Is it Race or Religion which makes for a Jew?
.Para A commonplace phrase that the Christians have asked about Jews is whether they are a race or whether they are a religion. With the advent on the Internet age, the enemies of the Jews, whether they be Arabic Muslim (Those who claim descent from Ishmael) or Christian ‘Identity’ (The federal regime’s term for those of Northern and Western European descent who claim descent from the lost sheep of the House of Israel), have spread texts by Jews such as Arthur Koestler for his definitive work "The Thirteenth Tribe" (1) and "Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years" by Professor Israel Shahak (and with an introduction by Gore Vidal, no less). The murderous rampages of the Russian Revolution in which Jews such as Marx, Lenin, Trotsky took part in exterminating the Nordic nobility of the Romanovs have been evaluated by Dr. Lothrup Stoddard. (2) Knowledge of the Bolshevik ‘Holocaust’ against tens of millions of Eastern Slavs such as the
______________________________ 1 Dr. Arthur Koestler was a high State Department official of the FDR administration who wrote quite a few novels and learned papers. In 1976 Random House published "The Thirteenth Tribe" in which Koestler raised the issue that over 90% of Jewry which calls itself "Ashkenazi" was in fact descended from the Turkic-Mongollian peoples from Siberia known to history as the Khazars, who converted to Judism in the 8th and 9th centuries A.D. Since then, it has been a popularly quoted classic by both Arabs (The entire text of which is posted on the Internet on the Radio Islam WWW page at http://www.abbc.com/koestler/index.htm ) and a paperback copy of which is sold at Christian Israelite (Identity) meetings at cost. Unfortunately for Koestler, after much controversy from the Jewish community wishing to claim to be of Israelite descent, Koestler and his wife were found dead in their garage less than two years later, supposedly suicides. --------------------- 2 In his 1922 Classic, "The Revolt Against Civilization" which can be found in its entirety on my WWW page, http://www2.mo-net.com/~mlindste/revltciv.html , Dr. Lothrup Stoddard made the point that most of the Bolsheviks were Jews. Many Jews promptly adopted revolutionary ideas and soon acquired great influence in the revolutionary movement. For this there were several reasons. In the first place, the Jewish mind, instinctively analytical, and sharpened by the dialectic subtleties of the Talmud, takes naturally to dissective criticism. Again, the Jews, feeling themselves more or less apart from the nations in which they live, tended to welcome the distinctly international spirit of social revolutionary doctrines. Lastly, the Jewish intellectuals, with their quick, clever intelligence, made excellent revolutionary leaders and could look forward to attaining high posts in the "officers' corps" of the armies of revolt. For all these reasons, then, Jews have played an important part in all social revolutionary movements, from the time of Marx and Engels down to the largely Jewish Bolshevist regime in Soviet Russia to-day. Ibid., pages 151-152.
Russians, Ukrainians, Byleorussians, and the kulak peasantry influenced not only National Socialist Germany, but has most certainly begun to permeate into the consciousness of both the Arab and White Christian world to the point where Jews and their political allies in the West are hysterically demanding that the First Amendment protections of the USA be done away with, and that "Holocaust denial [Jewish version]" be made into a criminal offense. Thus by repression upon the non-Jewish native European peoples by regimes commonly thought to be in the pay of international Jew central- bankers and tycoons, the Jews are causing the entire world to view this new religion of Holocaustism which is being imposed as a Politically Correct dogma which cannot be openly questioned into a skepticism which has flourished underground and upon the Internet.Para Now the purpose of this paper is not to inquire into whether Jews are a specific race. Not when the vast majority are Ashkenazi ‘Jews’ acknowledged to be descended from Khazars who were converted by order of their Kagans (Kings or Cohens) in the 8th Century. While the Sephardim Jews can plausibly claim some Israelite blood, as can Ethiopian Jews from Solomon’s dalliance with the Queen of Sheba, it is understood that the history of the Khazars as well as Genesis 10:3 in which Ashkenaz is the eldest son of Gomer and by lineage the eldest son of Japheth, Shem’s brother, proves that the vast majority of Jews are not of s[h]emitic or Hebrew or Israelite descent. Thus, if Jews are a race, they are a race of Turkic-Mongollian Asiatics, most closely related to the Huns, Magyars, Seljuk Turks, Tatars, and Mongollians.
