Petition For Rehearing -- Nov. 18, 1998

Part 2, Nov. 28, 1997



                   FOR THE EIGHTH CIRCUIT

Martin Lindstedt,                      *
         Appellant,                    *
                                       *  Appeal from the United States
v.                                     *  District Court for the
                                       *  Western District of
Missouri Libertarian Party,            *
Secretary of State Rebecca M. Cook,    *
State of Missouri,                     *
         Appellees.                    *

                   PETITION FOR REHEARING
   COMES NOW the Appellant, Martin Lindstedt, to petition that this 

U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rehear Appellant’s appeal based upon 

the material facts and law governing this matter, as opposed to 

doing what it wants to do and calling it due process of law.

   Appellant makes the following suggestions of material fact and 

law  in opposition to this Federal Circuit Court of Appeals’ 

finding of Nov. 18, 1998:

1. This Court found that "After reviewing the Missouri statute, we 

believe it provides a constitutionally adequate alternative means 

of ballot access to indigent candidates who cannot pay filing fees, 

without acting as an unreasonable barrier to an indigent’s right 

to run for office."

   This Court would do better to believe in Santa Claus and the 

Easter Bunny if it wants to profess that an indigent candidate who 

doesn’t have a $200 filing fee to pay a hostile state political party 

will find collecting 11,700 verified petition signatures a 

"constitutionally adequate alternative . . . without acting as an 

unreasonable barrier to an indigent’s right to run for office."  This 

Court admits that (1) Appellant is an indigent candidate, (2) who 

didn’t have the $200 filing fee, and (3) that he has a right to run for 



office.  It is by pretending that the impossible is "a 

constitutionally adequate alternative means of ballot access" that 

this Court justifies its ludicrous decision.

   Appellant has pointed out that an indigent candidate who cannot 

afford to pay a $200 filing fee certainly isn’t going to be able to 

afford getting 11,700 valid petition signatures from registered 

voters in Missouri.  Petition signature taking is a process in which 

it often takes two signatures to gain one validated signature, and 

that this process often costs a dollar a signature by professional

petitioners.  Appellant also pointed out that he got 926 primary votes 

out of a total of  2,553 Libertarian primary votes.  Thus Appellant 

was a serious candidate under Lubin v. Panish, 415 U.S. 709.  The 

number of Libertarian primary votes total, 2,553 show that demanding 

that Plaintiff get over 11,700 petition signatures in order to run in 

a Libertarian primary election for governor is an absurd requirement.  

Thus Andress v. Reed, 880 F.2d 239, 240, 242 that this Court quotes 

as requiring 10,000 signatures for a Democratic ticket candidate would 

be unreasonable to expect in Missouri for a Libertarian candidate.

   This Court’s interpretation that Mo. Rev. Statute § 115.357.1-3 

is "a constitutionally adequate alternative means" in effect calls 

an impossible, unreasonable requirement for indigent candidate 

ballot access "constitutionally adequate."  Thus this Federal 

Appellate Court undoes Lubin v. Panish, and the constitutional 

pretension that every class of person has equal rights under rule 

of law.  That this Court is engaged in fraud is shown by its 

reluctance in not printing up in its Nov. 18, 1998 decision the 

fact that Appellant would have needed to get 11,700 validated 

petition signatures under RSMo § 115.357.1-3.  The State of 

Missouri Defendants engaged in similar obfuscation of reality by 

refusing to name a number in their appellate brief.  That this 

Court knows it is doing wrong is shown by its refusal to admit the 

requirements of RSMo 115.357, while upholding it as "constitutional."  

Thus this Federal Appellate Court  by printing up a series of half-

truths in the official record shows that the function of this Court 

is to further erode the rights of the people and the constitutional 

foundations of its legitimacy while concealing the fact that it is 

doing exactly this same thing.



2. This Court also said, "We conclude that Lindstedt did not point 

to any facts showing the Libertarian Party was acting under color 

of state law when it refused to refund his $200 or when it acted to 

expel him from his positions within the Libertarian Party."

   There is no doubt that the Missouri Libertarian Party (MoLP) is 

a state actor.  It exists as a state-recognized political party.  

In the case of RSMo 115.357, this state political party collected 

$200 from Appellant.  Thus we have a state political party acting 

under color of state law.

   As far as expelling Appellant from his positions within the 

state Libertarian Party, the case cites this Court quotes such as 

Johnson v. Knowles, 113 F.3d 1114, 1120 and Appellee MoLP’s cite 

of Banchy v. Republican Party, 898 F.3d 1192, 1195 are inapposite 

because Appellant has a cause of action against a state political 

party which is violating state law with the collusion of the State 

of Missouri, and not an internal county or ward political matter 

as to officer selection or voting.  This federal Court seems to 

ignore the fact that the State of Missouri has laws governing 

state political parties which it has refused to enforce on those 

recognized political parties.  This Court also ignored Noonan v. 

Walsh, 273 S.W. 2d 196 which states that Appellant as a state 

political party official is a public official.  Thus as a public 

official the interaction with other political party public 

officials is thus a matter of state actors acting under color of 

state law. This reality thus denies the pretense of this Court that 

Appellant didn’t show that the MoLP was a state actor acting under 

color of state law. 

3. This Court also said, "We conclude that Lindstedt failed to show 

that some racial or other class-based invidiously discriminatory 

animus lay behind the Libertarian Party’s decision to expel him from 

the organization and to refuse to refund his filing fee."

   Appellant is a rural white male and the MoLP for all practical 

effect is composed of solipsistic mattoid anarchy-fascist 

suburbanite white libertines dedicated to smoking-dope and sodomy 

and femnifascists dedicated to abortion rights.  Thus the 

"discriminatory animus" shown against Appellant was not overtly 

racial, although Appellant is a White Nationalist politician and 

the so-called Libertarians are dedicated to selling out the White 

Majority as soon as possible to a New World Order / Zionist 

Occupational Government.



