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Shut-Up, Shipman by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) 1. RMKS./ A copy of this was faxed to the local NAACP office. They called right back. SMB Since its founding by radical Socialists and Communists in 1909, the National All-African Communist Party (NAACP) has billed itself as a so-called "civil rights" organization. Never mind that the true definition of civil rights, according to Anglo-Saxon common law from which they derive, are those rights appertaining the acquisition and disposition of property. The NAACP, throughout its execrable history as the leading organization serving the interests of "Colored People," consistent with its Communist origins, has been pleased to redefine civil rights to mean egalitarian Snivel Rights. That should come as no surprise, given that Anglo-Saxon legislative and judicial systems are an utterly alien concept to Blacks. Nor should we be surprised that Fayetteville NAACP chairman, Ray Shipman, demands that what few shreds of Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence remain after Black "inclusion" be simply swept aside to satisfy NAACP's snivels. That some female on the City Council named Shaw entertained Shipman's gabbling speaks volumes about the inherently destructive influence of women in government and nothing about Shipman's parasitic demand, "Resolve the situation." [Ebonics to English translation: "Gimme yo money!"] Some time ago, Fayetteville Iskra editorialist, Gene Smith (of all people!), wrote an op-ed detailing that the firing of the "Fayetteville Four" was due not to "racism" but because of their incompetence. I checked with sources inside the Fayetteville Police Department and found that (for the first time) Smith was right. Sadly, Smith never addressed why Blacks are on the FPD at all. Typical of Snivel Rights activists, NAACP chairman Shipman backed up his "request" with a blatant threat. "I think we [meaning Blacks] need to get some agitation here. I think we've sat by long enough." Predictably, "our" City Council, "representative" weasels that they are, groveled and scraped and begged forgiveness, whining for Shipman's mercy. In a sane society the City Council's response to Shipman would have been, "We'll take the 'or else.'" Then again, in a sane society, Shipman would never have been allowed to speak. |
Response to a "conservative" woman by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) Curious...when you were writing as JFA Davidson, did you feel a little constrained to hone your writing to norms that you thought should be considered, if not obeyed? You mentioned that the two authors have different mental traits, but I wonder if you felt "cloaked" at the time, as if you were playing the role of a character you'd created, someone similar to yourself but not an exact copy. "Feel...." "Felt...." It is my observation that the mind of the woman is irrevocably frozen in time and space by the age of, oh, let's say 12. She may pursue education, but essentially it is merely a possession, something to have, some appealing shiny-bits she decorates herself with like baubles. But beneath all her jangling shiny-bits lurks the concretized mind of a 12 year-old girl. There are rare exceptions. They are exceptions because they are rare. I could wax philosophic about the fact that woman was *formed* from an expendable scrap of bone from man -- it would be an untenable stretch of the imagination to refer to that occasion as creation (i.e. from nothing) -- and I could wax theologic about the utter absence of any mention of life being breathed into her face (i.e. the breath of God, i.e., soul) and the fact that she was "made" to be a "help" for man, not to be his equal. And I could wax analytic about woman's "understanding" of "thou shalt not" as being a tentative hypothesis. But I am busy. I will, however, note for the record, that the mind of man is so fundamentally different from that of the woman that attempting a comparison would be akin to viewing Aztec (the type for woman) drawings of the arrival of Cortez's (the type for man) landing in Mexico -- the concept of transoceanic travel being to the Aztecs so "out of mind" altogether that Cortez's ships were absent from the Aztec's representations for no other reason than the Aztecs simply did not see the ships anchored just off the coast before their very eyes -- to subsequent depictions by Cortez's men recording their slaughter, suppression and subjugation of the Aztecs. So, while "modern" woman may, by the expedient of rooting around in the refuse piles of man's previous inventions, adorn herself with the shiny-bits necessary to ape transoceanic travel, it is a certainty woman would neither have conceived of it, nor could she have created it. But now that "men" allow women to run around loose and unsupervised man can pretty well be assured that in the not too distant future Aztecs will once again be chopping the hearts out of prisoners while wearing the still wet skins of the previous victims. JFA Davidson began a self deindoctrination -- Steven Barry is now deindoctrinated and reserves the right to become more intelligent. |
A Quote by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) I was requested by an authoress to contribute a quote for her forthcoming book. Here it is. "We are living in a Communist country. It needs to be said, and it needs to be understood. Communism pervades every facet of our culture. Our institutions are suffused with it. Even our language has been so communized that we cannot express ourselves without yielding to the premises of the Enemy. Communism is so great an Evil that we cannot grasp its scope or fathom its depth. But until we grasp Communism's blackest secret and confront its darkest mystery, we are powerless to oppose it. What is Communism's secret? It is an anti-religion. What is its mystery? The elevation of man to deity. How is it sold to 'the People?' By an angelic voice behind a communitarian smiley-face mask extolling Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity." |
Viva Pinochet by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) What is it about General Augusto Pinochet that sends the Fayetteville Iskra's editorial collective into fits of vituperation against him? Three reasons. First, in September 1973, General Pinochet, a devout Catholic and a true patriot, staged a military coup d'etat that ousted Chile's "democratically elected" Communist president -- the worshipful darling of the American Left -- Salvador Allende Gossens. That would have been "bad" enough. But note that the Fayetteville Iskra's editorial collective, ever obedient to their rabbi, Marx, never mentions Allende's real matronymic -- Gossens. (Gossens? Oh! that's right. The Communist Gossens "just happened to be" a Jew -- and, since the founding of the Anti-Defamation League of the Judeo-Freemasonic B'nai B'rith, any juxtaposition of "Communist" with "Jew" is "anti-Semitism." Which is why the Yiddish swear word, Naah-tseee -- nasally "a", whiny "e" -- is universally ascribed to anti-Communists.) Remember all the breathless "news" footage of Chilean soldiers in Stahlhelm as they passed in review, Paradeschritt, before General Pinochet's dais? No? Well, it is rather hard to hold the attention of Talmudvision worshipers for more than seven minutes. Second, Pinochet sensibly authorized the killing or "disappearing" of thousandsof "Chilean" Communists. A reasonable man would ask, "Where is the crime?" In contrast, this "news" paper's editorial collective screams for revenge -- just like, well, not Christians. Third, and the real reason this "news" paper hates Pinochet, is because they know what will happen to them if we can find a Pinochet of our own. |
