No Solution but . . .

White Revolution!


Resistance Political Front

January 1, 2003, Issue #1-2003

A Journal of the Political Arm of the Resistance


Purpose: Our purpose is to serve the Resistance as the electronic journal of record for the political arm of the Resistance. We plan on providing news and commentary favorable to our Cause in a format accessible to the general public.

Commentary is in regular format and is solely the opinions of the Editor and Staff of Resistance Political Front.

Editor Martin Lindstedt



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Fable of Contents

1. ... This Issue's Editorial Commentary
2. ...Monologue
3. ... The State of the Resistance -- by Martin Lindstedt
4. ... The Jewification of America, Part 1 -- Jim Floyd -- March 19, 2003
5. ... Supporting ZOG's War & Purimfest 2003 & the Ninth Crusade -- Martin Lindstedt -- March 22, 2003



--Editor Martin Lindstedt






Para For my Jew Year's resolution, I would love to encourage ZOG to seek out its destruction in an Iraq Attack!, which shall undoubtedly result in Saddam Hussein using, in a last dying counterstroke, biological weaponry in the hands of suicide ragheads. Anything which shall eliminate 66,666,666 imperial whigger (white nigger) supremacists, sundry jews, muds & cruds, latrino mexcrement, niggers, and lesboskanks first thang right off, with yet another 66,666,666 herd animals eliminated as a result of social, financial, and ecological collapse can't be all bad. In fact, anything, especially ZOG hubris cracking this mighty Evil Empire apart like a rotten watermelon and sending it to the dunghill of history has my vote. I especially suggest that Jew Dork Shitty and the District of Corruption get what's well deserved first. Delenda est ZOG & Dog blast ZOG.


Para The Grubbernor of Californication, Grey Davis, whined that his State of Nuevo Mexcrement was gonna run a $35 billion deficit. Even more ominous was the fact that since the niggers and beaners are altogether tax consumers, that almost all of the tax revenue -- over 90% -- comes from rich Whites and their income taxes, and that these Whites are fleeing that State of Californication. This deficit shall increase as it is found that income in an Internet age can be gained outside the borders of a Turd-Whirlled state without any need to pay income taxes from Las Vegas Nevada, or even Possum Grape Arkansas. In fact, in an age of satellite communications and optic fiber cables, it might well be cheaper to run the Internet server farms from a place like Ft. Pierre, South Dakota, which has no income taxes, a surplusage of cheap hydroelectric power, no need to air condition server farms at least five months out of the year, and a 95% White workforce. Gateway Computers were headquartered in North Souix Falls, SD back when Gateway used to be a profitable concern.

In any case, due to the fact that there simply is no future in trying to raise property taxes in a declining property value tax base (nobody, including niggers or greasers, want to live next to beaners) and the cash cattle are moving out of state, Californication Dreamin' in the fiscal sense is rapidly becoming a nightmare. Next year's deficit shall likely approach $50 billion or more as it becomes clear that there simply is no profit in selling ANYTHING to a Turd-Whirrrrld regime unable and unwilling to pay for goods and services rendered. Raising taxes shall come at the expense of Central and Northern Californication where the whigger dopers live crunching granola in the woods. Look for secession movements of whiggers wanting to break free from a State of Californication.


Para It was recently announced that the sullen 'face of Amerikwa' has changed -- from shit-colored black to shit-colored brown. ZOG's 2000 Census revealed that Mexcriment is 13% of the ZOG herd animal base, while Knee-grows (usually mentally, as opposed to openly, referred to predominately as 'niggers,' and oxy-moronically as African-Amereekwans) have only increased by 2% since the ofishul 1990 Census to 12.7% of the beasts of the field infesting the fruitted&nutted plain. Mexcriment has grown by over four percent the past decade, even though the percentage might well seem much higher for those who have stepped in the sure sign that beaners are about by tripping over a wad of used disposable diapers, signifying Mexcriment and overflowing Latrinos. Nor does that figure include all the illegal [g]imme-grunts not made legal by the Repubican Congress-kritters & Senaturds voting to grant such vermin 2.5 million more green cards for the H_1A immigruntation bill back in 1998. This means that Senor Frito Mestizo Bandito Tyson-Gonzales pulling chicken guts in a chicken plant multiplied times ten million probably wasn't counted, except maybe upon a police blotter or two or three.

This means that Sambo and Pedro are gonna have to fight it out as to who gets welfare reparations from Whitey. Not, as per a State of Californication, that Whitey has anything much left to give, thanks to job losses and over 5 trillion ZOG-bux in losses in the JewYawk Wall Street indoor lotteries. These new, albeit not 'improved' census figures are at least two and a half years old. Even in Atlanta, the niggers are having to fight it out with latrinos as to what is a 'protected' minority. With great good luck, the wieners shall eat the losers, and all can be deported, above the U.S.S. Madagasgar to their choice of Veracruz or Haiti -- or Madagasgar. However, for now, either Sambo or Pedro shall make fine neo-con Repubican voters, as Jorge W[higger] Bush has certainly pointed out to Whitey that he need not apply for preferential treatment, bullshit about ending quotas to join law skrule in the University of Michigan at Detroit be damned.


