Principles of Resistance Organization

The historical and linguistic origins of the political term "terror" prove that it cannot be applied to a revolutionary war of liberation. . . . The revolution itself is not terror, and terror is not the revolution. A revolution, or a revolutionary war, does not aim at installing fear. Its object is to overthrow a regime and to set up a new regime in its place. In a revolutionary war both sides use force. Tyranny is armed. Otherwise it would be liquidated overnight. Fighters for freedom must arm, otherwise they would be crushed overnight. Certainly the use of force also awakens fear. Tyrannous rulers begin to fear for their positions, or their lives or both. And consequently they try to sow fear among those they rule. But the installing of fear is not an aim in itself. The sole aim on the one side is the overthrow of armed tyranny; on the other side it is the perpetuation of tyranny.
Menachem Begin -- The Revolt, Chapter VI, Army of the Underground


There is a lull in the action between the Resistance and the government regimes right now as both sides prepare for the coming struggle. So with this lull in the civil war, now is the time to be prepared for the upcoming campaign when the fighting begins anew. As a result of the lessons which had to be learned, now is the time to build New Model Resistance organizations able to quickly concentrate sufficient force at a point of attack so that the target is always eliminated, but diffuse enough so that the enemy has no idea as to their existence, much less their exact presence.

In every Revolutionary struggle against tyrannical government, certain phases are in order. First there are discontented people, eventually coalescing into a Revolutionary officer corps. Then sides are taken. At first the ruling regime has a monopoly on the power and lacking intelligence enough to ameliorate grievances creates a number of martyrs, such as happened at Ruby Ridge and Waco. The regime cracks down on the opposition, as is happening now. The surviving opposition goes underground, and gets organized for a civil war ahead. We are right now at this point. The fighters and leaders have already chosen themselves. Soon an open shooting war shall 'just' happen with an escalation towards total civil warfare. This article is meant as a primer for those neutrals who lack natural Resistance leadership, or leadership in the stage of development. Every guerrilla war fought in modern times has instinctively used the methods outlined in this article.

The basic building block of the Resistance is the cell. Strong cells = Strong Resistance. Weak or dysfunctional cells = No Resistance.

Therefore, of great importance to the Resistance is forming these cells, with an eye towards cell security and survival. Once cells have formed and are a going concern, then and only then should interaction and communication between cells be addressed.

Two Types of Cells -- Two Cellular Functions

There are two types of Resistance cells -- those based upon ties of family and those based upon ideology. Since these cells are different in their make-up, by default they will have different missions and purposes.

Family cells. A family cell based upon ties of blood and marriage is predominantly a defensive cell, with a strategy of survival in a harsh world. This is especially so if the family cell has young children in it, as violence is usually a young single man's game. Such cells will be concerned with making sure those children survive to adulthood. Therefore these family cells will be defensive in nature, as such cells will be reluctant to engage in risky behavior, which if detected, could end up with the death of the father and husband and the poverty of the wife and the children, if they are not taken by the state for indoctrination. Since the unmasking of one family member could brand the rest of the family as unreliable by the government, this is a second reason why family cells will seldom engage in overt aggressive warfare against the government.

But should such family cells be treated as second-class cells by the Resistance? Of course not. Such tightly knit cells, especially if they extend beyond the nuclear family to extended kinfolk, are invaluable for recruiting and for concealment. As a majority of the cells within the Resistance, they can bear the burden of diffuse blows when a vengeful regime is searching for the ideological cells. Since every society is based upon a family structure, no regime dares fully exterminate even the most suspect family because it alienates every family in the society -- loyal or rebel. A society which destroys its best families is taking the final step towards the extinction which began when it lost the allegiance of those family units.

With their will to survive and defensive attitude, the family Resistance cell is usually located in the middle stratum of society. Since they see the future and are preparing for it by prudently laying in stock quantities of food, ammunition and medicine, such a family cell can furnish both food, shelter and concealment for extended periods to an element of an ideological cell, which might well arise from within its family cell. Such family cells are the backbone of the Resistance, because they not only provide the muscle, but because they can act as eyes and ears for the Resistance. Also, it is the family cells which provide reinforcements and limited shelter for the ideological strike cells. With their respectability they can be invaluable in providing safehouses and support for the strike cells.