Thinking Aloud About Suppressed History by Dr. Susan L.M. Huck and SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) Ladies First "Holocaust," as was explained in an earlier edition of this publication, actually means "completely consumed by fire." The Branch Davidian families knew a real "holocaust. In fact, it was the winners of World War II who pioneered the burning-alive of hundreds of thousands of women, children, and old people, sometimes in a single day. The "virtuous" the Western Allies, toward the end of World War II, devised the proper "mix" of high-explosives and incendiaries to create previously unknown "firestorms," tornadoes of flame that could -- and did -- consume central hearts of whole cities. The purpose was not to destroy a military target, but to kill the maximum number of civilians. The campaign was initiated as Operation Gomorrah on July 24, 1943, and in ten days, nearly ten square miles of the city of Hamburg was completely destroyed by fire. (The German raid on Coventry destroyed 100 acres, about one-eighth of a square mile.) The destruction merely increased as the end of the war loomed. Pouring four thousand tons of bombs on the city of Dresden killed about 350,000 civilians; the city was known to be packed with refugees fleeing the Red Army. Nearby Chemnitz and Magdeburg were incinerated by British and American bombers for the purpose of killing refugees from Dresden. American author Martin Caidin described just a portion of the horror. "They are no longer recognizable as human beings as they dash along streets through which the tar and asphalt run like lava. The universe drowns in its fire. These hapless creatures manage to run several hundred feet, or perhaps only twenty or fifty feet... their shoes catch fire and their feet are nothing more than sticks of flame. They writhe and thrash madly on the bubbling, burning tar as the fire sets aflame their hair and skin, rushes into their mouths and burns out their tongues...." These German cities provided many of the "atrocity pictures" of "Holocaust® victims." (It was intended to append here a list of about a hundred names of women and children named Anna who were killed in this manner, as a counterpoint to "Anne Frank." There simply isn't enough space to contrast just those victims of a real holocaust against the poster child of Diary of Anne Fraud.) Firebombing was perfected over the last two years of the war by Royal Air Force General Arthur "Bomber" Harris, although the inspiration and "intellectual author" of mass incineration of civilians was Winston Churchill. Truly it is said that "the winners write the history books." SLMH// A Word About Incompetence Personally, I am sick and tired of listening to Jews whine and kvetch about their Holocaust®, and when I am afflicted by it my reaction ranges, depending upon how much tolerance I was graced with that day, from studied indifference to remarking that, if killing Jews was the Germans' aim for locking them up they were uncharacteristically inefficient about the whole thing and criminally wasteful with precious logistics in time of war, because all the Germans had to do was lock the Pests in efficiently dehumidified and comfortably heated barracks for five days unfed and let them die of thirst. I don't know the precise capacity of any given camp, but 20,000 is given for Auschwitz I, 26,000 for Auschwitz II, and 15,000 for Auschwitz III, so the "death camp" complex had a capacity of 61,000. Now, assuming transportation quotas permitted 61,000 to arrive on schedule every five days, in the Auschwitz complex alone using the "school solution" suggested in the paragraph above, 4,453,000 customers per year could have been "serviced" (to use the latest U.S. Air Force term for bombing and killing their racial kindred in Serbia at the behest of Jews) at Auschwitz alone. And since this is a "death camp" there would be no need for such space and logistics wasting amenities as bunks and tables in the barracks (let alone kitchens, latrines, hospitals, laundries, etc.) so the barracks could have, if efficiency was our goal, easily accommodated, oh, four times their inefficiently designed capacity, and then 17,812,000 customers per year could have been "serviced." Given that, at that time, there were only about (figures vary) 4 million Jews under Germany's control in liberated Europe (the JewSSR evacuated over 2 million from Poland and "Russia" ahead of the invading Anti-Bolshevik Liberators) I could have, if I had been tasked with our race's Holy Mission, solved Europe's Problem -- at a single camp complex -- in just over two months. If there was any rationale behind the Judeo-Communist inspired Nuremberg Show Trials, it should have been for fraud, waste, and abuse! Because, according to the 30 June 1965 edition of the Jewish newspaper Aufbau, the Quisling government in Bonn had received, from "victims" of the "Holocaust®," 3,375,000 applications for "restitution." You do the math. Dr. Huck mentions that "the winners write the history books." That is commonly known. But Jew War II is the first example in history of the defeated being prohibited from publishing their apologia, and worse, having entire subsequent generations systematically brainwashed (or the intractable cowed by force) into believing (or pretending, in public, to believe) that their race is evil for having defended themselves against a declared enemy. That's right, children. In 1933 the World Jewish Congress, a front for the Jewish-Bolshevik-run Communist International, declared war, in the name of all of God's Pets, on Germany. But, after Germany was forced into war against the "Allies," whose Jewish-dominated governments were openly fawning and protective of their Judeo-Bolshevik brethren in Moscow, Germany's "crime" then became that of objecting to having their declared enemies running around loose and unsupervised inside their own (or conquered) borders. America, however, is more moral than that. For example: Upon learning that China has declared the United States their mortal enemy and that they are preparing for "inevitable" war against us, we let the gooks come and go as they please instead of exterminating the Mongol Menace. If we didn't they might call us names! Connections Speaking of history being written, then apologia suppressed, by the "winners," I get a chuckle whenever I hear "patriots" squeal and swoon dreamily about the "American Revolution" and the (at this time, very stupidly considered) possibility of its reenactment. What "revolution?" That was no "revolution," that was a civil war. A revolution is defined as, "A complete overthrow of the established government... a forcible substitution of a new... form of government." (OED, 2nd ed. XIII.) Was the government of King George III overthrown? No. Was a new form of government substituted in the rebellious colonies? Not really. We established the same Parliament composed of the same breed of corrupt scoundrels (Congress), the same King and executive Ministries (the President and his Departments), and, for practical purposes, the same legislative system. (The Bill of Rights was different, but not new.) Power was more diffused, being replicated in the several sovereign states, but not of a different form. What we had then, between 1775 and 1781, was a civil war; our only civil war. A civil war is defined as that which occurs "among fellow-citizens within the limits of one community." (Ibid, III.) You had Rebels and you had Loyalists, but, for practical purposes, they were all -- excluding mercenaries, opportunists and interlopers invited by both sides to join in the despoiling -- Englishmen. To be sure, there were undercurrents of revolution, in the (Marxist) sense of "social evolution (sic) and class struggle," particularly in the way the thing was planned out and organized by its leadership. Just one example: Noah Webster, not long after the smoke cleared, set himself about the task of inventing, out of whole cloth, an entirely new "American character," instead of simply leaving things alone and letting one develop naturally. His first effort was to tinker with the King's English. Webster's Dictionary of the American Language (get it?) altered the spelling of words, like from honour to honor and centre to center, for the expressed purpose of severing the concept of any cultural or racial ties to the "old world" in the minds of young students. He changed words because, in his own words, he was, "confident that such an event is an object of vast political consequence." He also eliminated the study of the classics, and thereby the necessity of the languages to read them, from the classroom. The result? Even classics from a common culture or racial past, such as Beowolf, became incomprehensible to the "educated." Instead, students were fed a steady diet of indigenous proletarian "literature," all the better for the kiddies to, again, in Webster's words, "lisp the praise of liberty and of those illustrious heroes and statesmen who have wrought a revolution...." In short, Webster believed that language and education were for the purpose of ideological indoctrination, not cognitive thought, and, one suspects, would have been great chums with John Dewey and would have approved of "outcome based education" and Orwell's vision of "Newspeak." The consequence? American bomber crews, brainwashed over generations by proletarian "education," were prodded like cattle (goyim) into Jew War II to "fight for democracy" (Judeo-Bolshevism) and save "Uncle Joe" (International Communism) and didn't give a second thought to mindlessly incinerating MILLIONS of their cultural and racial kindred during the course of their terroristic firebombings of German cities. Class, dismissed. SMB |