Para Jorge the UU gave a really fine 'State of the Jewnion' speech, according to the jewsmedia. Not that I'd know because just like in the Bubba Caligula era from 1993-2001, I couldn't stand to hear the lies for over 15-20 seconds, tops. Although I must give Jorge the Last credit for being such a buffoon that portions of my attention span has gotten up to 30 seconds in hopes of seeing some truly amusing buffoonery on the jewsmedia instant-replay. If Jorge would only drag along a bag of pretzels, my attention span might increase to the point to where I watch all of UU's speeches for the exact same reason that I used to watch nature films from Africa in hopes of watching a real live crocodile or lion or hyena or some other tasteless wild beast stalking, hunting, pouncing, killing & eating a nigger or two. I ended up being sadly disappointed, though, and so I gave it up. But who sez I don't like edjewcational TalmudVision? As it is, I must resort to listening to a passel of jews or shabbes whiggers yapping about what a wonderful fearless leader the Deserter-In-Thief is in sending predominately White front-line combat troops to Iraq to die & attack for jews and oil.


Para Part of Jorge The Worst's largess of White taxpayer's slave-taxes in its State of the Jewnion Screetch was a proposed $12-15 BILLION to Africa to teach the congoids GAIDS awareness. It seems to have slipped their simian 'minds' that although at least a third of them congoid-colored featherless bipeds already gots GAIDS and several millions of their love interests have turned belly up already, including African green monkeys and chickens, that screwing means death, especially screwing around. Thousands of nigger whores (sex industry workers) have learned all about GAIDS courtesy of the UN disease programs, and still they and their clients have died of GAIDS. In fact, more niggers die of GAIDS than malaria, even though the White Man is not bothering to drain the swamps any more. Edjewcation is hailed as a secular god in changing Nature, but nigger nature simply cannot be denied. Amereekwan faggots know all about Ass Injected Death Sentences, but their rate of getting GAIDS has increased as well. Obviously faggot nature cannot be denied either. Edjewcation is a false god. Bushy should have simply offered up the 'services' of his drunken daughters, ostensible whigger skanks, to Africans knowing that sex with a whigger skank or a nine-month-old nigger virgin can cure GAIDS. Just draft them sluts into the Piece Corps[e], and there won't be any need to waste twelve to fifteen billion, when a case or two of Jim Beam will do.

The strongest reason said for Bushy to give all that money that he didn't steal hisself to niggers was for payback for Seek-a-tree-ry Colin Piles to drop the dove act on Iraq and to join Congo-lisa Rice, National Security Nigger, on the chickenhawk casting couch. ZOG whores should be more cheaply bought. Doesn't Bushy know that there is a deficit, and that Bubba Caligula at least managed to create a simulation of a surplus, saying that the "era of big grubbermint is over?" I am beginning to miss Bubba Caligula. Yes, Bubba was a cheat and a liar and a coward and a cokehead but at least Bubba was all these things that Bushy is too, but Bubba managed to get away with and keep a lid on it too, and with a certain smarmy style. Maybe there needs to be another CONstitutional Amendment giving Bubba a third and fourth term after "43" Bush the Worst's only term. .

Para 'Honest Al' Sharpton is the latest of the Dem[on]ocratic Ass-clowns wanting to take over whatever is left of Amereekwa after the 88-IQ, In-Flight, One-Term NWO/ZOG Sock-Puppet & Deserter-In-Thief Jorge UU gets finished with it. The Dem[on]ocraps calculate that the Repubicants will have alienated the whigger stooges, that the niggers and greasers and gooks will not be fooled or impressed by UU's ass-licking and racial treason, and that the jews will abandon their Rapture/Crapture cultist tool as too dull by late 2003 or early 2004. Hence, Jorge the Worst might not be George the Last, albeit not missing it by much. Hence, all the Dem[on]ocraps want to be President or King or Emperor theysselfs. While 'Honest Al' Sharpton is a typical nigger (no need to use the redundant, typical adjectives concerning nigger-dumb), Sharpton could teach millions of whigger lemmings about the nature of niggers, thus undoing decades of edjewcation and programming. 'Honest Al' leaves no doubt as to how niggers really 'think' about Whitey. Therefore, perhaps a Political Action Committee (PAC) should be formed, say, Nationalists 4 Niggers. That way we each could donate a penny, maybe a nickle tops, to help 'Honest Al' get his message of Rainb[l]ow [J]unity out to all them whiggers who would otherwise waste their votes on Alan Keyes.


Para The other day, yet another Blackhawk went down over Afghanistan, killing four ZOG-mercs, all of them whiggers. Among them was a ZOG-merc from the 160th Helicopter Regiment, formerly deployed at Waco, against other religious extremists. While there was much pissing and moaning about murderous zeros being heroes, as I look upon it, like another ZOG-merc from this area properly killed by Afghan men defending their women and children from foreign invasion, I do not view ZOG-mercs as anything other than murderers and criminals journeying halfway across the world, to 10 or 11 time zones away, to terrorize a population on behalf of an Evil Empire. Those who fight in defense of their nation on behalf of their countrymen and women, like the Taliban in Afghanistan are the true patriots, not imperial ZOG murderers, terrorists, and thieves. Now while I will not be popular for speaking of the dead ZOG mercenary from Neosho, Missouri, in this manner, I think it most certainly needed to be said. The brown-skinned Turd-Whirrrld invaders needing prompt extermination are located at the Neosho Tyson's Foods chicken plant, illegally brought into this formerly White community by greedy traitors wanting to make fast ZOG-bux at the expense of the overall community, not foreign goatherders peacefully minding their own business in Afghanistan.


