one finds that there was no profanity used at all, and what happened was a criminal conspiracy to violate my political rights to address a corrupt government. Four Granby police officers were party to making a false accusation and then threatening to use physical force, a malicious act of deliberate government-sponsored terrorism, to force me to stop speaking. The Granby city council endorsed this act of fraud and terrorism and are as guilty as their police officers who made these false accusations and committed these acts of terrorism and treason.
Any police officer making a false accusation and then using force or the threat of force is a liar, a criminal and a terrorist. They should be relieved from duty given proof of their misconduct and sent to prison amongst the population of prisoners that they sent to prison. In fact, everyone and anyone sent to prison or made to pay a fine should be released and made whole. Of course, this is not the reason that there are policemen like them and like yourself, Ron Doerge. Your job is to destroy Resistance to the regime by lying and imprisoning and murdering political opponents of the current regime at all levels, from the towns like Granby, to the counties like Newton, to the State of Missouri all the way up to the Federal regime and their international masters. Your problem with myself back on January 21, 2003 was over my saying what the survivors of the Tribulation ahead must do with any and all surviving criminal regimeists and their families after the great die- off.
The next day, I attended the Granby municipal court. I filed a letter explaining how that municipal court was an illegal court absent all legitimate jurisdiction under of Missouri Revised Statutes (RSMo) 479.230. From my FBI complaint of Sept. 11, 2003:
[ 1. This attorney lacks jurisdiction to try cases as both she and this municipality are in violation of Missouri Revised Statutes (RSMo) 479.230. Municipal Courts and Traffic Courts, Section 479.230, Absence of judge, procedure. 479.230.This is criminal behavior and state sponsored terrorism as well. This is making up a secret illegal tribunal. This is treason.1. If a municipal judge be absent, sick or disqualified from acting, the mayor or chairman of the board of trustees may request the presiding judge of the circuit court to designate a special municipal judge as provided in subsection 2 of this section or the mayor or chairman may designate some competent, eligible person to act as municipal judge until such absence or disqualification shall cease; provided, however, that should a vacancy occur in the office of an elected municipal judge more than six months before a general municipal election, then a special election shall be held to fill such vacancy; and in case of vacancy in the office of an elected municipal judge within less than six months of a general municipal election, the office may be filled by a competent, eligible person designated by the mayor or chairman of the board of trustees or as provided in subsection 2 of this section.
2. The presiding judge of the circuit court may appoint any other municipal judge within the circuit to act as a special municipal judge for a municipal judge of the circuit who is absent, sick or disqualified from acting. The presiding judge shall act only upon request of the mayor or chairman of the board of trustees for a special municipal judge.
http://www.moga.state.mo.us/statutes/C400-499/4790230.HTMUnder a reading of this statute, the present appointee, Attorney Anne Wells, has no jurisdiction to act as a municipal judge. The next general municipal election is held in April, which is seven months away. Therefore, lacking jurisdiction, any cases heard tonight would be null and void. This Petitioner has seen Anne Wells presiding over municipal court on the second Wednesday of July, 2003, and these cases should be rendered null and void as well.
This attorney, Anne Wells, refused to read this letter pointing out her lack of jurisdiction before proceeding. In fact, she illegally threatened to have me arrested for even staying in a public building to observe the activities. I pointed out that this was a violation of the "open courts" rule of both constitutional, statutory, and rule of court law, and she said, "This is my courtroom and I can do anything I want to in it." I said that her behavior was criminal but asked if I could stay if I said nothing. She said I could not. I asked if I could stay and assist my ex- son-in-law with his hearing. She said that I could not. I asked if I would be placed under arrest if I did not leave, and she said that I would be.
These matters are what I am bringing up on September 23, 2003 at the 7:30 meeting at City Hall. I am on the agenda. I shall speak from a short list of these matters, not deviating from the written speech.
Your duty as "chief law enforcement official for this county" is to investigate this matter. If you find out that Granby police officers made false accusations in order to justify a false arrest or threat of false arrest, it is your duty to arrest and charge these police officers with criminal offenses. You also have a duty to shut down illegal municipal courts feigning jurisdiction that they do not have and see to it that the victims of these illegal courts are made whole. You also have a duty to see that a repeat of the disgraceful events caught on videotape on Sept. 9, 2003 do not happen again on Sept. 22, [23] 2003.
I don't think that you will do your duty in this matter. You have consistently in the entire time I have dealt with you been a friend of the criminal regime and the criminals in charge that pay you and give you power, and no friend of the People or of legitimate law.
Since 1994, I have been outspoken in my belief that this regime must be overthrown and the criminal regimeists exterminated root and branch. I really welcome this misbehavior by the Granby regime and yourself and the Newton County, state and federal authorities because it makes revolution inevitable. There is no peaceful solution but rather a policy of extermination must be carried out by both sides until there is nothing left to enforce one man's will upon another. That means accepting the fact that over 90% of the population will be destroyed and making sure that the surviving five percent is composed of your own kind, and taking whatever steps are necessary to ensure this favorable reality.
I have my grandchildren at home. I am not scared for my own life. My duty is to catch the regime in such compromising positions so that none of us will be able to live in peace because of the bitterness and hatred engendered. I love the fact that nobody trusts the government and hate and fear police. I have done absolutely everything by the book in my dealing with you and Granby and the rest of the regimeists. I think I have proven that you and your kind do evil because you and your kind are inherently evil, the literal spawn of Satan, and that there can be no `re-education' process possible, but rather only a eugenical one of extermination, root and branch. There can be nothing aught corruption from a corrupt tree. There can be no flour derived from tares. That is why a "Great Tribulation" is predictable, although Revelations helps.
Remember how you said to me that the mark of an evil man was his commission of evil? Remember how you applied that label back in 1994 to ex-Granby Police Chief Rick Thexton? Yet when I see Thexton nowadays, he seems to be a beaten gray-colored man. Evil did not sit on himself as well as it did with your deputy Larry Tarrant or yourself, Ron Doerge. I am still gloating about how so very old you looked last Jan. 21st. Is evil paying you as well as what it promised when you sold yourself to enforcing and performing evil?
I am enclosing for your delectation a CD-ROM for your perusal in which you can see the truth if you care. Maybe you will get "lucky" and I'll be murdered by the Granby police department, although Granby police chief Bushears seems to me to be nothing more than a cowardly Chandler. Or maybe I'll spend another night or two in your jail for some trumped up charge. Whereas, if you show up at the Granby City Council meeting on Tuesday night, I can deliver my indictment in peace and leave things in their status quo pre- Revolutionary state, sufficient unto that day the evil thereof.
Lawfully Submitted,
Martin `Mad Dog' Lindstedt
Republican Candidate for Governor -- 2004
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