American Negro Carnage Fund by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) Surgeon General David Satcher, the second Bell Curve proof that Negroes must never be permitted to practice medicine on Whites, recently declared that Negro propensity for puerile and violent behavior is, according to the Jewish operated Associated Press, one of the "'leading health indicators' -- that address a broad range of health and, one might argue, social concerns." (Emphasis added.) No kidding. We are discouraged from pondering why America needs a "Surgeon General" (who neither practices surgery nor is a general) in the first place, let alone why every "Surgeon General" appointed during this administration has been a Negro. However, I know why. It is because "our" government really does hate us. The Surgeon Negro's "Healthy People 2010" (he means Healthy Negro 2010, but we're expected to believe that "people" means everyone) program will "target," among other genetically inherited Negro behavior problems, "...substance abuse, sexual behavior, homicides..." and basically every other antisocial behavior Negroes excel at without the slightest effort. "The underlying premise of Healthy People 2010 is that the health of the individual is inseparable from the health of the larger community." That's true; the more healthy Negroes we have running around loose and unsupervised the more squalid and unhealthy become out communities. Among Surgeon Negro Satcher's concerns is the elimination of "racial disparities in health by 2010." You see, genes, according to Lysenkoist Satcher, discriminate. Biology is 'bigoted.' "Americans of all racial and ethnic groups are healthier..." we are told, "but considerable disparities exist among whites and other races." That is also true. Surgeon Negro Satcher does not say it, but one of those disparities is that Negroes have a very high bullet wound survival rate. Generally, that is because about 10,000 times per year Negroes shoot each other with low power, small capacity, small caliber weapons. That is clearly unacceptable. Because "gun violence" is considered by the Surgeon Negroes' office to be a "national health problem," of "epidemic" proportions, in the spirit of community health, and out of compassion for the Negroes' genetically inherited behavior problems compounded by unintelligent weapon selection, The Resister is starting the American Negro Carnage Fund. Here is how the American Negro Carnage Fund works. Select one of your spare high power, large capacity, big bore weapons. Load it and toss it on the passenger's seat. Drive "across the tracks" and park your car at a convenience store with the highest sales of Colt Malt Liquor and Wild Rose wine, or park it near the "public" housing with the highest crack sales. (Just ask any cop, he can tell you where to go.) Leave your car unlocked and unattended for, say, ten minutes. Return after that time and drive home whistling a happy tune. (Believe me, they will steal the gun, not the car. I've already tried it -- it works.) You have just donated to the American Negro Carnage Fund. Entrepreneurs could donate crates of big bore weapons and pass them out from the back of trucks. If enough people donate we can solve the problem of high medical costs due to the systemically high rate of Negro gunshot wound recovery. And we all know that lower medical costs make for a healthier community. Instead of the $50,000 or so it costs to treat just one Negro wounded by a small caliber weapon, we can spend $100 or so to haul the recipient of an American Negro Carnage Fund donation to the city dump. That's quite a savings! What about "The Children?" The American Negro Carnage Fund has a program designed just for them. Simply toss loaded .38 revolvers into the basketball courts where "Disadvantaged Youth" hang out, or sprinkle them around "Head Start" school playgrounds. Even a seven-year-old can handle a .38, and loaded with wad cutters their "health problems" can be solved too. And remember the American Negro Carnage Fund's motto: "A Bullet is a Terrible Thing to Waste." For those of you unwilling to donate personal weapons to the American Negro Carnage Fund, you may send the equivalent cash donation for a new in the box, M-1911 A-1, or M-10 .38 (please specify if the donation is intended for adultsor children), to: The American Negro Carnage Fund PO Box 35046 Fayetteville, NC 28303 We'll make sure your donation reaches those who need it the most. |
The Wrong Six Million by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) Sitting here listening to the self-described Mexican, Linda Ronstadt, and her carpet-muncher pal Emmylou Harris (they're what, in their 60s now?) wail about "I don't know if God is a man, but if she is..." (people wonder why I think women should be suppressed) and opening the mail. They have pretty voices, and make pleasant background noise, so I pretend I don't know anything about them. Meanwhile, back at the gulag... ...Another desperate plea for geld from the United States Holocaust® Memorial Museum arrived. This time the synagogue of America's national religion wants $5000. (Figure the odds!) I used to receive such mail from Walter Reich, professor of international affairs, ethics and human behavior (brainwashing!) at George Washington University, and former director of the United States Holocaust® Memorial Museum. He wanted my money because he claimed US Army Negroes were the first to liberate the Jews from mean-old-German self-defense. It was a lie, but what a great scam! Negro heroes rescue Jewish "victims" from White Europeans who wanted to stay that way. It bilked hundreds of millions from publicly edjewcated suckers. The most recent letter comes from the chairman of the United States Holocaust® Memorial Museum, Miles Lerman. (He's more important than a mere director. You see, I didn't respond last time, so now the boss is writing.) "Located a short walk from our (sic!) national memorials and museums of the Smithsonian Institution," Lerman writes, "The United States Holocaust® Memorial Museum occupies a site of national honor." Well, why shouldn't it, being the state church? It has been decreed forbidden not to have a Holocaust® synagogue. After all, the national Holocaust® religion would collapse without enforcement of the XIth commandment, "Thou shalt stupidly bow and scrape before Jews -- or else!" The United States Holocaust® Memorial Museum, we are threatened in Lerman's extortion note, provides "every citizen with the opportunity to participate in this great national (sic) effort..." because "this is an American (sic!) museum..." to commemorate "how we failed to prevent catastrophe (sic)." Get it? (You'd better.) And just to make sure you do get it, the Jew religion promotes the "story of the evil that 400,000 American soldiers died fighting against...." What "evil" is Lerman referring to? Why, none other than anti-Bolshevism. In other words, the United States Holocaust® Memorial Synagogue is a reinforced concrete tomb dedicated to the wholesale butchering of an entire American generation who, according to Jews, stupidly died fighting their racial kindred at the behest of their mutual cultural and racial enemy. "[W]hat happened in the Holocaust®..." Lerman expects us to swallow without a whimper, "...happened in their world to people just like them. (SIC!!)" "More than 13 million" hostages, chirps Lerman, "including one million (intellectually innocent) school children..." have already been herded through the stalls of their ideological abattoir. The mental slaughter "begins in the elevator" (I'll bet they're packed in like in a "gas chamber") where victims are transported in the Wayback Machine "...to the most incredible story mankind ever experienced." (Incredible means not to be believed -- at least Lerman got that right.) And what would I have gotten for my $5000? "You will make possible profound experiences of human emotion that will remain with visitors for the rest of their lives." (Original emphasis.) Like the moron from North Dakota who sent $35, and the family of cretins from Colorado who sent $50, and the public edjewcation civics class in Cleveland who raised $200. "The list goes on," menaces Lerman. "Over 200,000 Americans from all 50 states" have succumbed without a whimper to this Jew-mail. And if you pay your ideological extortion you get "two passes to the Museum's Permanent Exhibition..." among other "benefits." (Original emphasis.) Oh, and you are expected to provide the names and addresses of two more potential extortion victims. Maybe you have received the same solicitation from the United States Holocaust® Memorial Museum. They sent me two trading cards. I have the Buchenwald Weeping Jew and the Dachau Happy Jews. Does anybody have the Female Partisan Jew Hung From A Lamppost trading card? I'll trade my Dachau Happy Jews for it. |