ParaThere has been much pissing and moaning about the 'loss' of a another space shittle as its Babylon-5 die-ver-shitty affirmative-action motley crew of three whiggers flying their aged skrule-bus shuttle found out that Space, a particularly hostile and lifeless portion of Nature, doesn't grade on the curve, but rather pass/fail on life/death examinations. There was a nigger male, a nigger turbaned-Indian female (who, rumors assert, turned everything into shit that she touched), a soccer-mom, and a typical murderous jew on board, requiring supervision by whigger ass-tro-nuts. As was to be expected, die-ver-shitty quickly and inevitably lead to death.

The entire space shuttle program was founded in the 1930s by German Nazi rocket scientists planning the conquest of space after winning their war. The plan was the step-by-step colonization and exploration of space by White men, of which the first order of business was forming a space station which would require construction and supply by re-usable shuttle flights. Then exploration and exploitation of the solar system before interstellar flight. All of this the reward for the White Man, the lesser breeds not able to do anything to earn such rewards. Of course, when the democratically elected German government fell under the sheer weight of the entire world dominated by jews in 1945, both the Khazar Communists of the USSR and the Khazar Capitalists of the USSA kidnapped the brains necessary to develop missiles able to carry nuclear weaponry, then payloads in space. The space shuttle program now is nothing more than aging buses necessary to piddle around in orbit, as there is neither the ability nor the will to go further into space. Not when there are billions of GAIDS-infested starving niggers, greasers, gooks, muds and cruds to feed so that further population explosions and ecological collapse can occur all that more the sooner.

Nature is the biggest Nazi, ruthlessly culling out the weak and unfit. Space is not a natural habitat for Man, and only the White Man has any chance to conquer Space, due to the superiority of the White Mind and White Science and White Technology. Put non-whites in any position which requires thought, foresight, creativity and intelligence and the zoo-keepers might as well unlock the doors to the monkey cages and expect the circus to stay on course at a speed of 3,000 miles per hour upon re-entry. All the more hazardous when the shuttle, like an aged truck or school bus, hasn't been maintained due to lack of money and interest. Turn loose monkeys and females in an old fatigued shuttle re-entering the atmosphere, and it is no wonder disaster occurred. Nature doesn't mind spoiling a ZOG photo-op.

There has been a question as to what, if any one thing, went wrong. The simplest, and thus most likely reason is likely to be the correct one, as Occam's Razor says:

1.) Since the Challenger motley crew back in 1986 has a khazaress jew on it and it exploded, and
2.) the Columbia motley crew had a murderous khazar jew on it, and
3.) since YHWH kicked Satan out of His Heavens, then
4.) Satan's kids, the jews, aren't welcome without a specific special invite by YHWH either.

YHWH done did a drive-by shooting and killed Him a kike, because Satan's-spawn are not allowed in the Heavens. Keep them spawn of Satan jews below 666,666 feet and maybe the next space shuttle won't crash either, even if the old rust-bucket garbage scow/shuttle is crammed to the gills with niggers and whiggers. Best don't piss God off.


ParaThe Columbia 'diss-ass-turd' is cutting into the Iraq Attack! provocation. Colin Piles, former nigger dove and present nigger hawk, has claimed that there is no 'smoking-gun,' i.e., credible proof that Saddam Hussein has biological weapons. But don't worry. Perhaps Saddam has already given them to Al&Martha Qaeda to give to the Great Satan and its herd of ZOG-lemmings.

In a letter [last October} to Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fla.), then chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, CIA Director Tenet said Hussein “might decide that the extreme step of assisting Islamist terrorists in conducting a WMD [weapons of mass destruction] attack against the United States would be his last chance to exact vengeance by taking a large number of victims with him.” A senior administration official said yesterday, [Feb. 3, 2003] “That remains the agency’s judgment.” Saddam Hussein is also known to have 'stored' his weaponry outside Iraq to use in the 1991 Gulf War. A U.S. intelligence official said last week that the administration expects Hussein “to try to do this again, and we can’t expect to be as successful this time as we were in 1991. We were lucky then and their agents can’t be as inept as they were then.”

Saddam Hussein's agents may not only be "less inept" but they shall likely be more motivated as well. Which is why the Resistance supports Bushy's Iraq Attack! Why go to all of the trouble of brewing up WMDs (other than the moral fact that the Resistance needs must and should control its own destiny) when ZOG is begging over a billion pissed-off Muslims to crack this mighty Evil Empire apart like a rotten watermelon? Looks like my Jew Year's resolution is paying off bigtime. Delenda est ZOG & Dog blast ZOG.


ParaDoubtless the abovementioned hope that Saddam Hussein both has, and will use 'weapons of mass destruction' (WMDs) will be a source of much pissin'&moanin' by pisspot Rabbleoooshunaries as well as run-of-the-swill criminal regimeists, ZOGlings & ZOG-hogs. However, putting aside the fantods & flapdoodle about how warfare has any so-called 'innocents' as opposed to real 'sides' for the moment, let's look at reality:

It is agreed that Saddam Hussein has WMDs, and if backed into a corner, both the CIA and the Resistance agrees that Saddam Hussein shall use them if their deterrent effect is ignored by ZOG and ZOG's Armed Farces. So what is the down side, insofar as the Resistance is concerned? Is it not understood that this mighty Evil Empire should be destroyed? Is it not understood that recombatant gene-spliced GAIDS/ebola/smallpox can and shall slaughter millions of inner-shitty Turd-Whirllders, gliberal whiggers, and ZOGlings in one fell swoop? And that the refugee [w]hordes seeking escape from that which they carry -- disease, starvation, and death -- shall overwhelm communities not organized to protect their racial communities under absolute racially enlightened leadership? Why, even the brain-dead 'left-behind' Rapture/Crapture jewdeo-khazarianity cultists can figure that out, although such offal shall be sorely disappointed when 'Jew-sus' doesn't rescue them so that they can look down and jerk off on Cloud 666 onto the Apocalypse Circus below.