   However this line by this Court seems to reveal that this Court 

seems to think it is the justice apparatus of a corrupt, multi-ethnic 

evil empire, such as the former Soviet Union, in that it attaches 

undue importance to racial matters in that it would allow a suit by 

Appellant if he was a protected racial class screaming "racism" 

against the LibberToons.  This shows that this Court seems to be 

in the business of keeping this Amerikan evil multicultural empire 

together by buying off racial minorities, as opposed to keeping 

them under its thumb like the former KGB or NKVD.  This seems to be 

the workings of a cowardly weak despotism as opposed to a strong, 

confident despotism.

   Therefore, Appellant requests that this Federal Circuit Court of 

Appeals rehear this case and overrule the opinion of the federal 

district court judge to grant the State of Missouri Defendants and 

the Missouri Libertarian Party summary judgment.  As this case now 

stands, Appellant has succeeded in further subverting the lies upon 

which this criminal regime rests.

___________________________ Martin Lindstedt, Appellant/Plaintiff 338 Rabbit Track Road, Granby, Missouri 64844. (417) 472-6901 Certificate of Service Plaintiff certifies that a copy of this Petition for Rehearing was mailed Nov. 30, 1998 to Attorney Mark E. Long, c/o the Missouri Attorney General’s Office, Box 899, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102 as the attorney of record for Secretary of State Rebecca M. Cook and the State of Missouri. Plaintiff certifies that a copy of this Petition for Rehearing was mailed Nov. 30, 1998 to Attorney Mitchell J. Moore, 1210 West Broadway, Columbia, Missouri, 65203 as attorney of record for the Missouri Libertarian Party and its officials. Plaintiff certifies that a copy of this Petition for Rehearing was mailed Nov. 30, 1998 to the Clerk of the U.S. District Court, 201 U.S. Courthouse, Kansas City, Missouri, 64106.




Comment: Yeah, Yeah, it sure didn't even pretend to be respectful of them lying weasels on the 8th Circus bench. But so what? When you catch them with their dirty snouts in the trough, there sure ain't any polite way to beat them hogs off'n the slop-trough. Rather it is time to lay aft with the stick and treat them with all the respect due a wad of used toilet paper.

These black-robed baal-priests certainly ain't going to undo their dirt even if I didn't treat them to the stick routine sans carrot. After all, they only published their opinion because they wanted to add it to the jurisprudence which says that the People have no rights the criminal regime has a burden to respect. These bastards sure that nobody would see the underlying briefs in order to detect these frauds.

What these regime criminals have done is to undo the 1974 decision Lubin v. Panish in which the Supremes of the day said that poor folks could run for political office against the professional poly-tickians. Now the 8th Circus has undone by deceit this former decision. The net effect is to further erode political legitimacy of the fraudulent elections process. I'll put this to the Supremes within 60 days and see if the Supremes want to mess with it.

As a White Nationalist Revolutionist politician I have allowed the corrupt system and regime criminals to declare that a certain class of the people -- the poor -- have no right to participate as political candidates against the corrupt parasitic criminal regimeist class of professional politicians. This destructive but legitimate criticism spreads cynicism, despair, hatred and anger against the criminal regime and criminal regimeists. It neutralizes opposition from the diminishing middle-class and brings about the poor as allies. Bringing about injustice by using the unjust to create more injustice should always be standard Revolutionary political procedure. This case law will go down as proof positive that the supposed electorial system is corrupt and illegitimate by disenfranchising indigent candidates.

Thus a new open way of choosing candidates by an oligarchic appointment of a Revolutionary military dictatorship becomes as legitimate as allowing the current criminal regimeist oligarchy appoint its candidates by means of plutocracy and regime-kort process. While neither side will be able to claim the mandate of the People, it is far better that open force decide the issue of who should rule. Thus this CONstitutional criminal regime wherein absolute power is granted with minimal responsibility can be destroyed and a natural aristocracy wherein the most responsible, powerful people rule while being constrained by the dictate of responsibility for that rulership. It is for good reason that the LORD compares the rule of Nebuchadnezzar to a golden age and that of demonocracy to that of iron and clay, rust mixed with shit.

I also laid some dirt on the Libber'Toons. Your typical Libber'Toon is in some corporate or government bureaucracy and is all for screwing the common people any which way they can. (This is literally true for the homo Libber'Toons, who are all for sodomy and act like they are founding fathers of the North American Man-Boy Love Association.) Jim Givens, supposed chairman of the Missery LibberToon Party is a systems analyst bureaucrat for the University of Missouri -- Columbia. Baby Hugie Emerson, webmaster of the Missery 'Toon Party WWW Page is a homosexual teacher and education bureaucrat for the University of Columbia who thinks that he is Christ's Own Rump-Ranger. Imagine what he'd like to teach your kollege-age nippers! And Lawyer Mitchell J. Moore is the ringleader of the plot to violate my civil rights. Tamster-the-Hamster Millay is a resume secretary who doesn't believe in hiring Americans even if she was told to do so by her boss. 'Toons believe in selling out the common man to corporate Amerika and the NWO/ZOG as fast as possible because these fools confuse libertine license with liberty and have no love for anything other than themselves.

Thus pointing out the Social Democratic fascism of typical LibberToons and the Missery LibberToon Party certainly didn't hurt. They are no longer the only third political party in Missouri and are largely irrelevant as a political force in this state. These degenerate parasites should be exterminated at the soonest available opportunity. Luckily the vast majority of them live in suburban areas and will starve to death or be eaten by those they profess to love when the social collapse comes so we shouldn't have to bother too much.



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