The One-Eyed Jew by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) Do not attempt to adjust your dial. They control the horizontal. They control the vertical. Live broadcasts have finally become thoroughly Judaized. The Cabbala Broadcasting System (CBS) is now digitally altering "live" pictures, in real time, for advertising or political purposes. Of course you're not supposed to notice, and if you are antisocial enough to notice, you're not expected to comment about it. You see, it's all "perfectly normal." "Inserting digital images has become increasingly common in sports and entertainment programming," wrote Alex Kuczynski on 12 January 2000 in The Jew York Times, which contains "all the Jews fit to print." (I wouldn't know; I haven't watched Talmudvision for over three years, although I am informed by previously reliable sources that I am missing some "good programming." "Programming" -- think about it.) Kuczynski goes on to tell us that real time digital alteration of broadcasting has "generally been considered out of line on news shows" (for how long, by whom, generally?) until now. The technique is called "branding," according to Steve Friedman (who "just happens to be..."), the executive producer of "The Early Show." Buildings, horse drawn carriages, first down markers, and skating rinks have all been "branded," real time, with the CBS logo according to Friedman. "It's a great way to do things," he enthused. (What things?) "Every day we have a different way of using it... And we haven't even scratched the surface of its uses yet." I'll bet they haven't. Remember during the "live" broadcasts of the OKC bombing, when breathless reportrixes were moaning about the fate of "The Children" of the Quislings of our occupation government? In the background was a "billboard" with the all-to-convenient message, "Save the Children." Was it "live, or memorex?" Who cares? Relax, sit back, eat kosher snacks -- and drool. "It does not distort the content of the news," Friedman said, comparing the use of "branding" technology with earlier, vaguely alluded to "visual innovations," like news "graphics." Eric Shapiro (who "just happens to be..."), the director of the "CBS Evening News" and CBS News Special Events, assures dimwitted Talmudvision gazers that he "might" use the technology again on "Evening News," but in the spirit of benevolence and far-sighted malfeasance "that the news division examines each case individually before putting the virtual logos on the air." Further assuring us, "The technique, I find, works best if you put it someplace where there is intended to be something," he said. (Intended, for what, by whom?) It is bad enough the Squatter Race dictates what we know. Now they're manipulating how we know it. Rejoin the real world. Turn off your Talmudvision. Better yet, treat it to a "Lubyanka Breakfast" -- a cigarette and a bullet in the back of the neck. |
Fun with Jewspeak by Leslie Bates Another Sneak Preview From The Resister, Vol. V, No. 4 (Expected publication date, Jan. 2000) George Orwell in his 1946 essay _Politics and the English Language complained that political speech and writing, "are largely the defence of the indefensible . . . " "...political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging, and sheer cloudy vagueness . . . politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia. When the general atmosphere is bad, language must suffer . . . "Political language . . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. " Consider for a moment the following statement by ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman: We are deeply saddened by the passing of Jacobo Timerman, one of the greatest journalists of his time. An outspoken and ardent defender of human rights, he was above all a champion of the Jewish cause. He spoke out strongly to condemn anti-Semitism and to protect the right of Jews to exercise religious, political and social independence. Even under torture he kept his dignity as a Jew and as and Argentinean, and when he finally gained freedom, Timerman bravely denounced once again the General's junta and torturing of prisoners. He stands as a modern exemplar of humanitarian resolve under an oppressive regime. He will be greatly missed. Comrade Foxman doesn't bother telling us that during the decade of the seventies the Argentine Armed Forces were suppressing, in the so-called "dirty war," a major communist insurrection. The Reds financed their uprising through the kidnaping for ransom of American and European (but apparently no Jewish) businessmen. The insurgents had created an infrastructure for the manufacture of munitions--such as submachine guns, rifle and hand grenades--which allowed them to avoid dependance on outside (Soviet and Chinese) support. But what if we translate Comrade Foxman's statement from "Jewspeak" into plain English? We are deeply saddened by the passing of Jacobo Timerman, one of the greatest propagandists of his time. An outspoken and ardent communist agitator, he was above all a champion of the Jewish Communist cause. He spoke out strongly to condemn anti-Communism and to protect the "G_d" given license of Jews to enslave and murder the gentiles. Even under rigorous interrogation he maintained his arrogance as a Jew and as a traitor to the Argentine Nation. When he finally escaped justice, Timerman once again put a negative spin on Military Government's campaign of interrogation and execution of communist revolutionaries. He stands as a modern exemplar of Jewish Communist duplicity in the service of a communist revolution. He will not be missed by honest men. If I were to submit an obituary piece to The Resister, we would use the above paragraph plus the birth and death years. I would also mention, as did the ADL press release, that Timerman was sprung from jail by the ADL's neo-Protestant butt puppets at the Vatican, and that Comrade Foxman and other apparatchiks were present at the ritual dumping of the body. |
Horror Quotes by Leslie Bates (preview of article in the next Resister) "In ten years I will either be dead or in charge of the all-night firing squad." I first said this thirteen years ago. Golly, I'm such an optimist. "There was once, O men of Athens, something in the minds of the people that is no longer there--something that defeated the might and the wealth of Persia, that vidicated the liberty of Greece, that was never conquered on land or sea, and that is now gone, leaving all Greece in turmoil and dismay. "And what was that? Nothing elaborate or abstruse, but the simple fact that all men hated those who took bribes from the seekers of power and the agents of subversion. That was accounted the greatest of all crimes, so that he who was convicted of having been corrupted of bribes or by favors was condemned to the ultimate penalty, with no room for excuse and no hope for pardon. ...but now everything is for sale...For what are now the consequences of treason? Envy, for those who have profited; laughter for those who confess; pardon for those who are convicted; and hatred--hatred is now reserved for the man who speaks harshly of treason." Demosthenes of Athens, 341 B.C. Sound familiar? The above words were recorded three years before the _polis_ of Athens fell to King Philip II of Macedon at the end of the Fourth Sacred War. If you want an indication as to how close we are to the final ruin of our republic, consider this bit of dialogue from the episode of SOUTH PARK aired on the Comedy Central channel on November 3, 1999: "My fellow Americans, I wish to address the concerns many of us have over the growing number of Japanese military bases forming in the United States. The new Japanese Emperor, Hirohito, has made our own children into fighter pilots who will soon fly to Hawaii and attack Pearl Harbor. I spoke with Mr. Hirohito this morning, and he assured me that I have a very large penis, he said it was mammoth, dinosauric, and absolutely dwarfed his penis, which he assured me, was nearly microscopic in size. My penis, he said, was most likely one of the biggest on the planet. I applaud Mr. Hirohito in his honesty. Thank you. "President Clinton" SOUTH PARK We should be appalled by the apparent fact that the Chief Executive of the United States could be purchased (more cheaply than the going rate cheaper for an African Minister of Silly Walks) by an Asian power. What should have been cause for the citizen body to rise _en_masse_ against the traitors within the Beltway is now only cause for laughter. And if that wasn't enough, a recent episode of the United Paramount Network's time travel series SEVEN DAYS opens with the massacre of schoolchildren by a group of white men in BDU's. What did the "chrononaut" character in the fictional black budget project call the evil doers? He called them PATRIOTS. I didn't bother to watch the remainder of the program, nor did I watch the following episode of STAR TREK: VOYAGER. (Yes, I did find the character of the ex-Borg Seven of Nine to be, um, interesting.) SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) PO Box 70586 Fort Bragg, NC 28307 |