Para So the question comes up as to what makes a ‘Jew’ is religion. Yet the diverse Jews, such as the Falashas, recognize not the significance of the Talmud, which the majority of Jews, both Sephardic and Ashkenazi, obey under the guidance of rabbis. The Khazar ‘Jews’ as converts, suffered the greatest incidence of the Karaite heresy, which stated that Jews were bound only by the Torah, the five books of the Pentateuch.
The textbook for this class, "Religions of the World" by Hopfe, 7th Edition, page 276, says that ". . . The Karaite Heresy challenged Talmudic authority and drained the energies of the [Jewish] community." Thus the question as to that which makes up a Jew would seem to me to hinge upon the history of the Talmud, and why it makes up the centerpiece of that which is deemed by the Jews themselves to make up a Jew, since bringing up the racial issue reveals that most Jews are of Khazar origin.Para The problem with a "Gentile" (from ‘Gentilis’ or "One who is not a Roman citizen") finding out about the Talmud from the Jews can be daunting. The English version of the Talmud, the Soncino edition, according to Michael Hoffman (3) states:
DEATH PENALTY: TheTalmud has the unique distinction of being one of the few books in the world that carries the death penalty if studied by non-Jews. This is stated in Sanhedrin 59a. Soncino edition Talmud p. 400. A footnote to this passage (#3) states that the rabbis feared that if Gentiles had knowledge of the Talmud they would use it against the Jews in courts of law. The footnote also states that the death penalty for studying the Talmud was specifically intended for Christians because the 'possession of the Oral Law (Talmud) was held to be the distinguishing mark of the Jews."Para Hoffman may well have a point: It was some readings of the Talmud which supposedly got Martin Luther to write his tract "The Jews and Their Lies" (4) However, some of it may be natural racial and religious enmity as what happened several years ago in my contact with a certain Jew who wished to preach reconciliation between Christian Israelite and Khazar Jew. Upon bringing up the inconsistency of Christian Israelites obeying the Christian Old and New Testaments and Khazar Jews obeying their Talmud, the exchange between us both got decidedly hostile, with this Khazar Jew calling me an "Amelekite" although a posting or two earlier I had been a "brother Manassehite." While it is recognized that this particular Jew could certainly understand quite a bit concerning Christian Israelite doxology, and, if any Jew could, reconcile it with Khazar Jew Talmudism, this particular Jew found it literally impossible. (5) However, I found it
______________________________ (3) Michael Hoffman is a Holocaust revisionist whose recent book, "Judaism’s Strange Gods" delves into the Talmud and Kabbalah is pretty well known and quoted by both Arabs and Christian Israelites and advertised on his WWW page, http://www.hoffman-info.com/ . However, I don’t quote from Hoffman’s book because I wished to do some original research, plus there is the fact that Hoffman and I have tangled over the past couple of years concerning Resistance political and military tactics, so that Hoffman probably wouldn’t sell me a book in any case. cf: http://www2.mo-net.com/~mlindste/hfmnbegs.html and http://www2.mo-net.com/~mlindste/mmgaz3.html#3mmig09 . ------------------- (4) Which can be read at: http://www.melvig.org/files/luther.html . ------------------- (5) This particular Khazar Jew is named Yair Davidy, who, according to various CI sources, is a former member of the WorldWide Church of God, and the offspring of a Gentile father and Khazar Jew mother. Yair Davidy is trying to peddle his beliefs to the ancient British Israelite section of the Covenant doxology of the Christian Israelite belief, and finding few takers. Especially with the Dual-Seedliners. His WWW page is http://www.nazarene.net/brit-am/ and email address is britam@netvision.net.il . However, it is interesting to find that the term "Amalekite" refers to a true s[h]emitic Peoples whom all Jews, even the non-s[h]emitic Khazar ones, have a license to commit genocide upon, according to another Khazar Jew I have tangled with, c.f. Claim #21, Response #2, http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Cyprus/8815/exp.html which would tend to imply that all that prevents any non-Jew from murder by Jews is for that non-Jew to first be called an "Amalekite." This implies that regarding gaining my twenty points for quoting a Jew source I have the option of blowing off the 20 points because of my Christian Israelite history or pretending to be a Jew via Internet anonyminity. Not that it matters because I am auditing this ‘World Religions’ class in any case.