Over the past year and a half since 9/11, a number of Resistance intellectuals have 'dropped out,' saying, "What good does it do for me to write, speak, or feed the Resistance flock? If it's not one ZOG thang it's another, woe is me, woe is us. There is nothing that I can do."

I disagree. It's like simply doing something which needed to be done in any case. Back in 1994, I didn't need to buy a Chink-made SKS for playing militia because I had already bought several of such back when they cost only $65 each retail before Bush the First had put an import ban on them. I didn't need to buy survival-shit for Y2Kaos because I always canned chicken quarters when they cost only a dime a pound, as well as a crop of tomatoes and corn and produce from my own garden. I have written material that I would like to read for my own amusement, and have thus decided to post it for the edification of the Resistance and the consternation of the criminal regimeists. Likewise the same is true for those of the Resistance. Those who are able to read the Bible know that 90% or more of White civilization shall be and must be destroyed, as both the wheat and the tares are harvested. Those able to read the social signs should be able to foretell the obvious as well. The Resistance activists which succeed are viewed as prophets in their own community, and thus while hated and feared by the degenerate and evil, are respected by those who matter, those in the Resistance which shall follow, those which should survive. Leadership is determined by its viable followership.

The center cannot hold. Things fall apart, as W.B. Yeats wrote in his ominous poem, The Second Coming. This war of ZOG's -- ZOG's War -- forced upon the entire Peoples of the World by criminals, traitors, jews holds the promise of bringing about the collapse of a snivelization which was infested and destroyed by such civilization's predators and parasites. Take care to look after your own and let ZOG be damned. We presently have not the strength to destroy ZOG, so why not let ZOG destroy itself -- especially since ZOG is so determined to run amok, and there is no way to stop this process of decline and fall, even if we were to be so stupid as to try to do so?

Prey for war. Pray for ZOG's War.


ParaBushy's Affirmative-Action war-nigger Colin Piles as Seek-a-tree-ry of Stank went to do its minstrel-show before the Jewnited Nay-shuns. After presenting high-colonic piles of [dis]information forged by the Mossad/CIA, Colin Piles warned the collection of Turd-Whirllld ZOG-selective ineffective defective collectives that they were in danger of becumming 'irrelevant' if they didn't join the Crusade for an Iraq Attack right away. The Frogs, Chinks, and Germans were not impressed, because after all, it's not their war and they don't want any part of it, except to bitch while ZOG runs amok. The rest of the Turd-Whirrld muds&cruds were prevented from overt anti-kikeism by sufficient bribes to keep from guffawing and rioting. Colin Piles' minstrel show was altogether for whigger ass-clowns and ZOGlings, the masses -- them asses -- as only such can truly appreciate being lied to.

Of course it was quickly revealed that much of the speech was plagarized from a term-paper from some jewnivershitty screwdent. After all, some thangs can only be believed or make sense when as much drugs are used in listening as were spent in making such stupid shit up in the first place.

There can be no 'proof' of anything absent good character and a reputation for credibility. Not in an age when any criminal regime can simply make up whatever 'facts' they choose and then present such as 'evidence.' Getting caught in a lie, such as quoting from a dokturdate thesis over a decade old as 'relevant' to the situation today simply shows incompetence in lying, nothing more. Proceeding with said lies, after being caught, means that anything said is irrelevant, merely seeking to put a superficial gloss, a pretext, over doing whatever criminal and tyrannical activity was planned in the first place. The French and Germans do not want US-ZOG to go forth into a world war in which they can be destroyed as collateral damage. The Chinese have no love for US-ZOG, but are rightfully uneasy as to what may result from the uncorking of the biowar and nuclear genie in which the entire planet becomes a free-fire zone.

ZOG is rapidly pissing-away the only thing it has left -- fear of force and terror. After all, if the real truth were said, quietly and honestly, "Let us destroy Iraq for the jews, both in the bandit state of Isn'tReal and in the District of Corruption, and we might not only let you live, but there might be something in it for you to share the loot," then the entire Turd-Whirlld might tremble and fear at the nekkid aggression of this mighty Evil Empire. As it is, telling lies to 'the-m-asses' as if such were ever needed means that ZOG can't keep its own herd animals, ZOG-lemmings & ZOGlings, its own 'the-m-asses' in line as tax-slaves and cannon fodder. And when ZOG can't even keep its own herd-animals in line without the need for overt terrorism and force-fed lies, then ZOG is weak. And weakness, whether it be internally or externally applied, is something no mighty Evil Empire can ever show or demonstrate. ZOG is rightfully hated. When ZOG is no longer feared, it shall be torn apart, both internally and externally.


Para ZOG's FBI -- Fumbling Bumbling Idiots -- has gotten its marching orders from Dog's Chosen master race of parasites and predators and told ZOGland Internal (In)Security ZOGzar Tom Ridge to up the panic attack to 'Code Orange.' Which means for normal White human beings not to worry, as only Satan's pets, Ashkenazi-Gogsspawn Khazars, are being threatened by the Godly working of cosmic justice. Standard Operating Policy -- stay away from jews, anywhere that muds congregate and thieve, avoid crowds of ZOGlings, and let the A-rabs go about Allah's bizness. The jewsmedia will amuse us real Americans as to how kikes must live in fear as in Isn'tReal. If Jew Dork Shitty and the District of Chazaristan and sundry Zionist a-men corners get what it got's cumming, no big deal. It's not as if there is a corporal's guard of the righteous on the ground there to save modern Sodom and Gomorrah.


