The Resistance Political Front -- Purpose and Organization
War is regarded as nothing but the continuation of politics by other means.
Karl Von Clausewitz (1780–1831), Prussian soldier, strategist. On War, Preface (1832)
Since war is the continuation of a political struggle, then it follows that war is initiated, by accident or design, by political processes. Since that is the case, then it is far better to be on the side which initiates the next phase of this current civil war by careful planning, as opposed to mere mindless reaction. As always, if one would win a war, then it is necessary to know the causes for the struggle, what one wants from the war, and lay down a strategy on how to accomplish those goals. This purposeful activity laying the philosophical and propagandistic foundations of the Resistance is the task of the open element of the Resistance -- the Political Front.
Qualities of a Resistance Political Front Operative
Effective political warfare requires the most intelligent and morally courageous elements of the Resistance. The duties of a Political Front operative requires far more than a mindless reaction to events or the mere destruction of a decayed social order. The effective Political Front operator is a man of vision, a philosopher, a thinker -- and a man of action. Such men are hard to find in a society in decline. However, the fact that Amerika is definitely in decline means that the best elements of the social order, those who are able to think and have refused to defile themselves with the pleasures of power for as long as it lasts, are attracted towards the Resistance. The sides by now have largely been taken among the top five percent mentally of the social order, and the keenest of moral intellects by now not only know that continuation of the failed policies of the past mean absolute destruction, but have begun to quietly prepare for what is to come. The most moral, intelligent, and patriotic of those elements have in some cases stepped forward to sound the alarm, and now unearthed, know they cannot go back to ground. They must fight hard and win absolutely; else they will die unmourned for a defeated moral cause.
Duties of a Resistance Political Front (RPF) Operator
As a Leader of the Political Front. The Political Front exists to interact between the Resistance Active Service Unit (RASU) cells and the rest of middle society. It always brings forth its own interpretation of information designed to advance the cause of the Resistance and acts to counter the misinformation brought forward by the regime and its mass-media lackeys. It never compromises or gainsays the actions of Resistance fighters.
For example, in the days of the open public militia movement, it was a commonplace for the Public Relations, Communications Officers, or Public Information Officers of the various militia groups to always fall over themselves to say that Timothy McVeigh was not a militia member, that the militias were not racist, or that some of the more ‘extreme’ elements of another militia group "were on their own as far as they were concerned." Such moral cowardice in running for the PR hills got its full reward in the fact that the mass media portrayed the militia movement as a bunch of racist separatist mad-bombers in any case. Never used was the opportunity to bring forward the fact that the criminal regime bombed its own building and killed government workers and their children due to the known diversion set in place by Timothy McVeigh’s truck bomb. By their defensive proclamations that they were ‘not racist’ the militias indulged themselves in trying to disprove a negative rather than bring forth the attack that the current criminal regime uses middle-class white suburbanites as nothing more than as cash-cows for its own racial preferences. Once it became known that the militia movement would allow without anything more than whining the abuse by the criminal regime’s law-enforcement mechanisms against select individuals and units, such as the Montana Freemen or the Republic of Texas, then further government misconduct became inevitable, even though the cowardly police criminals still looked anxiously over their narrow shoulders. Now it is known that there is no such thing as militia solidarity and the age of the underground Resistance and its forthcoming policies of total civil warfare became inevitable. As the open militias permitted themselves to lose the propaganda war against their professed enemies, they are now largely extinct, and rightfully so.
A Political Front Operative is often the only person in the Resistance cell’s area of operations who should be allowed to be in the open. As such, he or she is the only source of leadership for Resistance sympathizers and the only contact known to the general public. This makes the open Resistance Political Front operative the de facto Resistance commander-in-chief of a large area in most cases. The nature of RPF duties require that a flexible chinese-wall of deniability is in place between his duties, and those of the Resistance Active Service Unit cells, Resistance policy is usually set by the Political Front operative, especially when the operative has no official knowledge of the RASU cells. Even when policy is set by the propaganda of the deed by the Active Service Units, it is only the Political Front operative who is known for this policy implementation.