impossible to con this particular Jew into assisting me in this paper, although I did willingly enough trash out yet another Jew whom this Jew considered to be a mamzer, i.e., misceginated bastard.Para Therefore, I chose to use as a primary source "Understanding The Talmud" by Dr. Earnest R. Trattnor, copyright 1955, 1978 by Greenwood Press that I found at the Missouri Southern State College Library. It had pretty much the same stuff that other histories of the Talmud have, but was originally published in 1955 before ‘Holohoax mania’ and ‘Shoah Bizness’ and its attendant revisionism added their din to the racket and serious scholarship was possible.
Beginnings of Talmud originate in "Oral Law" at the Babylonian Captivity.
"The Talmud is the Oral Law of Judaism reduced to written form. . . . To begin with, one ought always to draw a distinction between Judaism and the Hebrew religion. They are not the same. The Hebrew religion constitutes the faith and the practice of the Jewish people of the Biblical age whereas Judaism is the faith and practice of the Jewish people in the ages known as "post-Biblical." It was the Oral Law, perhaps more than any other factor, which created the difference. And that is why the Jews placed the Talmud on a basis equal to the Bible." (6)Para The Jews which were carried into the Babylonian Captivity in BCE 586 were referred to as "the Remnant" of all but the Judeans, Levites and Benjamites who were safely within the confines of Jerusalem when the Assyrians captured the rest of Israel in 721 BC. By this time, much of that which remained Judea was a cosmopolitan people with much
------------------- (6) "Understanding the Talmud," Dr. Earnest R. Trattnor, copyright 1955, 1978 by Greenwood Press, Foreword, page v.
Samaritan (Cuthean) and Canaanite intermixed within them, so that it was noticed that the racial facial features, "the shew of their countenance doth witness against them." Isaiah 3:9. Of course, one of the princes of the Judeans was from the very first a half-Canaanite named Shelah, who survived the fate shared by his brothers Er and Onan of being killed by YHWH. Genesis 38:1-11. Thus the Judeans shared, except for those descended from Pharez and Zerah, the curse given unto Canaan (Genesis 9:25) that Esau/Edom, the brother of Jacob/Israel incurred by marrying Canaanite wives. Genesis 26:34-35. Even in the time of King David, Jerusalem was a racially mixed capitol city in which Hittites and other Canaanites were allowed not only to live, but in which they attained high position and were allowed to intermarry, such as Uriah the Hittite, whose Israelite wife David stole. David had also made alliances with the Philistines back in the days when he was an outlaw fleeing from Saul. Thus this tolerance of non-Israelite peoples may well have been a trait which helped separate the Judeans from the rest of the tribes of Israel. Part of the reproach against the Israelite King Ahab by the Prophets and Commons of the Israelite nation of ten tribes was that Ahab had a Canaanite queen named Jezebel, the daughter of the King of Sidon. This trait of allowing non-Israelite interlopers to live amongst the Judeans may well have been part of the conflict between Judean and Israelite. After the removal of the ten Israelite tribes and the rural areas of Judea by the Babylonians, cosmopolitan Jerusalem probably had nothing except a few nagging prophets to occasionally warn about the perils of letting themselves become interbred with their racial enemies, any more than our modern District of Corruption has an interest in maintaining racial separation other than keeping the 95% black inhabitants from openly robbing and raping White politicians and bureaucrats living within the Federal District.Para So upon being removed by the Neo-Babylonian Empire, which like most empires throughout history had a cosmopolitan capitol city or heartland into which captive peoples were resettled into, these Judeans found themselves with no sovereign government in which their rulers were of their own race and with no lands and property upon which to settle themselves. Doubtless families were broken apart. Young Judean men were doubtless encouraged to become Babylonians and discouraged from marriage
to Judean slave girls, so as to become a "New Babylonian Man." The most talented and brilliant of Judean youths -- those with the qualities of being without blemish, well-favored, skilful in all wisdom, cunning in knowledge, understanding science, with the ability to present themselves well in the king’s palace, and, intelligent enough to learn the lore and specialized tongue of the Chaldeans as described in Daniel 1:4, would be taken by Nebuchadnezzar himself for his own service, and not for the service of the captive subjugated peoples to rebuild themselves as a sovereign nation.ParaThis imperial policy of enslavement and dispersion have worked well for quite a few empires in their prime. There was no reason to expect that it wouldn’t work as well against the Judeans. However, it was their religion which kept them alive as a people and the fact that their captivity lasted for less than 50 years, because in 538 BCE, Cyrus, King of the Medes and the Persians conquered Babylon and keeping with the practice of Aryan empires, allowed the Judeans religious freedom and the option of returning to their homeland in Palestine.