Para There was much whining about how armed shabbes-goyim Armed Farces & piglice whiggers were guarding the sin-o-gogs of Satan so that the Khazars could play jew last Saturn's Day. All of which goes to show exactly what's 'homeland' security is paramount in ZOGistan. If ZOG's Armed Farces go to attack Iraq, when who is going to protect Dog's Chosen mamzer-kikes? The niggers? Beaners? Only Whitey makes a suitable productive shabbes goy and some of them ostensible whiggers might be Nazis. Oy vey, what's a poor little rich kike to do?


Para Imperial ZOGlings are advised by ZOGland (In)Security to protect theysselfs from Iraqi biowar agents with a roll of plastic sheeting and a roll of duct tape for when Al&Martha Qaeda do an Iraq attack! right back. Let's see . . . . . All of ZOG's Armed Farces to protect jews first, and anything left over to protect ZOG's sacred preferred minorities of niggers and beaners, but only a non-deductable roll of plastic sheeting and a roll of duct tape to 'protect' Whitey and Mrs. Whigger and from 1.7 to 2.1 whiggeroid pups from the genocidal war Imperial ZOG started. What ZOGswallup! Sorta goes to show what ZOG 'thinks' is most important to defend, not to mention indispensible. When the Z.S.S. Tit-antic goes down for the last time, there won't be enough lifeboats to go around, but of course there'll be an enforced policy of jews and niggers first.


Para Hanoi Jane's ex-poker, Ted Turner, has lost billions thanks to Agent On-Line/Slime/Wiener stock going belly-up now that the jews are enron-sleezing in on their speculation. Pore Loud-Mouth of the South seems not to have figured out that Dog's Chosen have paid him but good for yapping about how the genuine Semites, the A-rabs, are human beings and don't deserve to be killed by Khazar jews in ZOG tanks. Corporal Outrageous was recently seen whining, on the TalmudVision, as to how he is an old geezer without enough ZOG-bux to buy back his former media, now jewsmedia. Only a couple hundred million ZOG-bux left. In fact, Fonda-Turner, might not have enough ZOG-bux to give a full billion to the Jewnited Nations. Oh well, Ted still has the biggest ranch in Stanley County, South Dakota, and the grazing is good.


Para The Iraqis agreed to allow UN spies fly over their country in ZOG spy planes as had been demanded, endlessly. Whereupon ZOG said that this latest demand of ZOG's which had been met was 'meaningless,' irrelevant and not good enough. ZOG simply must have its imperial war to profit jews and oil corpsorations.


Para France, Germany, and Belgium, the leading countries of Europe, put a damper on ZOG's War by refusing to protect a nation of Turkeys to help ZOG engage in an imperial Iraq attack. After all, the North American Treaty Organization was designed as a protective alliance against attack by an evil empire led by Communist Khazars, not as a means by which an even mightier Evil Empire led by Capitalistic Khazars gets to engage in nuclear genocide against minor nations on behalf of jews and globalonyalism. Of course the ZOG jews and whiggers had a hissy fit about how nobody really wanted to fight, although their whorish affections could most certainly be rented by the hour.

Jorge-the-W.[orst] and Dumsfelt whined about ZOG's having to venture into the ass-heap of history alone, without anyone to hold ZOG's pee-pee other than some other piss-ant NATO members, none of which amount to a shit. In fact, if Turkey and ZOG were to try to attack Iraq from the rear, not even Greece would help.


Para ZOG is trying, now that Timothy McVeigh has been silenced for close to two years now, to blame "White Supremacists" and "Christian Identity" types for the Oklahoma City bombing, even though part of the reason for the texecution in the first place was that everyone ZOG wanted to convict, excluding theysselfs, was already rounded up. In fact, the ofishul ZOG texecutions only killed McVeigh and a beaner dope-dealer before petering out. But ZOG is accustomed to seeing all manner of terrorists behind every Bush.

As far back as 1995, it was understood that ZOG, and especially Imperaturd Bubba Caligula, needed an act of 'domestic terrorism' to convince the imperial ZOGlings that the best alternative to anarchy was more ZOG-[mis]rule. So an incident was arranged involving a Christian Identity sect made deliberately fearful of being wacoized, in which from head to toe there were federal informants, moles and agents provacateur running things, from the Reverend Doctor Bob Millar and Millar's son-in-law Ellison being FBI informants, and Millar's son running a fleet of trucks carrying hazardous materials for ZOG, to a BundesZOG informant tied to the Kohl regime. While I myself got an invitation to visit, based upon meeting Millar at a 1996 rally for one Robert Joos, a McDonald County political prisoner, I declined to attend because Elohim City was filled with informants as well as the Identity devout.

It seems obvious that Timothy McVeigh told everyone who would listen about his plans. ZOG knew that McVeigh wanted to destroy a federal building in either Tulsa or Oklahoma City, and may well have provided McVeigh with the Ryder truck and the ammonia-nitrate/fuel-oil bomb. In either case, the standard orthodox 'conspiracy theory' has been, since April 19, 1995, that McVeigh detonated the Ryder truck bomb as a signal for ZOG-FiBbIes to blow out the building support columns with demolition charges. McVeigh was simply a soldier used by both sides.