This Is Progress? by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) Well, comrade contributing editor of the Fayetteville Iskra, Roy Parker, has done it again. He's taken a rather esoteric bit of Fayetteville history, the origins of Fayetteville's municipal government (22 Oct., 99, "Combined voting system really is a new idea for Fayetteville"), and turned it into a rather cunning smear piece. Mr. Parker's piece begins in his usual historiographic style which, if it originated from an intellectually honest man, would make pleasant, if somewhat shallow reading, although one gets the impression his sole source of research is the archive of the Fayetteville Iskra; but we may take some comfort in the knowledge that the journalists of the periods Mr. Parker draws his history from reported facts without sneaking political fashion into their accounts. After eight paragraphs of passable history, Mr. Parker leaps into the late 20th century to smear Fayetteville's town fathers with political correctness. "And all were white men, as would be the case until beyond the mid-point of the 20th century." Of course they were! Nobody, in their right mind in the late 18th century would have dreamed of Negro participation in governance, or female participation in the polity. No sane White man of that time could have conceive of the notion of being governed by Negroes, or permitting inherently soft-headed females to vote. We were a republic then, not a political degeneracy today known as a democracy. In all fairness it should be pointed out, however, that Free Negro men in North Carolina, possessed, by virtue of the 1776 Constitution of North Carolina, the franchise equal to their propertied (including slave owning) status. Women, propertied or not, were wisely ignored. The status of the Negro franchise did not change until 1835, when the Constitution of North Carolina was amended by the legislature in response to the agitation among Negro freeholders by adherents of the "New England Religion" (abolitionism) to endorse and support slave rebellion. Given the then very recent savage and murderous example of the miracle of Negro "liberation" and governance in San Domingo (Haiti), that was a sane and rational move on the legislature's part. Nonetheless, on 16 June 1835, the Carolina Observer (this newspaper's far nobler, and more honest, predecessor) editorialized: "There are a few... of that class [Negro freeholders] in Fayetteville, who have every qualification of intelligence, respectability, usefulness, and property, to entitle them, fairly, to the exercise of this high privilege." (Emphasis added.) That was probably true. However, note the phrase, "high privilege." You see, in the republic, voting was a privilege of the propertied, not some alleged "right" of the dimwitted mob. And that privilege for Negro freeholders was rightfully arrogated, mutatis mutandis, when it was clear it would be used as a vehicle of agitation, sedition and rebellion. Back to Mr. Parker's essay. The next smear occurs in paragraph 19. With the careful precision of an advocate of mobocracy ("Democracy and socialism are inseparable." V.I. Lenin), Mr. Parker puts in quotations the phrases, "large number of inhabitants," (he meant Whites) and "equal freemen" (he meant White men). Given his pervious set-up of that straw man, one is being prepared here to watch him knock it down. Eleven paragraphs later he strikes. Spitting on the non-egalitarian, non-democratic founding principles of the republic, Mr. Parker muses with Bolshevist glee: "[Y]ou might well win if you wagered that the next City Council will include a record number of women. Or that along with African American (sic) men, they might outnumber the white males." Brilliant. Mr. Parker's nihilism at its most cogent. Turn Fayetteville government over to the least competent race and the addle-headed sex, neither of whom could have created this nation, indeed, let alone have conceived of it, but who are pleased to be parasites upon it and demand gratuitous and unearned equality within it for no greater reason than they suck oxygen from the atmosphere and walk on two legs. One hundred years ago, Mr. Parker's enthusiasm for the Africanization and feminization of government would have earned him villainy, and a one-way, tarred and feathered ride on a rail out of town. But that was a saner time. White men ruled the world. SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) PO Box 70586 Fort Bragg, NC 28307 |
WE'D HAVE HAD A FIREFIGHT ... And You Would Have Lost. by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) Occasionally, I do small favors for Friends. So when I got a call requesting me to fly to places that are none of your business, and do things that are none of your concern, I hopped the first thing smoking. In and out. A couple of days. Easy. My house sitter, however, didn't have it so easy. His truck was torched in my yard; coincidentally, just as I was sitting down for my "in-brief" in an oriental restaurant many, many time-zones away. I say torched because our County arson "investigator," renowned in the inbred circles of Cumberland County government as a genius, said his fuel line "just broke" (all by itself!), and the half-pint or so of gas remaining in the line "pooled" under the engine block -- after trickling five feet through porous sand, mind you -- and, without further provocation, exploded. Yes, exploded. You know, BOOM! Not the very low order wimpy whoompf that defines every other gasoline detonation known to man and science. Imagine my astonishment at discovering that the laws of physics are extant everywhere in this universe except on my property. After I considered the implications of having the only place in the known universe where a half-pint of gasoline saturated sand explodes without outside influence, I swapped the magazine of ball in my never-out-of-arm-reach AKM for a magazine of steel-core/tracer mix, and got back to my daily routine. Manfred. He's my dog. He doesn't answer to Manfred, or anything else for that matter. He never barks. He grunts "urk," points to trouble, then gets out of the line of fire. He's not stupid. He knows he's the five-second tripwire and therefore expendable. So, there I am, three days after my house sitter's truck committed suicide, writing hateful diatribes against out nomenklatura and their apparatchiki while keeping my peripheral vision on Manfred's patrol beat, when Manfred alerts on the woods, grunts "urk," and then glances around trying to determine which direction to go to avoid being caught in the crossfire. A quick glance down the line of Manfred's body; sure enough, pinpoints of light advancing toward my house through the woods -- a concealed avenue of approach -- at night; obviously not a friendly act. Therefore I did what any reasonable man would do under similar circumstances. I attacked. KIDS! Don't Try This At Home! My house is not particularly defensible, but it has several exits, each with a range card and sector sketch (helpfully annotated with counterattack routes) tacked to the wall as a last-second refresher, and there is enough cover and obstacles to observation around the place that I can fairly well get the drop on people who are stupid enough to think that I'm stupid enough to allow myself to be pinned down inside my house with no room to maneuver. I figure its better to sally and keep the action "fluid" than to be a "pop-up target" at doors and windows. The attack went well. Firing and moving in the "NVA rush" (i.e., a low crouching run with the AK held down at calf level parallel to the ground so that all suppressive firing is grazing, and anybody who "hits the deck" has to do so through the grazing fire), while probing for and maneuvering toward the flank, the intruders' flashlights arched and spun crazily as they dove for cover. Brief pause to reorient, pinpoint return fire (watch for the flanks, not the center of mass), and decide on the next axis of