Example: The Smith family has seen the coming conflagration for the past 10 years. Therefore they have formed a rural "commune" on their farm several miles outside a small town. On that farm is housed their grandfather and grandmother and one of the brothers. This brother leases available farmland and grazes cattle on the 20-acre farmstead. In the event of social conflict, it is understood that that extended members of the family will return from their jobs in the local cities and towns to the farm, where a stockpile of weapons, ammunition and stored grain await.
This extended family does not advertise its beliefs aloud. It makes small political donations and supports the local charities and churches. The farming brother is even an honorary deputy sheriff. This family are respected members of the community. The grandfather has even made overtures and sounded out his friends and neighbors about what is going to happen come the collapse, and had set in motion an "unofficial" unspoken neighborhood watch which the local authorities know nothing about.
From such families of quality comes the nucleus and cadre of the Resistance.


Ideological Strike Cells. It is the ideological cells which are the fighting forces of the Resistance. Such cells are composed of from two to five individuals, working to common purpose to destroy the regime. The individuals will usually be men without children to support, men without any ties to bind each other except a hatred of the current social order and a need to impose the raw justice of revenge. Such cells are capable of doing anything, such is their alienation from the hated society and the lack of any links which would tend to hold them morally responsible for their conduct.

Paradoxically, the smaller the cell, the less its vestigial links of command and control to other Resistance cells, the more dangerous such a rogue cell is both the regime and other elements of the Resistance. Such a rogue cell might go beyond blowing up police stations or assassinating regime politicians to poisoning a city water supply or unleashing biological warfare. While such results should be justly laid at the door of the corrupt regime with its armies of informants driving such cells beyond even the control of the Resistance, still, such cells should have some linkages to the Resistance if at all possible. It is one thing for the natural collapse of civilization to destroy in its fall the vast mass of herd animals and their predators and parasites. But if the destruction is not confined if at all possible upon the unjust and mediocre elements of society, any renewal of any civilization under the leadership of the Resistance might be impossible.

Such an ideological cell escapes destruction for as long as it remains undetected.

Consider the Unabomber with his "cell" of one. Highly intelligent and deeply committed, he would still be striking his enemies if he hadn't (1) developed a taste for writing long-winded leftist tracts and (2) his brother hadn't turned him in. So an ideological resistance cell should be able to strike down its enemies and should not be detected provided it practices good internal security so that it draws no attention to itself, and only chooses to prey upon society's predators, not harming innocent bystanders. As the society continues to decay and a crescendo of random violence escalates beyond the ability of the criminal elites to control, the opportunities to strike shall increase and the cell can more easily escape detection in the war zone that is current Amerika.

But once a cell is detected, it can be easily destroyed. The regime will use all of its considerable assets to hunt down and then destroy that cell. So the most successful cell is one which the enemy does not know exists at all. Once a cell has done something that the current regime knows is uncommon, then half the cell's security is gone. But with the civic unrest which is to come, these incidents will be dismissed as the natural white noise generated by barbarism if given enough time between their occurrence.

Example: The brother operating the farm is very good friends of other neighborhood families, the Jones's and the Williams's. This Smith has known these people all his life, gone to school and to church with them. The Jones and Williams families are part of the unofficial neighborhood watch program.
But now one of the Jones's has lost his farm as a result of a fraudulent IRS assessment. A local bank buys it at a sheriff's sale, and uses the local corrupt state courts to prevent it from being redeemed. A number of local lawyers, the Sheriff, and a state judge are in on the racket as well.
It is decided by the Smith brother and his friends the Williams's and another one of the Jones's that the time has come to retaliate against the banker, sheriff, and one or two of the lawyers who have built large houses out in the country, the proceeds of corrupt dealings in real estate and the establishment of a marijuana growing and methamphatimine cooking ring.

Operations of an Ideological Strike Cell

A strike cell is formed of one to five individuals working together by consensus. Some might form from out of the family cells on an ad hoc basis, but usually the tasks of a strike cell will mean that the cell membership will be on a permanent basis. By natural arrangement a leader will be chosen, but it will not be a despotic leadership but rather one of ability for the task at hand.

Once a task has been chosen by means of planning, usually it will be implemented without much, if any, hitch. The power and destructive capability of a cell striking at will should not be underestimated. Entire cities could be poisoned or placed under biological warfare attack. Power stations or relays attacked. Bridges and tunnels destroyed. Members of the regime or their families won't be able to live in rural, inner-city, or any areas absent sufficient security or fortification. In many cases, the fear and hatred produced can make any area for all real intents and purposes ungovernable.

