No Solution but . . .

White Revolution!


Resistance Political Front

April 19, 2005, Issue #2-2005

A Journal of the Political Arm of the Resistance


Purpose: Our purpose is to serve the Resistance as the electronic journal of record for the political arm of the Resistance. We plan on providing news and commentary favorable to our Cause in a format accessible to the general public.

Commentary is in regular format and is solely the opinions of the Editor and Staff of Resistance Political Front.

Editor Martin Lindstedt



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Fable of Contents

1. ... This Issue's Editorial Commentary

2. ... Monologue

3. ...

4. ... Statement of Eric Robert Rudolph by Eric Rudolph -- April 13, 2005

5. ... To Tom: New jew Popery; ZOG Collapse Faster Than Rome's; The Trash Empire; Oil Bizness Racket -- Eric Thompson -- Apr. 16, 2005

6. ...



Para --Editor Martin Lindstedt






. . . . . Some CI thoughts concerning the new pope jewnPaul3.

Specifically MartinLindstedt-- what do you think about the new pope? Do you think he is a good guy (former Hitler Youth) who will eventually lead the second Holocaust of jews from the world, or is he just a whigger-ass clown?
The old pope, jewnPaul2 was the spawn of a kikess named Katz.

I talked to some old Catholics. They despised jewnPaul2. Why? Because jewnPaul2 was the kike who changed all of their traditions and turned everything upside down and turned it all to dust for them. And for a bunch which wants to belong to a Church which supposedly hasn't changed because of Tradition, jewnPaul2 disrupted 'their' Church. Destroyed it, actually, they say. And they are right.

So now, having destroyed the old Traditions and now being called a 'khannedservantive' because of the destruction of the old ways and the preservation of nothing, there is a new nin-com-pope aged 78 who will 'conserve' the new destruction. All the while being called a 'conservative.' All under the rubric of pulling back, of making the senile Euro followers the 'preferred' as opposed to simply openly admitting that the young of Italy, France, Germany, Spain of 'Old Europe' are mainly A-rabs, dune-coons, camel-humpers who will remain Muslim as the Catholic Church becums nothing more than an embalming society ready to give last rites to its dying senile old whigger feeb followers. The jew jewnPaul2 got in and like a kike rat destroyed the Catholic Church and made it into a charnel house for pedarasts and jewdayo-Catholic feebs, with the smell of decay and death all around.

The Catholic Church was meant initially for Southern Europeans to screw like rabbits and to feel guilty enough to put in some PeterzPence in the priests' hands and buy some indulgences to pay for some overpriced [f]art- work and gilding and rotting velvet vestments in their cathedrals. Everybody who was of Southern European/Mediterranean biology and temperment loved that easy/corrupt arrangement. It was the dour Northmen of Geneva and Scotland and Germany who thought that sin was something not to be done at all, not forgiven through money derived from indulgences, and so they became Protestant, as their race made their religion.

The priests would channel their sexuality into being gelded monastic perverts, tell the hotblooded horny Mediterranean sinners to say some "Hail Mary's" and then the laypeople went out and screwed away like rabbits and made some more little white Catholics so that the cycle of 'tradition' could continue. jewnPaul2 jewd, blued, screwd, & tatooed that traditional arrangement wherein Eoster/Ishtar was converted from paganistic screwing like rabbits in the tall grass to screwing like rabbits in the marital bed and whorehouses sans contraception after the priest has taken confession for acting naturally. Trading klein-guilt for klein-gelt. Now instead of worshipping Jesus, or even jeeeeesass, all them good Catholics are worshipping jews -- 6,666,666 of them quasi-sainted lampshade, soap, and lye/lie providers. For it was Romans who killed Christ, not the jews, now, thanks to Poop jewnPaul2. What used to be 'dirty jews' are now simply misunderstood sensitive schidzoid hook-nosed Hebe fiddle-players on the roof.

Now the Catholic Church, absent all of its traditions, will shellack the hollow shell and whiten they's sepulchres of what little patrimony is left. Cardinal Ratsinigger should have called hisself Poop jewnPaul3, as caretaker of the poison-pill generated by his predicessor, as there is nothing of Benedickshun about this arrangement. So the Cardinal feebs [s] elected a 78 year old feeb, so as to create a holding pattern for the next few years. Catholicism, like Protestantism, is jewed so as to make a corpse ripe for the Muslim maggots. Selecting a nigger Pope would mean forthrightly admitting that the jig was up.


