Purpose: Our purpose is to serve the Resistance as the electronic journal of record for the political arm of the Resistance. We plan on providing news and commentary favorable to our Cause in a format accessible to the general public..Commentary is in regular format and is solely the opinions of the Editor and Staff of Resistance Political Front.
Editor Martin Lindstedt
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Fable of Contents
1. ... This Issue's Editorial Commentary
2. ...Monologue
--Editor Martin Lindstedt
. Monologue
.Para On May 4, 2003, a tornado ripped through the little town of Pierce City. Destroyed were historic old brick buildings, two and three stories tall on Main Street, erected since the 1870s. Now these buildings are damaged amd there is no insurance money or other funds to restore them to where they shall be allowed to remain on the demand for demolition by FEMA-ZOG and MoZOG building inspectors. The town is ruined, and faces destruction of its heritage, as has been admitted by its mayor.
What we see -- and let's admit that this is so -- is a repeat of a cycle in which the degenerate descendents of a formerly virile People live amongst the ruins of their ancestors. No, the brick buildings erected by merchants in the last third of the 19th Century most certainly were not the Parthenon or Forum of ancient Greece and Rome, any more than the hillbillies living it up in the Gilded Age of the railroads were the noble Grecians and Romans mentioned by Plutarch. It must be admitted that the degenerate whigger inbreds of Pierce City were far more deserving than the inbreds of Granby, who lost all of their historic buildings because the Granby inbreds were so degenerate that they refused to merely put chickenwire in the attic entrances to keep out pigeons and pigeon-shit, thus destroying their own buildings. In the 1960s and 1970's the Granby inbreds allowed the winged rats to destroy their historic Main Street to where there was little left by the 1980s. No, the Pierce City buildings have been destroyed by an Act of God, and let the judgment rest there that it was of no fault of their own.
It is Corpsorate Walmart which has finished off these old buildings to where all that remains is a bulldozer blade to make way for Mexcriment in double-wides. Back in the 1870s and 1880s, merchants created these magnificient buildings to house their stores facing the Main Street with themselves, with inventory and their families living on the top in magnificient brick two and three story buildings. Life was slower and there were far more important things than making ZOG-bux at the expense of the People and Community like Walmart does, importing 95% of its merchandise from China and sporting a fraudulent label claiming otherwise. Back then there was such a thing as a 'living wage' for Whites to raise their families, and alien parasitism was unknown -- or driven out if manifested, thanks to 'intolerance' of degeneracy. These buildings were of heavy oak beam and brick constuction from local labor and materials, and passed down from generation to generation. No more. Both People and place have been uprooted -- all God's tornado did was to send the ruins crashing down to where everything is made plain.
Copyright 2003. Resistance Political Front
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