Example: One cloudy night, the sheriff and his family receive the Smith brother, the two Williams's and one Jones brother who remains outside. After the telephone line is cut, the sheriff and his family are quickly killed and the place set on fire. Any cash is removed and the house is left a wreck in order to make it look like a burglary. The banker and his family receive a similar fate, after the banker is tortured to reveal his partners in the criminal ring. It is too late that night to visit the judge and lawyers. Their turns will come when the heat dies down.
Meanwhile, the wronged Jones brother is in a public place surrounded by neutral witnesses. After several days, the local newspapers receive anonymous communiqués that the sheriff and banker were in on a drug ring and such are the consequences of cheating on a drug deal. The public quietly thinks that they might have been done a favor. The Jones brother is one of the pallbearers at the crooked sheriff and his family's funeral.


The Political Front

In every revolution it is necessary to have a political front acting as the mouthpiece of an Action Force. The Revolutionary Strike Cells are the Action Forces. The Political Front works independently of the Action Force, preparing propaganda to justify everything the Action Force does and to demonize the corrupt regime. The Political Front always seizes the moral high ground and fiercely counter-attacks against any lies propagated by the criminal regime. Action Forces of the Resistance are always patriots striking fear into the quisling collaborationist fascist swine of the current regime. A Political Front cell never has anything good to say about the evil regime or its minions.

The Political Front member is very, very good at communications and is politically aware. It is his job to set the common man against the parasitic regime which is destroying the foundations of civil society. So every chance he gets, he pens letters to the editor, sets up WWW Internet pages and e-mail trees to send out his message, runs for political office and files lawsuits against the regime for its violations of its own pretend legislation. If good with oral communications he gets a shortwave radio show or becomes a traveling lecturer before patriotic audiences. He feeds the flock, sets the majority at odds with the criminal regime, and lays down a steady stream of verbal assault on the criminal regime and its servants of evil.

The Political Front is as valuable as the Action Front, as it protects and attacks the regime using its own pretensions to legitimacy against it. The Political Front's job, in addition to attacking the regime includes informing the downtrodden and disenfranchised middle that there are other solutions, solutions which have the common beginning of first exterminating the current regime and its members. As such, the Political Front is creating more Resistance Shock troops and sympathizers all the time. Previous successful Political Fronts which successfully interacted with their Resistance Action Forces are the Sein Fein acting with the Irish Republican Army and the Irgun working with the Likud in post-WWII British Palestine.

It is essential that the Political Front establish a Chinese wall between it and the Action Forces. It cannot know, officially or not about the activities of the Action Forces. Known members of the Political Front are always under observation by the criminal regime, therefore open propaganda on common knowledge are all that is broadcast by the Political Front propagandist regarding the Action Forces.

Also, it is essential that because of the regime's scrutiny that the Political Front propagandist not have any "illegal" weapons or any weapons at all other than those owned by ordinary members of the rural majority, that he have not use drugs or be sexually promiscuous or a debtor. A Political Front member must be a paragon of morality, since he is attacking the criminal regime's and their minions' morality all the time. If a Political Front member is arrested, the middle majority must always smell a police setup and suspect that the ruling gubbnmint criminals have ordered the frame-up.

Violation of this principle has been the cause justifying many a patriot arrest. Political Front members are not Action Force members and Action Force members are not Political Front members! Get this in your head. If you act, don't talk. If you talk, don't act.

Example: Within two days, upon hearing it on the TV news, a Political Front operative across the country promptly gloated via e-mail and his WWW site how good it was that the drug-running criminal element were eating their own. What a shame that all the gubbnmint criminals and their families had not been killed by the drug cartel that they had cheated. If the operative didn't hear about drugs being the cause, he assumed that drugs were the cause, or maybe the dead gubbnmint criminals had crossed the wrong people. Maybe even the Resistance, who had properly exterminated the criminal families for good reason.


Summary: Resistance Organizations are spontaneously set up in the case of a aggrieved patriot or patriots setting or are the results of slow, patient careful recruiting over a period of years by the aware and alarmed, especially in the case of family and Action Force cells.

Some Resistance organizations have existed for several decades, the planning of survivalist families and Christian Identity believers. Some are being formed today as more and more people wake up to the impending collapse of civilization caused by the criminal element ruling at the top and the underclass feeding at the bottom.

In any case, planning the membership of your Resistance organization and its objectives is best deliberately done in advance as opposed to setting one up under pressure when it may be far too late.


-- Martin Lindstedt



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