Example: In the corner of Southwestern Missouri where I live, all of the militia organizations in the process of forming were effectively curtailed by the Oklahoma City bombing done by the criminal regime to demonize such open political activity of the dispossessed Majority. The 24th Missouri Militia disbanded. The survivalists who were sending out feelers abruptly went underground after April 21, 1995. Thus by default, I myself am the only open, publicly known militiaman in the area. As a result, any regional "militia activity" will of course be laid at my doorstep. Because of such a responsibility, in effect I am as the only known Resistance Political Front operative, the de facto Commander-In-Chief of the 7th District Missouri Militia. Appearance becomes reality. I never keep any ‘illegal’ automatic weaponry at my house, preferring to keep a cheap SKS ‘assault rifle’ to shoot stray dogs with whenever necessary. I am not a user or seller of illegal drugs. I maintain all the mandatory appearances of being a so-far peaceful political dissident militiaman, with all the duties that such entails for building up the esteem of the public for the Resistance Cause. One always attacks the criminal regime for making such Resistance necessary, but never the lives, liberty or property of the common man. It is the task of the Resistance Political Front operative to whip up the common man to form a mob to proactively protect themselves by in turn destroying the lives of the criminal regime’s operatives whenever the opportune moment arrives.
Elections Advance Political Warfare. It is the duty of the Political Front operative to run for public office and to help useful Resistance sympathizers run for public office as well whenever possible. Conversely, it is the RPF operator’s duty to destroy the legitimacy of the major party political hacks always by bringing up their corruption and availability for sale to Corporate Amerika through bribes disguised as campaign contributions.
It is well known that politicians are corrupt and the system deliberately made prone to political corruption. Therefore, elections are another way to open up other storm fronts of civil warfare designed to make the country ungovernable by the current corrupt elites. It is always essential to create turmoil among the average citizens by bringing to the forefront of their minds the reality that the system is designed to prey upon them for the welfare of the corrupt ruling elites. You do not want the apathetic middle majority to want further sacrifice for the welfare of the politicians and police and teacher’s unions. Always remind the common man that politics is a zero-sum game (because in this current decaying social order it is). The more taxes they pay into the treasury, the less freedom and control over their own lives they have as well as less money to spend on their own needs as well. Use the politics of envy against politicians, showing how in addition to their perks of power, they are paid multiples of the private citizen’s salary in addition to their bribes to feather their own nests while they busily export working-class jobs overseas and cutting social welfare programs for the poor. Ask the voters why they should vote somebody into an extravagantly paid management job when in return that politician will be voting for policies which in effect destroy their jobs and put them out on the streets and/or into the prisons. Ask the voters what the future holds if the current incumbent gets re-elected for another term. Won’t things really be worse X number of years from now when it is time to re-elect that same regime criminal? What good does it do to elect the least of two evils, when you have already arrived at destination evil?
You see, the purpose of such political warfare isn’t to ‘win’ the election. The purpose of running for election is to have a forum in order to destroy the foundation of lies upon which every regime is built. Destroy the legitimacy of the regime, you can destroy the regime itself. Anything at all is allowed under the rubric of free speech to be said by a political candidate of his opponent. Thus by using political speech, not only the criminal regimeist incumbent is attacked but also the criminal regime which allows such offal to represent it is attacked as well. Thus elections must always be used as opportunities for political warfare to be waged cheaply by Resistance Political Front operatives.
Now while there are some who say that running for political office implies an agreement to abide by the results of the election, no such thing is implied at all. One can always make the allegation that the elections process itself is corrupt, that you have no intention of abiding by the result, or calling for a voter boycott of the elections, as they do in European countries when the criminal regime is controlling the polls.
