No Solution but . . .

White Revolution!


Resistance Political Front

January 1, 2004, Issue #1-2004

A Journal of the Political Arm of the Resistance


Purpose: Our purpose is to serve the Resistance as the electronic journal of record for the political arm of the Resistance. We plan on providing news and commentary favorable to our Cause in a format accessible to the general public.

Commentary is in regular format and is solely the opinions of the Editor and Staff of Resistance Political Front.

Editor Martin Lindstedt



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Fable of Contents

1. ... This Issue's Editorial Commentary
2.... Monologue
3.... Prelude, The Passion, Beyond Gibson -- Jim Floyd -- Feb. 4, 2004
4....God and anti-Judaism -- Jim Floyd -- Feb. 27, 2004
5....Original Article, Treading Water III -- Edgar J. Steele -- March 27, 2004
6....Going With The Resistance Flow -- A Restance Rebuttal to Ed Steele's 'Treading Water III' -- Martin Lindstedt -- March 29, 2004



--Editor Martin Lindstedt







Para In the 1996 movie Michael Collins, it was shown that the first act of a revolutionary People's Army is to exterminate or neutralize as many collabortraitors and their families working for the occupying alien forces as fast and efficiently as possible. In the movie, Michael Collins first destroyed the local rural English piglice, the Royal Irish Constabulary, and then infiltraited Dublin Castle with his native loyalists, then formed, along with the Irish Republican Army, special assassination squads to destroy key men of the English security forces, the 'Cairo Gang.' Eventually, the very first of England's colonies became the first colony to quit the Empire. The cost in Imperial blood and treasure became far too much to carry a diminished loyalty and support of the en-hostilated natives.

The rest of the Empire learned these lessons of guerrilla warfare, including Mesopotamia, today's Iraq. The British had to clear out eventually, creating an artificial state of Northern, Central, and Southern Iraq of Kurds, Sunni and Shi'ite Arabs in which control of oil would be run by CIA puppets and dictators, much as in Iran. Saddam Hussein is simply a CIA stooge who was deposed when he became an embarassment to the Bush-league ZOG sock-puppets.

Today there is an indigenous guerrilla war against ZOG's Armed Farces, in which ZOG's joopers (jew-dupe troops) are sitting ducks in convoy or in helicopter. The success rate of the indegenous forces is low, but an unskilled force of thousands engaged in targets of opportunity will sooner or later get lucky, plus they give further opportunity for planned attacks. ZOG is still losing a ZOG jooper or so every day -- it is so commonplace that a ZOGling killed no longer rates a headline. However, until such time as the poorly trained Reserveist jooper cannon-fodder replaces the Regular Army veterans, the 'soft-targets,' easy to kill and undefended, are the 'Iraqifuckation' collabortraitors.

During the past week, car bombs have killed over 50 wannabe Iraqi piglice, then over 40 wannabe Iraqi joopers, and then in a daring effective raid, 23 Iraqi collabortraitor piglice were killed and a score of Iraqi patriots freed. In fact, it is believed by the natives that ZOG joopers have been doing these killings in order to have an excuse to cancel elections, since if one-man-one-vote is instituted, then the Shi'a majority shall elect an ayatollah, and ZOG and its Axis-of-Looting given the boot.

ZOG, if it was wise, wouldn't interfere with elections. After all, ZOG has no choice but to send its experienced joopers home after a full year or so of involuntary servitude and the ill-trained cannon-fodder Reservist joopers won't be able to cut the mustard of yet another full year in Iraq. The Deserter-In-Thief might not win re-[s]election in time to draft your children, not that such slave-thugs will be able to last for very long against experienced veteran guerrillas motivated knowing that they can't stop until ZOG departs.

ZOG started this war based upon a lie that Iraq was a military threat to ZOG. Now ZOG is trapped. If ZOG tucks tail and runs, then the rest of the ZOGling client kings and dictators are doomed to be tossed into the inferno of a jihad now that this jew crusade failed. The price of oil shall rise and the ZOG-buck shall tank. An unsuccessful bloody war has a way of following a retreating failed ex-mighty Evil Empire back to its homeland, infested by immigrunts. The producers shall quit and the parasites shall riot. ZOG shall disappoint its ZOGlings, but not its enemies, foreign or domestic.


Para When I heard all about the 'Spanish 9/11' done March 11, 2004, I of course thought that the jews were up to their jewusual tricks of committing a major terrorist act, and then blaming it on the A-rabs, or Al-Qaeda. The lick-Jorge-Bush's-butt deposed [un]Popular Party regime tried to blame Basque separatists, while ZOG tried to claim that it was an Al-Qaeda operation. Most Spanish, 90% already against Bush's War, decided to go with cui bono or 'who benefits' and accordingly blamed the Mossad/ZOG.