attack. No return fire, rather desperate screams of "FIREMAN! WE'RE FIREMEN! DON'T SHOOT US!" (As it turned out my first suppressing rush had been on their extreme right flank; oh well, forest fighting is always a toss-up.) Firemen? I ordered them to move to the clearing behind them and follow the wood line to my voice. When they started moving I shifted to new cover. Sure enough, five shaken volunteer firemen eventually stumbled into view. After a very stern lecture about the very obvious foolishness of blundering around in the woods behind my house at night, I released my prisoners, went back into my house, unloaded the AKM, and waited for the inevitable. A Stern Finger Waggling Forty minutes later there was a commanding banging on the door. Coming! I'm not certain what got the deputies' attention first. The .45 on my belt or my kilt (I always wear a kilt around the house, and if I'm too lazy to change, on my errands around town. The only people who seem to object are Negroes. Their usual comment is, "Yo, wah yo be wewen a dwess?" My typical response is, "Why do niggers wear droopy-drawers and leave their shoes untied?" Savages.) Back to the deputies. "Let me get rid of the .45," I said. "Sir! Don't reach...;" too late, but they relaxed slightly when they heard it slide across the floor away from me. I stepped out onto the porch. "Sir, do you know why we're here?" (Jesus! You've got to be kidding!) "Yes," I said, "I do," fixing where the other six had surrounded the house. "Did you do it," the deputy asked? "Yes," I said, "I did." The truth seemed to confuse them. (Uncertain glances back and forth between them.) To make a long, dreary story short, I gave them the AKM and the .45 so they could "run" them to see if they were stolen (no record, heh heh), and after the detectives showed up and confirmed that my story matched the story of the trespassing firemen, we all went for a little walk to police up the brass. Further confusion. "There's brass all over the place!" one deputy commented. "I shoot a lot," I responded. "You in the military," asked one? "Retired," I said. "What branch?" "Special Forces." "What'd you do?" "Weapons, sniper, ops & intel -- not necessarily in that order." "What do you do now?" "I publish a magazine." "Really? (No! I'm lying! -- but I didn't say it.) "Which one?" "The Resister." (Instant comprehension; they must have read the latest issue of "Intelligence Report" from the Southern Pharisee Law Center.) "Oh...." After walking through my attack on the hapless firemen, we returned to the porch while the detectives shuttled back and forth between the firehouse and my place to decide whether or not to press charges in light of the truck arson and other sundry threats to my person not relevant to this story. One of the deputies asked, after I had fixed everybody a cup of coffee, "What if it had been us back there?" I responded, "We'd have had a firefight" -- looking him in the eyes -- "and you would have lost." I think he believed me. Finally, I got a stern finger waggling from the detectives. "You can't shoot at people just because they're on your property!" "ROGER." (I do not understand that concept, but the detectives appeared to know something I didn't, so I figured there was no use in arguing with them about certain principles they wouldn't comprehend.) "Please, Mr. Barry, don't shoot at firemen anymore." "WILCO." (I really do like firemen. I voluntarily donate money to the fire department; fire-fighting is one of the very few legitimate local government functions.) Finally (taking me aside): "Mr. Barry, I don't know what what's going on around here, or what you're in to, and I don't want to know -- we don't want to know, so don't tell us -- but pleeeze, don't shoot at firemen any more." "I won't," I promised, "if, in the future, they have the simple courtesy of White men to tell me beforehand they will be training on my property. Fair enough?" It was agreed that was fair. Just as the detective turned to leave he asked, looking at my kilt, "You Scottish?" "Irish. There would be no Scotland without us." "I'm Italian," he said. "Yes," I replied. The deputies gave me back my AKM and .45 and left. The "word" has spread quickly round 'bouts: "He attacks without warning!" So far, it has been remarkably quiet around here. SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) PO Box 70586 Fort Bragg, NC 28307 |
Here It Comes! by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) The Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust® Assets in the United States has completed its looting assessment. The United States will owe (we can safely assume based on the recent Jew-looting of Europe) billions to countless Holocaust® "survivors." It seems a train from Hungary full of Nazi loot was appropriated by US occupation forces in Austria just days after the end of Roosevelt's Crusade To Save Communism. Some of the loot found its way into several general's quarters, some into the US Army Exchange, some into the hands of Austrian Quislings, some into auction houses in Jew York City, and some was stolen from Army warehouses. It was "an example of an egregious failure of the United States to follow its own policy regarding restitution of Holocaust® victims' property after World War II," the commission kvetched. Under US policy, whined the Jew-staffed commission, the loot should have been returned to Hungary and given back to its owners. Um... if the owners were Holocaust® "victims," how could the loot have been restored to them? Probably the same way the recent Jew-looting of Europe "restored" that plunder -- into the coffers of the World Jewish Congress. Strangely enough, the World Jewish Congress was also the source of Holocaust® stories during the War. But that's just a coincidence. So, now the Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust® Assets in the United States will launch a witch hunt to "try to gain a clearer picture of how decisions were made on handling items from the train." We all know how clear that picture will be. American tax slaves will be shook down for billions by Jewish loot farmers in "restitution," and a cacophony of "anti-Semite!" shrieking will greet the most mild protest at being so extorted. How could these "Chosen" people have suffered so much "persecution?" SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) PO Box 70586 Fort Bragg, NC 28307 |
Communism From the Pulpit by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) Histrionics by "human rights and religious organizations" concerning the School of the Americas are parroted in monotonous lockstep by the media. Small wonder, given media editorialists' small minds and the ideological shrift imposed upon them by the confessors of their Marxist religion. You see, without exception, these so-called "human rights" and alleged "religious" organizations who whine about and bemoan the fate of their brethren at the hands of "right-wing death squads" in Central and South America are, to put not too fine an edge on it, Communists. And the editorialists of the Fayetteville Observer-Times are their butt-puppets. Of course, neither the "human rights and religious organizations," nor their sycophants in the press, mention that the "victims" of justified reactionism in Central and South America were Communists. We are informed instead by the flapping mouths and scribbling pens of their fellow-traveling media scuts that those subjects of "right-wing death squads" were hapless, downtrodden proletarian "victims" of oppressive "anti-democracy propertied interests" and "right-wing military dictators." It is forbidden to notice that those "victims" were participants in or supporters of armed insurgency. Who are these anti-anti-Communist "religious" organizations, these champions of and apologists for Communist insurgency? Broadly speaking they represent the Protestant "social gospel" and Catholic "liberation theology" movements. Upon the blatant heresies that define the anarchic Protestant oral tradition, the "social gospel" heaps ideological muck shoveled from the swamp of socialism, from which "socially conscious" Protestants make mud pies like the Christian Defense League, who, intoxicated by "ideas" of equality and "ideals" such as democracy, roam Third World cesspools stirring up the proletariat against their betters. But the most viciously destructive and willfully Evil "religious" organizations are those "Catholic" priests and bishops of Jesuit, Benedictine, Franciscan, and Maryknoll Brothers and Sisters Orders who, transcending apostasy, blaspheme Christ as a "social reformer," invert the natural order of the universe by elevating proletarian detritus (the "people of