Since McVeigh said that Army 'Intelligence' and the CIA had implanted a microchip in his buttocks, I decided to write a parody novella called "The Manchurian Oswald's Right Buttock" in which the Phineas Priesthood implants a competing microchip in McVeigh's right buttock to fight with the ZOG/Mossad/MK-Ultra microchip in McVeigh's left buttock. Thus both the Sons of God and the Phineas Priesthood are in dualistic competition with the Spawn of Satan and their secret societies of Masons, Mossad, and MK-Ultra for Timothy McVeigh's 'soul' and more importantly, for the lives and fortunes of 'the masses' or, more properly, them asses. Timothy McVeigh's butt is a forerunner of Armeggeddon, just as the proposed Iraq Attack! is. So before Timothy McVeigh was of course found 'guilty,' I wrote the first two chapters and a half and posted two of them before the jewry verdict. I have not gone back since, although tempted by events.

Almost all of the militia generals, with the exception of myself, condemned Timothy McVeigh. I did not because I consider McVeigh a useful tool for both sides, just as I was sure both the Phineas Priesthood and ZOG did as well. It was far better that the over-rated variable element called 'the truth' define what is really important -- which side one is on. Both sides wound up little Timmy Tuttle, fully wanting and wishing for the wind to be sown and to reap the whirlwind, expecting that the whirlwind would benefit their side and destroy the enemy. The truth is that Oklahoma City, like Waco, was in the short-term interests of ZOG, and in the long-term interests of the Resistance, and that both sides allowed, encouraged, even facilitated this 'incident' to happen. Degenerate ZOG-hog kike militia-mattoids like Kernal Red Mike Vanderboegh (Vanderkike) collecting agent provacateur checks from the FBI, ABI (Alabama Bureau of Investigation) and SPLC and whining about ZOGling spawn being kilt by ZOG double-agents to the contrary, in every total civil war like the present one, total victory comes about only by a ruthless policy of extermination. The Resistance side shall inevitably win because only we can build the civilization that the ZOG parasitic regime of regime-criminals and jews are destroying. We destroy what remains of the civilization which our fathers built, and refuse to rebuild until the last traitor, criminal, and spawn-of-Satan is destroyed, and we in the Resistance shall win. For while we can destroy as well, our victory lies in the fact that only we, the White Men, can build.

Timothy McVeigh was a soldier for both sides. Each side knew what was happening and used McVeigh's services. ZOG, being evil, paid McVeigh in the only coin it had -- of imprisonment, lies, torture and murder. Satan doesn't pay his help very well, even when they are his own flesh & blood and kind. Satan murdered the tool it found, just as it shall destroy the masses of them asses in the Republican Party by means of an Iraq Attack! once they become useless idiots. Count on it, ZOGlings. The leopard can't change its spots nor the Ethiopian his skin any more than the spawn of Satan can change their inherent nature.


Para ZOG's favorite 'mad mullah,' Osama Bin Laden, has been speaking again, but only to the Islamic faithful. ZOG has been careful to censor Osama Bin Laden to where, upon pretext of OBL passing 'secret messages' to non-ZOGlings, Osama is only quoted out of context by the likes of Colin Piles, Congo-lisa, Bush & Dick. In fact, the best way to tell the CIA forgeries from the real-McCoy Bin Laden recordings is that the CIA forgeries are transcribed in detail on all of the jewsmedia WWW pages whereas the genuine Bin Ladens require going to a European or Islamic or Resistance media WWW page for the potential victim of disinformation to read for himself. The only way the witlings at the CIA and the Fumbling Bumbling Idiots (FBI) can be sure that 'secret messages' to help raghead terrorists are not being spread is if they create forged Bin Laden tapes. However, this plan has the flaw in that the CIA forgeries are 'pollardized,' i.e. subcontracted to the Mossad, which sends its secret messages to its 'Amerikan' kike spy ring(s) by playing the forgeries backwards on a tape recorder. As it is, the ZOG-lings and ZOG-lemmings are terrorized simply knowing that the wolf is at the door, or at least still alive, like Osama Bin Laden. It must be true -- why ZOG has told them these big lies itself.


Para The ruling kikes at Jew Dork Shitty dared not give out a parade permit to anti-ZOG's War demonstrators. This where the latest Holohoax gimmic is looking at 'Ground Zero' of the Babylonian Twin Towers, supposedly wrecked by A-rab plane drivers. After all, if the non-kikes are allowed to demonstrate that none of them give a shit for a an Iraq Attack! or ZOG's War then Satan's Chosen Peepul of Dog will have to fight ZOGs War by theysselfs, and that can be inconvenient. Imagine, 100,000 signs saying "Not In OUR Name!" If ZOG's War is only fought by those traitors and kikes benefitting from ZOG's War then no ZOG's War. What if ZOG held a war and only ZOG-hogs cum?


Para Millions of the world's Peoples demonstrated by their presence in their streets that they disapproved of ZOG's War. After all, unlike the jews and the shabbes-whigger [d]ruling imperial ZOG supremacists, most of these people are working people, providing for their children, with no faith in their regime criminals being able to protect them as herd animals from drifting clouds of radiation or biological or chemical agents or even much caring to do so. One must understand that the [d]ruling regime criminals, particularly the Deserter-in-Thief, are largely self-serving idiots, liars, thieves, cowards and moral degenerates whom in a state of Nature would be unable to provide for or protect themselves, and thus only an 'aristocracy' of fools and criminals, unable even as parasites to feign even an interest in their hosts.