. . . . . ZOG has sent its privates and sergeants to Leavenworth over the tortures of Iraqi civilians but deliberately covered up for the crimes of its senior officers and generals. The Army cleared four top officers -- including the three-star general who commanded all U.S. forces in Iraq -- of all allegations of wrongdoing in connection with prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib, and they will not be punished at all. In fact, it was rumored that Lieutenant-General Sanchez, an affirmative-action latrino general, was in fact at Abu Ghraib giving his consent to the tortures and rapes that occurred there, and yet even though as the Commanding Officer of the Theatre of Operations he was fully responsible for his actions and inactions in the conduct of the Coalition of the Swilling Armed Farces in Iraq, he got away with nothing other than being kicked upstairs to command the 5th Corps of the depleted Army in Germany. Perhaps the only penalty that this affirmative-action ZOG general will ever face is not getting his fourth star and retirement as a full general.

One of the general officers, Sanchez's 'Intelligence Officer, Barbara Fast, was given another star, promoted to major general, and put in charge of Fort Huachuca, the ZOG Army's Intelligence Center. Like Janet Reno, Fast said of the Abu Ghraib debacle, “Could I have done something to prevent this? I think we all ask ourselves that question.” Perhaps she would have more profitably asked this question busted down to private doing hard labor at Leavenworth, like the junior enlisted murderers and torturers. But as in the novel Catch-22, whenever ZOG's Armed Farces do something worthy of censure and contempt, the best thing to do is to hand out medals and promotions. Another incompetent, Col. Mark Warren, Sanchez’s top legal adviser at the time, also was absolved for his incompetence. The only general who was screwed by the Army was the lowly brigadier of Army Reserves, and the only case of punishment was Janis Karpinski, who commanded the 800th Military Police Brigade at Abu Ghraib. Since she has been suspended from her command and given a written reprimand, this will be the only general officer that the Army shall punish.

As Eric Thomson noted, a smart ZOG-merc got every order to kill, murder, rape and torture in writing. The ZOG-mercs who got into hot water over the Abu Ghraib torture scandal DID NOT HAVE written orders. Those who did were not prosecuted, for they could prove who told them to do their dirty deeds. This is why the Blackwater and Custer Battles (appropriate name) mercenary hirelings making $500-$600 a day doing ZOG's really dirty work haven't been charged any more than Saddam Hussein's thugs were doing their job for Saddam Hussein. As the Deserter-in-Thief Jorge Bushy noted, "The torture chambers of Saddam Hussein have been toppled!" although Emperor Bonehead forgot to note that that now Saddam Hussein's rape and torture chambers and jails are now George Bush's rape and torture chambers and jails. There is an obvious improvement for the Iraqi People now since it is a foreign occupying invader's rape and torture chambers run according to 'Christian' principles. Jesus Christ told Emperor Bonehead to invade Iraq, and presumably to do whatever is necessary to keep them benighted Islamic ragheads in their proper place. Torture, murder and rape are so much better when salted down with a heaping helping of hypocrisy, something much too subtile for the Saddam Hussein regime.


. . . . . A five-year-old female niglet ran wild like little monkeys are wont to do, and the goofy whigger binks running the daycares and public skrewls doubling as zoos were unable to control the niglet placed in their flaccid care. So the piglice were called, and the ZOGling whigger piglice were unable to do anything other than shoot, taser, or handcuff the unruly little she-niglet. Regrettably they chose the least lethal method and shackled the little monkey. Now the entire ZOGland is bitching about piglice brutality shown on tape. Why, itz another Rodney King incident, and hopefooly the niggers in Florida will riot, loot, and burn down not only their hoods, but that of the beaners and whiggers as well, while the piglice run scared. My LA Riot videotapes are all worn out and I'd like a new reality-TalmudVision episodes of pigs killing niggers and niggers killing pigs. (The next time I'll be sure to have it saved on homemade DVD.) ZOGling whigger ass-clowns across the fruited & nutted plains are by a margin of nearly 60-40% saying that the piglice went too far. Imagine the horrors if the clucking hens in the daycare had simply pulled down the niglet's manpants and spanked the protuberant buttocks of the unruly little she-apess.

There simply is no common sense left within the ZOGland. When dealing with a small unruly brat of any race, but especially of the lower species, the proper, commonsense practice is to simply pull down the pants of the yapping barbarian, place him or her across your knee, and say, "This is gonna hurt you a lot more than it's gonna hurt me," then explaining before the pants are pulled back up, that another like incident WILL occur if the provocation necessitating discipline occurs again. Is it going to happen again? And if the answer is insolence, then another application of imposed discipline is not only in order, but mandatory.

Any parent of any child knows full well that their child is not a little angel. Far from it. Discipline must be imposed from without before self-discipline can be learned from within. This is something that these whigger femnishevik twats never learned, nor the criminal regimeist piglice either because they work for the criminal regime Under Satan's Administration. A good spanking would have done far better than handcuffing the little niglet, although it is doubtless true that this probably won't be the little she-coon's first encounter with ZOG's law enfarcement.


Copyright 2005. Resistance Political Front



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