God," as they phrase it) to the status of nobility, and raise the filthy ideology of the Jew Marx to virtual magisterium. All, of course, thinly whitewashed with "Christian" trappings and obfuscated by "theological" polemicizing. The "social gospel" and "liberation theology" have as much in common with Christianity as dung has to filet mignon. Both "theologies" promote and advance atheistic-Communism. The "six Jesuit priests and two women murdered in El Salvador in 1989," obediently lamented by this newspaper's editorial collective, were not clergy; they were commissars and participants in a Communist insurgency. Why is it that these "human rights" and "religious" organizations are screaming about the School of Americas? Graduates used their training to kill Communist organizers, insurgents and their supporters. Since 1917, killing Communists has always been a "crime against humanity;" or, since 1943, if you are a Bolshevik, "genocide." That is because the beauty of "right-wing death squads" is that they are selective and they work. Naturally, our "progressive" media never mention the arbitrary murderousness practiced by left-wing death squads inspired by "social justice" and "human rights and religious organizations" in Central and South America. SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) PO Box 70586 Fort Bragg, NC 28307 |
Why Shouldn't We Hate? by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) Responding to a reader's query regarding the publication of "hateful attacks" in letters to the editor (05 October 1999), Mr. White, editorial page editor, commented, "If (letter writers are not) embarrassed by their own hate and meanness, at least they're giving the rest of us a clearer understanding of their nature and motivation." As somebody who is nationally recognized as a "racist," "anti-Semite," and a "key figure at the intersection of right-wing extremism and the paramilitary underground" by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and one who is decidedly not embarrassed -- in fact, given the degeneracy of this society, proud -- to be so identified, perhaps I can shed some light on the "nature and motivation" of my own "hate and meanness." But first we need to define some terms. "Liberals" never define their terms. They mangle words into fuzzy abstractions intended to evoke emotional responses instead of thought, and open-ended assertions that randomly mean whatever they want. Take the word hate for example. Ask a liberal what hate means and you will never get a reasonable estimate of a dictionary definition. What you will get instead is a diatribe that reveals "hate" to be an emotional approximation meaning, "You disagree with me!" It's the same with "meanness." To a liberal "meanness" means, "You're telling the truth!" Because "liberals" will demand that I define my terms (while adamantly refusing to define theirs), a liberal is somebody who, in my own words, demands "social justice," or "economic justice," or you-name-it "justice." Justice in its true meaning of rectitude? Oh, no. That would be, in the words of late cartoon character Calvin, "too real." What liberals call "justice" is Robinhoodism, i.e., taking from the "haves" (in other words, the competent, the industrious and the intelligent), and redistributing the loot seized to themselves and their "have not" clients (in other words, the incompetent, the slothful and the stupid). You see, liberals, to put not too fine an edge on it, are Communists. A bold assertion? Not really, it's easily proven. Determine whichever you-name-it "justice" liberals demand and you will find it enshrined in either the Communist Manifesto; the collected writings of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, or Mao; the twisted writings of Antonio Gramsci; the degenerate screeds of John Dewey; or the anti-Western civilization execrations and rants of the Jew-dominated Institute of Social Research. Without exceptions. Not that "conservatives" are any better. What, exactly, are "conservatives" conserving, the status quo? Now we arrive at the "nature and motivation" for my "hate and meanness." As hate means detestation, so do I in fact detest liberals and everything they believe, espouse, advocate and advance. That is because everything, without exception, that liberalism stands for is a lie. And everything liberalism has "accomplished" over the past 100 plus years is fundamentally evil. Here is a concrete example. Open the local section of the Fayetteville Observer-Times to the crime reports. According to the FOT crime "just happens," committed by some disembodied, a-racial name. Anyone in this county who is intellectually honest knows that the body of crime in Cumberland County is committed by Negroes and Mestizos. According to the FOT that is not supposed to matter. They whine that if they publish crime statistics by race -- in other words tell the truth -- that would be "racist." It's the same throughout the country. The higher the percentage of Negroes and Mestizos in any city, county or state, the higher its crime rate. There are no exceptions. The FOT lies by omission rather than admitting Cumberland County doesn't have a crime problem, it has a race problem. Politically correct? No. The truth? Yes. Of course, pointing out the obvious is called "hate." And pointing too specific a finger in the statistically documented direction of which race -- Negroes -- commit the overwhelming bulk of crime, in other words, telling the truth, is called "meanness." Here is another example. Mention the words "communism" and "Jews" in the same sentence and their arises a shrieking, ceaseless "anti-Semite" cacophony from every conceivable media source, orchestrated by the Anti-Defamation League of the Jewish-Masonic B'nai B'rith. Small wonder, given that Jews control every type of mass media. They crow about that fact among themselves and in their own publications. They scream "anti-Semitism" if anyone else notices. We hear endless kvetching about some alleged "6 million" Jews who died in Nazi "death camps," but not so much as a whisper about the scores of million Christians murdered by Jewish Bolsheviks, or the fact that the Soviet gulag system was a wholly Jew operated enterprise. And the so-called "Russian" mafia? Run by Jews. Again, we are forbidden to notice under dire penalty of being called names. If Jews are not the authors of something inherently destructive to western civilization, then they are the ideologues for it. If not the ideologues, the organizers. If not the organizers, the activists. There have been and are no exceptions. We now have the largest Jewish population in the world. Not a single good has been or is derived from the presence in America of that parasitic tribe. They have Judaized our Anglo-Saxon law and culture with their sick-minded Talmudism, and infected Christianity with egalitarian "ecumenism." You don't actually believe "Christian" evangelists would be allowed on television if they didn't scrape before Jews and grovel at their "chosen" feet, do you? Every "watchdog" group in America is staffed almost exclusively by Jews. What "benefit" to our society are these self-anointed secret police organizations? The utter degeneracy of our common law, subversion of our Anglo-Saxon culture, and the crippling of our Christian civilization. Politically correct? No. The truth? Yes. We have alien races debasing our Anglo-Saxon culture, corrupting our Anglo-Saxon civilization, perverting our religion, warping our Anglo-Saxon law, adulterating our race. For all this we are demanded by our Jewish commissars, who lord our destruction over us, to have "tolerance." Imagine an America without Negroes, Mestizos, "others," or Jews. We can but dream -- or fight back. So, why shouldn't we hate? |