Para Two generations of captivity had a number of side effects upon the Judeans. It galvanized some of them to transform the Torah from an oral tradition held by the Levites into written Scripture, as witness Nehemiah reading from one of the Books of Moses. ( Nehemiah 13:1 in which it is revealed that those of Ammonite or Moabite descent cannot enter the congregation of YHWH forever.) A number of the prophets lived during this period of just before, during, and slightly after the Captivity, and these prophets were literate men, or had access to scribes to put down their words. The Dead Sea Scrolls were writings which were taken down of the prophets well before they were buried in 70 A.D.
ParaHowever, one of the side effects must have been that Chaldean influences from the time of Nimrod, Babylon’s founder, must have crept into the Judeans. These Chaldean influences could have been not only in terms of bloodlines, but also religious teachings as well.
ParaFor example, take the Book of Esther which is in the Protestant Holy Bible which was not admitted until the First Century A.D., well after most of the Old Testament had been settled by both Christians and Jews. The Babylonians believed in a high God named Marduk and his queen, Ishtar. In fact, there is much evidence that the Book of
Esther mere apocryphia, in which the Babylonian cousinly deities Marduk/Mordechai and Ishtar/Esther triumph over the Persian gods Haman, Haman’s wife Zeresh/Kirisha, and Vashti. The early Christian church, until Jerome’s Vulgate Bible, considered it mere apocryphia. (7)Para So it is acknowledged that most of the Scripture of the Holy Bible recognized as such by both Jew and Christian was largely settled starting with the Babylonian Captivity and proceeding until shortly before Christ’s birth in the First Century (BC and AD). Yet it is matters which pertain to the Jews, such as the Book of Esther and the "Oral Law" of the Talmud, its Mischna portion, which were not written down until after A.D. 70, and the Roman sack of Jerusalem.
Para In addition to the Kings of the Judeans being eliminated, the Levitical priesthood without having an actual temple to perform their Levitical duties enumerated by the Written Law of Moses, most likely began to languish and die out. It is known that even in the time of Nehemiah, who rebuilt the defensive walls of Jerusalem relatively soon after the Jews were allowed to return, had to deal with chasing the racial enemies of the Judean returnees from the very family of the sacred High Priest. One of the sons of Joiada, the son of Eliashib the Hgh Priest, was son-in-law to Sanballat the Horite, the enemy of the Judeans. Nehemiah asked YHWH to curse these infiltrators who had defiled the priesthood, the covenant of the priesthood, and the Levites. Nehemiah 13:28-29.
Para Since the Saducees had the Written Law of Moses to tell them how to perform the religious rites that only the Levites and those descended from Aaron, Moses’ brother, were supposed to perform, there was no need for an "Oral Law" practiced by laymen posing themselves as scholars and ‘rabbis.’ In fact, doing so was expressly forbidden by the relatively straightforward Written Law of Moses. One of the Five Books of Moses, specifically dealt with the religious duties of the Levites and only the Levites. Yet we see that the Saducees didn’t have the power, nor the inclination, to prevent the Pharisees from
------------------- (7) These facts were taken from the American Institute of Theology Bible Study Course, Chapter 94, which is the approved reference of Bertrand Comparet, who was the main founding father of the Dual-Seedline doxology of Christian Israelitism.