What is amusing though, is the transparentcy of the 88-I.Q. In-Flight, One-Term NWO/ZOG sock puppet Jorge the Worst's hypocrisy. After seeing the will of the People expressed, all the Deserter-In-Thief could do was to witlessly smirk about how in doing whatever the jews tell him what to do, how 'respectfully' he viewed dem[on]ocracy. Really? The Peoples of this Earth said, in no uncertain terms, that they don't want to die in the chaos of ZOG's War for the jews and bushoil. What part of "No War!" can't this cowardly idiotic thug never elected except by a 5-4 vote of jewdickial black-robed baal-priests understand? Obviously only enough that both Bush and the jewsmedia haven't been publishing any polls recently concerning what a wonderful job the murderous imperial ass-clown is doing recently. So much for dem[on]ocracy when inconvenient.


Para One weekend I was at a farm-supply store watching some reservists from Alabama to Missouri in the combat engineers buy rubber overshoes, as they had not been issued any. I was amazed (and pleased) at the level of ignorance and unreadiness for nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) warfare that I observed. Particularly telling was the ignorance and lack of leadership of the NCOs at the E-7 and E-8 levels (platoon and company sergeants), not only amongst the niggers, but amongst the whigger cannon fodder element as well.

For example, one of the white PFC's was buying a rubber overshoe which did not fully cover his spit-shined leather combat boot, but only the foot. I explained to him that back when I was in the Regular Army twenty years ago, that the rubber pants, tops, and overshoes were regarded as 'level 2' MOPP (Mission Oriented Protective Posture) to be worn at all times during a field training exercise, as MOPP level four was the whole shebang of charcoal suits, gas masks, and special NBC booties. That only the foot protection wouldn't protect against VX or lewisite nerve gas or any other chemical attack -- that the agents would go right through the pores of his combat boots at the ankle. The PFC said that he didn't want to ruin his spit shine. I might have said something to the NCOs around, but most of the troops and NCOs were niggers and I hope that they'll get killed anyway.

When I was a soldier in a nuclear-tipped ground-launched cruise missile (Lance) battery and in the fire/direction and control section at that, we trained heavily in NBC warfare. After all, we were gonna nuke the Reds, and they might nuke us back, and at the very least we might have had to retreat in and behind a cloud of our own toxins in any case. I do not recollect a single field training exercise in which at least a third of the time was not in MOPP level four, with at least 24 hours spent wearing a gas mask continuously. Of course the sections full of niggers and cannon-fodder, like the cooks and mechanics, couldn't seem to learn anything at all, but they were expendible anyway.

Of course when I played around in the reserves for eight months or so in 1986-87, the cannon-cockers didn't even bother to train in NBC. I hear tell that the situation has gotten worse since then. These reservists have probably never taken NBC training in the field since basic training and neither themselves nor their officers nor NCOs have any training at all in NBC training even in winter months in North America, much less in a hot and/or humid climate like Iraq or Panama. Even in Germany in September the new troops would get heat exhaustion from overexerting themselves within four or five hours from wearing NBC gear impervious to air. The greatest part of NBC training involved learning by experience how to do things deliberately and in 'slow motion' so as to not overheat and keel over in a combat situation. Very few soldiers I knew wouldn't take off their masks after they puked up their rations. Many didn't even know how to drink from their canteen with the special canteen cap and mask tubing designed for that purpose. It took training and motivation to learn and to ask for the equipment for that purpose even back then, which few soldiers and NCOs bothered with. This is training which the greatest portion of the Jewnited Snakes Job-Corps-in-jewniform has never taken, and obviously doesn't know anything about. A casualty due to heat-stroke in Iraq is as deadly as one lost to chemical and biological warfare.

ZOG's Armed Farces are not ready to fight a war in which nuclear, biological and chemical weapons are used. It is not just 250,000 defective NBC suits or that the gas masks are dry-rotted and only have training filters in them. It is that ZOG's Armed Farces are not equipped mentally to handle the total warfare that a trapped rat like Saddam Hussein is going to deal out when he has absolutely nothing left to lose. ZOG's Armed Farces will lose all appetite for a fight then. Since ZOG's Armed Farces are unready for ZOG's War, and might well die like flies, ZOG's herd animals and lemmings fearfoolly crouched in their duct-taped bathrooms gulping Perrier and watching the TalmudVision powered by vibrator batteries don't stand much of a chance either.


Para Unlike most blight-wing [p][l]etership in the overall Paytriotic [bowel] Movement, I listen closely to what the jewsmedia and whiggroid lemmings have to yawp. This means enduring reading Crapture-Cultist swill like "Left Alone," Dan's Blather, and sundry whigger ass-clowns believing firmly that such shall be '[c]raptured-away' to Cloud 666 where they shall see their misceginated witless grandkiddies drown when this Turd-Whirrrld is flushed away by the Thumb of Dog, to benefit Satan's Chosen Master Race of Khazarian kike predators and parasites, running the NWO/ZOG Global Plantation.