Rage at the government overshadowed Election Day. Protesters shouted "Liar!" and "Get our troops out of Iraq!" at the Popular Party candidate Mariano Rajoy, the 48-year-old lawyer who had been expected to be Mr. Aznar's successor, as he voted at a Madrid polling station.
The New York Times of March 15, 2004

Para The end result is that the Socialist Party swept to an upset victory. The prime minister elect, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, in November called for the withdrawal of Spanish troops from Iraq after the death of seven Spanish secret service agents in an ambush. In any case, Zapatero that if he won the election, he would withdraw the 1300 Spanish troops at the end of June unless a United Nations-led force took charge. The Axis-of-Looting has just lost another bought-and-paid-for mercenary force. The Deserter-in-Thief's administraitors have suffered a blow in that the Democrat nominee will ask, that since the rest of the world wants a pull-out from Iraq, why not send our joops home as well.


Para Spain’s next prime minister, saying “you cannot organize a war with lies,” promised Monday [Mar.15th] to bring Spanish troops home from Iraq unless the United Nations took control from the United States. The prime-minister elect also said that he would bring his country in line with Rumsfelt's 'Old Europe' of France and Germany, trying to build a European coalition against ZOG.

The [un]Popular Party, which lost the election was blamed for trying to pin the train bombings on the Basques, as opposed to the Mossad's/ZOG's false-flag terrorist atrocity designed to blame the Muslims. After all, the Spanish are happy to have kicked out their jews and not had the rest of the White world gang up on them for it, and make up a Holoco$t. The Spanish are more than happy to buy their oil with Euros, and don't want to shed any more blood for jews.

Now that the Spanish Army is going to pull out, the Pollacks are going to have to either quit or keep on fighting the Muslims for the jews. Perhaps if it were to come to a vote, the Pollacks will pull out as well. After all, those who are spending their blood for jews, the common working-class people, are not getting jew bankster money bribes from the Axis of Looting. Such are the vagaries of true democracy.


Para First it was the Deserter-in-Thief's former Treasury Secretary, now it is Bushy's former anti-terrorism chief Richard Clarke, all claiming credibly, that Jorge-the-Last's interest was not in really fighting the 'terrorists' who flew airplanes into the Twin Towers of Mammon [the jews], supposedly Osama Bin-Laden's Al-Qaeda network [but really Ariel Sharon's Mossad]. Rather, time and time again, jew political science of demanding a result, namely blaming Saddam Hussein, irregardless of the 'proof' [that it was Osama Bin-Laden ] was the monomania of the neo-khans running Bushy as their One-Term sock puppet for the good of Greater Isn'tReal. Clark made Bushy seem like the lying degenerate moron that Bushy is -- arguing that Bushy's neo-khan team's misguided adventurism in Iraq has actually spawned more terrorism and diverted resources better spent in actually dealing with Bin-Laden, the 'oafishul' fall guy, as opposed to Saddam Hussein, a secular ruler and CIA client dictator. This 'truth' [as opposed to the real truth that the jews did it] has panicked the Bushies, who are running as heroic terror w[h]orerior chicken-hawks. Even the Democrat jew Kerry/Kohn didn't dare directly make this allegation.

Meanwhile, Clarke pulled a Janet Reno and took something that the Deserter-in-Thief doesn't have the balls to do -- responsibility for his failure to not do enough to prevent 9/11. The widows and orphans of the goy 9/11 victims congradulated Clarke, while condemning Bushy's National Security Nigger Congo-lisa Rice, for yapping about how the CONstitution prevents her from publicly lying before Congress and the 9/11 Commission as part of 'Executive Priviledge.' Funny, Bushy and Asscrack have done their best to gut the CONstitution and Bill of Goods and call it the Paytriot Act. They further want secret protocols congruent with those demanded by the unwashed Elders of Zionism, further finishing off the sacred scrap of toilet paper -- the CONstitution -- faster than the ZOGuS jewpreme kort can do so, called Paytriot Act II. Bushy's jew and whigger chickenhawks act all proud to have destroyed freedom in ZOGland for ZOGlings, but cannot keep ragheads in Iraq and Afghanistan from successfully resisting ZOG's imposition of Operation 'Iraqi Freedumb.' And they want to impose a ZOG/Beast jewrymandered [s]election process upon the Iraqi and Afghan ragheads, but dare not let them have 'one-man/one-vote' open fair free elections so that they can elect an ayatollah or Saddam Hussein. Of course, ZOG is one to talk. Newton County and City of Granby ZOG can't and won't hold open, fair, free elections for Granby municipal judge. .

Para When the dirty murdering jews killed the quadru


Copyright 2004. Resistance Political Front



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