usurping the Written Law of Moses with their "Oral Law" which eventually became the Mischna, the earliest portion of the Talmud. Can it be that this ‘Oral Law’ claiming to be a fulfillment of the Torah or Written Law was not written down along with Hebrew Scripture for the very excellent reason that it was championed by Pharisees who would have been seen by the rank-and-file Judeans as usurping the function of the Levites and the Written Law of Moses, and thus YHWH the Almighty God himself? The fact that this Oral Law of the Pharisees was not written down until the Rabbi Jochanan ben Zakkai reorganized Judaism in the seacoast town of Jamnia after the Saducees, the temple, and their religious functions had been destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. Since it was Pharisaic Judaism which survived, it is the usurping Talmud as rabbinic literature which is the surviving legacy of Babylon as opposed to that which Moses brought down from Sinai.(8)Para Long before the Temple and the Saducees were destroyed, the Pharisees were in the ascent. Ezra returned to Jerusalem with 42,360 Judeans to try to rebuild not a synagogue devoted to the worship of Pharisee learning, but rather to try to rebuild the Temple for the Levites to perform with the permission of King Cyrus. It is unknown how many of the people who returned were not of Judean blood but rather internal parasites following along, like a tapeworm, with their meal tickets. Unlike the Exodus of Egypt, this mixed multitude of "the Remnant" would not have the benefit of 40 years wandering in the wilderness for YHWH to sort out the parasitic and defective. Exodus 12:38. This time there was an alien "Oral Tradition" and non-Levite false teachers intent upon supplanting the Judeans as a race and a religion amongst them like a cancer. This is why the genuine Judeans took great care to remember their genealogies and their pedigree, both racial and religious. This is why Jesus Christ had a most impressive pedigree both religious and secular -- it distinguished Christ from them that claimed to be ‘Jews’ -- but were not! Revelation 2:9.
Para Ezra is credited with setting up a secular/religious Great Assembly, akin to a Congress or Parliament in which there was a "House of Lords" and a "House of Commons."
------------------- (8) "Understanding The Talmud" Chapter One, Introduction -- Beginnings of the Talmud, pages 4-5
After a while, with the passage of time with the tumult of the Grecian conquest, this Great Assembly was replaced by the Sanhedrin in which the Levites/Saducees were the upper chamber and in which the middle-class scribes and Pharisees were the lower chamber. Just as in the English Parliament, it was this lower chamber which had the most power, with the upper chamber being reduced to the figurehead roles of advice, consultation, and perhaps a veto power. However, it was the natural religious aristocracy of the Levites which were being replaced, and by this alien Babylonian cadre who were keepers of a supplanting ‘Oral Law’ which was far more complicated than the ‘Written Law’ of civil codes given to the genuine Israelites of the Tribe of Judah by Moses. This alien Babylonian cadre was known in history by the term "Pharisee."
"The History of the Talmud rightly begins with the Men of the Great Assembly; the Talmud is their offspring, being the literature which records the interpretations, changes, and the modifications which they set in motion whereby the religion of the Jewish people underwent profound alteration. . . . These scribes were essentially men of the synagogue. It is they who developed the synagogue as the institution of the laity as opposed to the one great central temple which the priests regarded as their monopoly. And while it is true that the Babylonians had called the synagogue into existence, it was the Men of the Great Assembly who fostered it and made it the home of those progressive oral traditions which came to be known as the 'Oral Law.'" (9)
Para There was much tension between the Saducees and the Pharisees. Eventually this tension would spill out into violence. During the wars of the Jews versus the Romans around A.D. 70 mentioned by Josephus, there were three factions of Jews within Jerusalem who fought and murdered each other within the besieged city of Jerusalem while the Roman siege forces were without. The hoarded supplies of grain were deliberately set on fire as a power ploy by these factions. One faction was that of the Saducees and at least one faction was headed up by the Pharisees. Josephus ventured to
------------------- (9) "Understanding The Talmud" Chapter One, Introduction -- Beginnings of the Talmud, pages 4-5. As a footnote, the author notes that "In the Gospels the Oral Law is referred to as the ‘tradition of the elders,’" and the New Testament scriptures of Matthew 15:2, and Mark 7:3-5. These scriptures lead to Christ rebuking them (the scribes and Pharisees) for transgression against the specific commandments of YHWH in favor for their self-made self-serving unwritten spurious legislation.