Example: In 1994 I ran as a state representative. In 1998 I am running for the u.S. Senate as a White Nationalist Libertarian. In 1996 I ran as a LibberToon candidate for the governorship of Missouri. After losing the primary election, I re-formed the Newton County Libertarian Party on August 20, 1996, got re-elected Chairman of the NCLP, promptly appointed my friends and relatives to vacant positions, and set up a nominating committee to nominate myself for Sheriff in the general election. The Newton County Republican KortHouse Klique and Democrat State Regime refused to allow me to run on the ballot as a Libertarian party candidate. As a result I sued these major political party election officials for their violations of their own election laws, was ignored by the state kort system, and had the case dismissed by a federal district kort. The matter went before the U.S. 8th Circuit Kort of Appeals where they of course slimed me by misquoting their own case law. They are less honest about such matters as opposition party disenfranchisement than the Nazis, Communists, or Serbians ever were. I’ll bring this matter before the Supremes in any case.As a result of such endeavors, I have pending two federal lawsuits which are destructive of the legitimacy of the current regime and its political foundations. I would not have been able to file these lawsuits unless I had run for political office. During all my campaigns for political office, I have received media attention. Hostile media attention. However, the purpose of political activity is not to win control over a dying civilization but to destroy what few moral foundations remain of the current system. That and to bring over to the Resistance the moral minority and their support without which no regime exist.
Paradoxically, seeking out and creating political conflict is the safest policy for the Resistance Political Front operative, as any arrest or imprisonment can be condemned as political repression. A criminal regime like the current one which is always anxious to conceal its domestic criminal record must have an external foreign criminal regime to use as a whipping boy to claim ‘human rights’ violations. When the criminal regime crushes domestic political dissent, they make criticism of the Iraqis or Chinese for their human-rights record an exercise in hypocrisy. This is why being an open Resistance Political Front operative is far safer, say, than being a ‘Friend of Bill’ or Hillary Clinton. The actual body-count is far higher, so far, among the former FOBs.
Elections as Training For Resistance Political Front Operatives. All Resistance fighters have a duty to train up new Resistance fighters, and such is especially the case for the Resistance Political Front operative. New patriotic talent must always be identified and trained for their tasks.
It is laughable at how many would-be militia generals want to form a ruling political body when they have had absolutely no experience in running for public office. Yet this sort of foolishness is indulged in all the time.
Rather, it must be emphasized that running for elective office gives the RPF operator experience in how to go about running and setting up a political organization based upon the consent of the People. This sort of experience is invaluable in not only understanding of common man, but it shows how our enemies operate in a system essentially run by criminals ruling under the deceit of the so-called "consent of the people."
Example: It is laughable at how many militia political fronts, such as the Third Continental Congress, have the notion that they are of any political importance or have any legitimacy whatsoever by setting up parliaments effectively nominated and ‘elected’ by about five or ten fellow ‘patriot’ political hacks. Such organizations, easily infiltrated and soon rendered effective only for the gubbnmint, are essentially the political self-love-child of a few solipsistic egotists who wish to run their make-believe regime from the top down. However, to give the 3CC some credit, recently they have figured that they will have to allow the Revolutionary RPF operatives some voice as well in setting up policy.An effective Resistance Political Front must be a very flexible political organization modeled on such as the Sein Fein or Likud -- an absolute autocracy or oligarchy which seeks and accepts input from the bottom up and while effectively ruled by an unwritten consensus. This form of ‘Leaderless Resistance’ is the same type of political organization as is present in the Resistance Active Service Unit cells. This form of self-government requires political sophistication which is found only among those people able to effectively attain political objectives on their own, without a need for external support. The only effective way to train these political skirmishers is to demand as a prerequisite to admission that they become political veterans by mounting their own political campaign. Political Front operators must take opportunities to make political mistakes in a non-lethal arena, and demonstrate an ability to learn from those mistakes.
In order to win, one must be willing to fight. The key office of county sheriff should be usually be the first one targeted by the Political Front initiate. Given experience in dealing with the media and current political system, the veteran Political Front operative can later field a lean, mean, political machine of Resistance sympathizers in his area of operations.
(End of Part 1 – The Resistance Political Front. Part #2 in Modern Militiaman #10 will cover how to set up Resistance Communications, Propaganda, and Philosophical Networks.).
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