However, some of the Yawping Heads got a point. In particular, the greaser faggot-mamzer LibberToon Justin Raimondo. I am not overly impressed by seeing the picture of this mamzer with a fag in his mouth hoping for more & better, but I do listen. Raimondo was absolutely correct concerning the degeneracy of Crapture-Cultist Christian Zionists without reading any of the 'Left Behind' series, calling them blight-wing "Kook Facturds." Raimondo hits the nail on the head in his latest article, "This War Is Treason," and then at the very last minute proceeds to nail the head that does his/her/its thinking for it, in supporting a false-opposition thieving kike [yes, yes, redundant adjectives] named Dan Charles, HKIC (Head Kike In Charge) of Pat Buchanan's Deform Party Off-Shit, The Amerikwa Fust Party. Raimondo is usually 80% correct as to the symptoms and 100% wrong as to the cause and the cure because Raimondo is about the only ASS-Plaform (Abortion, Sodomy & Smokin'-dope) LibberToon purist that ever developed a sense of consequence. Whitey is of course racist, but when Whitey goes, no more LibberToonian ASS good-times. Whitey needs -- everything and anything but genuine White Nationalist leaders -- faggot-greaser LibberToons like Jewstin to keep Whitey lined up & reamed out but good.

Time to bring up Buckwheat's, Raimondo's, and Charles's criminal histories and modius operandi for the newbies. Buckwheat back in July 2000 had a cow because White Nationalists like Dr. William Pierce and the Council of Conservative Citizens and Nationalist political candidates like myself running for U.S. Senate and Richard Masker of Idaho as Reform Party candidates. Buckwheat first shat over the idea of Whites choosing by vote their political candidates by denouncing the two of us. Then a week later, Buckwheat chose a loony-toon coon female running primate, paying her $1500 a month to run when Nigger Keyes refused to go down a notch on the Uncle Tom ticket. The quid pro quo was that Buchanan got to loot the Reform Party of $12.6 million in FEC funds and in return, send the disgusted White working-class male vote back to the Republicans. Buchanan wasted several million of it in TalmudVision ads in a State of Californication where AlWhore would win anyways, and none where it would hurt Jorge-the-Worst. Before Long Beach Buchanan had 3.4% of the total vote -- all White male. In November 2000, Buchanan had .7%. All of which was planned in advance by Buchanan and Bush's ZOG puppet masters. Buchanan has always played to perfection ZOG's whigger whore. Raimondo is Buchanan's greaser-faggot bitch. Dan Charles is Buchanan's kike Deformer gauleiter.

At the Reform Party National Convention held in Nashville the last weekend of July 2001, the Perobots and whigger independents in the State Party Organizations (SPOs) were set aside by Buchanan's Brigands. The battle-states were California and Missouri. Missouri had a strong White Nationalist faction of nine state committeemen, four Perobots & Tantric F_liars, and but three Brigands. The Perobots and Brigands got together and decided to remove two elected Nationalist delegates and the MoRP chair's selected delegates after the Credentials Committee seated the elected and selected delegates by having nine Brigands dredged from jew Howard Phillips' USTP Party by having majority Brigands from outside the affected states vote who would be seated. In other words, a majority of rent-a-mob Brigands from outside Missouri and California voted to set aside those chosen from the Congressional districts to represent White Reform voters in favor of Buckwheat's Brigands. California was treated the same -- the elected delegates from the SPO were turned out and removed even though the Brigands were from LA and the elected delegates were from Central and Northern California. I was able to pull something out of the mess by taking advantage of a co-incidence of Buchanan's female running-primate accidentally trying to enter my hotel room at 12:05 a.m. Friday morning. I thanked YHWH for the opportunity and told the Nashville jewspaper which printed the story on the front page of the Saturday, July 28, 2001 edition to show how screwed up the Reform Party was. The Deform whiggers were not amused.

The reason for this all nonsense? Buchanan wanted to destroy what was left of the Reform Party -- clueless old whigger feebs -- after having looted the treasury by imposing a 'no-exceptions' abortion plank for the National Platform, contrary to Buchanan's own lying promise. The Brigand plank failed on two votes until the third vote at 1:15 a.m. Sunday morning. It was Dan Charles who committed the necessary fraud with two votes from Colorado changed to pass by exactly the vote needed. Charles ran off rather than explain the operation in detail to cries of "vote-fraud!" "vote-scam!" The Brigands immediately adjourned the convention. The next day there was no quorum, and rather than re-open the death-wounds, the CONvention was adjourned. The State Party Organizations in most of the states immediately passed resolutions to disavow Nashville. In September 2002, a Reform Party Convention kicked out Gerald "The Moaner" Moan and today nothing remains of the Reform Party except groups of 30 whiggers calling themselves the Reform Party and 20 whiggers run by the jew Dan Charles calling itself Chairman of the 'America First Party.'

The reason I am bringing this matter up is because blight-wing false-opposition fronts are so utterly pathetic -- but so often -- too often, yet so utterly successful. Dan Charles was never anything other than a lying sneaking two-faced kike unable to look even the most limp-dicked whigger in the eye, running a seven-member Colorado delegation of Brigand whigger vermin who fled the scene immediately after getting caught mis-counting the vote for the third time. And yet the Brigand platform plank passed, for all of its idiocy and for all of the pubic show of its corrupt origins and practice in being enacted. Jewstin Raimondo is nothing more than a faggot mamzer rightfully scared that when Whitey goes, so does go its glory[hole] daze. But yet, explaining all of this is but a waste of time. It is as if typical whigger lemmings can see a turd being squeezed out the asshole of a mangy dog, but yet whiggers cannot help but run up to grab it, sniff it like it was wonderful, and then proceed to taste, chew and swallow that turd like Eve gulping an apple -- and with the exact same results of great misery following stupid sin.

There is nothing that can be done with a whigger -- either pro or con, even by professional cons like Dan Charles. The only thing that can be said about whigger ass-clowns, as Grant Bruer loves to observe, is that such are bio-degradeable, lacking any ability to degrade further.


Copyright 2003. Resistance Political Front



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