"affirm that the sedition destroyed the city, and the Romans destroyed the sedition, which it was a much harder thing to do than to destroy the walls." (10) Thus it is shown that this political and religious conflict between the Babylonian Talmudite Pharisees and the Levitical priesthood eventually ended in the extinction of the remnant Judeans who had kept the "Written Law" of the Pentateuch largely intact and the operating as closely as possible to the ‘original intent’ of Moses, the Lawgiver and of YHWH and Christ who had created the original covenant with a now scattered and largely extinct Tribe of Judah.Para It should also be noted that the usurpations upon the actual written law by the Babylonian scribes and Pharisees with their oral traditions seemingly exacerbated racial tensions between rural and small-town Galilleans and the Pharisees of the synagogue. The majority of Christ’s twelve apostles were from Galilee. The area of Galilee in turn was regarded with suspicion by the Jerusalem with a popular saying attributed to it, "Can any good thing come out of Galilee or of Nazareth?" John 1:46. However, Jesus in turn acknowledged that there was indeed racial differences even at that time between the Babylonian ‘Jews,’ and the Edomite/Idumean ‘Jews’ and those who were Judeans descended from the House of Israel. (Judas Iscariot was an Edomite/Idumean ‘Jew.’) Upon hearing the raillery directed by Nathaniel concerning small-town Judeans of Galilean descent, Jesus responded concerning, "Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile." And, notice, that Nathaniel acknowledged that Jesus was not only the Son of God but rather King of Israel, not of the Jews. John 1:45-51. Thus by the time of Jesus there was recognition not only that there were religious differences between Judean and ‘Jews’ but racial differences as well which were clearly known and defined by racial Judean and the Babylonian, Edomite, and Canaanite ‘Jews.’
Para Thus we see in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John the racial, political, and religious struggle between Christ, his Judean followers, and the Written Law of Moses versus the Babylonian Pharisee, the ‘Jews,’ and the "Oral Law" which became the Talmud. These conflicts, miniature jihads, were the defining feature of the struggle between early Christianity and Talmudic Judaism. Of the early Christians, the only
------------------- (10) Flavius Josephus, "The Wars of the Jews" Book V, Verse 1.
follower of any Talmudic distinction was Paul, a Benjamite, who converted to Christianity on the road to Damascus, where Paul was engaged in hunting down and killing the Judean Christians. Paul was a student of Gamaliel I, at whose feet Paul had studied the Written Law of Moses and the Oral Law of Babylon. It was Gamaliel II, Gamaliel I’s grandson, who was chosen as Rabbi Jochanan ben Zakkai’s successor, and was given the official title of "Patriarch." (11)
"Immediately upon assuming his official duties Gamaliel II turned his attention to the problem of achieving for Judaism: (1) a greater central authority, and (2) a more precise definition of the religio-legal rules of Judaism especially now that the Jewish people had to get along without a Temple, a priesthood, and a National State of their own." (12).
Para The Judeans had been exterminated and enslaved by the Romans. They no longer were a discernible racial and religious People. The Temple and its Levitical priesthood, already ailing, was destroyed. That which was left were a people known as ‘Jews’ with their Oral Law, and their Pharasaic rabbis whom the Romans viewed as no threat to their Empire whatsoever, because the Romans tolerantly extended to these Babylonian Jews and their proto-Talmud privileges which were not extended to the genuine Judeans and their racial religion. Upon the complete destruction of Judea as a race and nationality, the Temple, and the Law of Moses as originally obeyed, the Jews and their Talmud systematically supplanted the name and the identity and religious beliefs of the real Judeans.
______________________ (11) "Understanding The Talmud" Chapter One, Introduction -- Beginnings of the Talmud, page 7. ------------------- (12) Ibid. page 7.
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