Women Warriors by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 19:07:37 -0400 To: H-NET List for Discussion of Women & the Military and Women in War From: "Steven M. Barry" Subject: Re: COMMENT: Women's Military Uniforms At 04:30 PM 99/09/07 EDT, rvblackwolf@olynet.com (Donna Dean) wrote: than any philosophical bent for theory of gender assignment and required uniform. Frankly, those who don't consider women as warriors won't whether they wear skirts or not, BTW. "Gender," (I think Dr. Dean means sex, but she is vague on that point) is not "assigned." The genetic facts about sex differences are not "theory;" Freud's obscenities, and Adorno's senseless drivel, notwithstanding. Warriors (read men) were wearing "skirts" long before the insane notion that women are the equal of men infected formerly sane and sex-role differentiated civilization. Women whine incessantly that they are "equal," yet (man created) martial standards need to be continually _lowered_ to accomodate female "equality." (Just as White created standards need to be continually lowered to accomodate Colored "equality.") I note for the record that the sneering at and derision of warriorhood and manliness, so typical among egalitarians today, is almost universally homosexual and female in origin (and not infrequently -- if the literature is accurate -- originates with psychologists; the _least_ warriorlike or manly breed of "intellectual" extant: I also note that "psychology," as an academic "discipline," draws females, and effeminiate men to it like dung draws flies). My wife joined the WAC in '72. Her description of her basic training was, "They taught us how to be ladies." Sounds sane to me. SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) //////////////////////////////////// RESTORE THE INQUISITION! //////////////////////////////////// The Meek Shall Inherit The Gulag //////////////////////////////////// Sine auctoritate nulla vita //////////////////////////////////// Go home woman, and clean something //////////////////////////////////// |
"IMMACULATE INVASION:" THE GREAT LIE by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) Quite frankly, Bob Shacochis' hand wringing over the fate of Haiti ("Only Haiti Can Save Haiti:" 30 August) leaves me cold. I was a member of the invasion force, and served in Haiti as the Intelligence and Operations NCO for Special Forces Operational Detachment 381, stationed in Petit Goâve. I have read Shacochis' book, "Immaculate Invasion." It is Marxist drivel, as was his 30 August opinion piece. His lament that "Wealth was not redistributed" by the U.S. Army reveals his politics, as does his anticipation of Aristide returning to power. Aristide was a founder of PUCH, Haitian Communist Unification Party. His "Lavalas" movement consisted of anarchists, squatters, "students," Maoists, vagrants, and just about every other example of human detritus. I called them collectively the Khmer Noir. Lavalas organizers consisted almost entirely of heretic "priests" of the "liberation theology" (read "Christian"-Marxism) persuasion, leavened with voodoo for the savages. My ODA commander once asked my advise on putting an end to the almost daily Lavalas riots. "Simple," I told him, "let me kill these so-called 'priests'." He didn't think that was a good idea. The riots continued. In Petit Goâve FRAPH had 108 members. I know; I had their records, files and correspondence. To a man, every member of FRAPH was productively employed, or was a small land or business owner. The polar opposite of the Lavalas. In Petit Goâve, FRAPH were the Haitian middle class. (Or as Shacochis would say, the petit bourgeoisie.) And they were, to a man, anti-Communists. Think of FRAPH as the VFW turned political party. Did they occasionally resort to violence against the Lavalas to protect their property and businesses against the mob howling for "democracy"? Sure they did. Why shouldn't they have? To the Lavalas, "democracy" meant the "right" to loot, thieve and squat. On our first day in Petit Goâve, a smiling Lavalas "delegate" thanked us for being there so we could protect them while they looted the dock warehouses. I told him if they tried it we would kill them. "But we now demokrakasy," he protested, "de warehouse' day belong to 'de people!'" My rifle waved carelessly in his direction. He got the hint. In the course of my duties I came to know many of the Attaches. Again, they were productive members of the local community, who had volunteered their time to beef up police patrols. The beauty of the Attaches was that they knew who the local scum-bags were. Think of the Attaches as a proactive community watch. Despite panicked and breathless media reports about "3000 disappeared," and tireless efforts to "unearth atrocities," not one shred of evidence has ever been produced to support the claim. Well, except for the screams of "holocaust" hitchhikers like Shacochis. The joke within my ODA was, "3000? That's the best they could do?" I hear it's up to 5000 now. Shacochis further whined that weapons were redistributed instead of the wealth of people who created said wealth. That is true. Another of my duties was ensuring that extant weapons were accounted for (and later, on my own initiative, not accounted for) and redistributed. Small-arms fell into two categories. Privately owned, and military issued. The Haitians kept immaculate records of small-arms ownership or issue. On the military issue ledger I simply designated one day when everybody who had an issued weapon reported for accountability. There were two types of issued weapons; M-14 select-fire rifles, and M-1 rifles. I collected the M-14 select-fire rifles and reissued their owners a replacement M-1 rifle and 40 rounds of ball ammunition. All M-14 rifles were reissued to the FAd'H garrison with whom we were living. Our FAd'H "Joes" all had M-14s, and civilians who had signed for them all had M-1s. Mission accomplished! (Aside: The FAd'H "Joes" weren't bad guys. Under White leadership and discipline they made an acceptable colonial police force. So we (Whites) took charge and they (Haitians) did rather well. On their own they were utterly useless.) On the privately owned ledger I discovered, after reading the Haitian firearms laws passed under General Cedras, that a civilian could own anything he damn well pleased as long as he could afford it and had a permit for it. Uzi submachine guns and select-fire Israeli Galil rifles were not uncommon. House-to-house with the permit applications and a knock on the door with a polite, "Good afternoon, do you still possess Galil serial #xxxxxx? (Oui.) May I check it against this permit list please? (Oui.) Thank you, have a nice day." Soon after, disaster struck. Firearms confiscation. Ordered from "on high." Permit owners were told to turn in their weapons. (I was shocked!) It seems the restored Communists didn't like the idea of an armed populace. (At least they had the decency to not use "the Children" as a pretext. They used Public -- meaning "Party" -- safety instead.) They needn't have worried. Word "leaked" and the evening before "turn-in" there were a rash of "firearms thefts" throughout the entire Petit Goâve region. Too many to investigate. None were ever recovered. Damn. The weapons "buy back" program layered itself in during the middle of all this. Gd.X for a grenade (Haitians could have grenades, why can't Americans?), Gd.Y for a pistol, Gd.Z for a rifle, etc.. I nicknamed it the "Snitch-Off A Relative Program." Haitians are corrupt to the bone. Grinning Haitian "youths" would bring their uncle's pistol in for the Gd.Y bounty. I'd offer them Gd.A. They'd start sputtering, pointing to the "price sheet." I'd simply tell them, "Take Gd.A, or I'll just take the gun and throw you in jail for possession of an illegal weapon." They took Gd.A. But (Laughter!), they had to sign for the cash. That evening, we'd pay them a visit and take them for "a ride." (They loved to ride in HUMMVs -- once.) The "Snitch-Off A Relative Program" ended rather quickly. My Detachment's weapons buy-back program was a failure, although we ate well. Less astute Detachments in other parts of Haiti had far greater success, although they ate much less well. Shacochis cries that Haiti has no heroes to lead it out if its typically African squalor. If he is searching for Haitian heroes he's a blithering fool -- or a "liberal" (not that there is any difference). Haiti's salvation lays in the same place the salvation of other African countries lay. Re-colonization by Whites and rigid Apartheid. Not by those of Shacochis' ilk. But by Whites who are not afraid to demonstrate why they were the only race to have once conquered the world. PO Box 70586 Fort Bragg, NC 28307 ////////////////////////////////////////////// NOW BOMB ISRAEL! The Meek Shall Inherit The Gulag ////////////////////////////////////////////// |
Sit Down, Shut Up, and Enjoy The Ride by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) So, half of "today's young adults" think the segregationist doctrine of Separate But Equal is perfectly rationale and reasonable. Good. Some anti-integration progress is being made. Fayetteville Observer-Time's editorial hive doubted the legitimacy of the NAACP sponsored question, "It's OK if races are basically separate from one another as long as everyone has equal opportunity," by speculating "whether the separation was voluntary of forced." Looking to the Supreme Court for direction, FOT's hive-mind assures us by the tone of its buzzing that forced integration is "good," but forced segregation is "bad." Unsaid, although assuredly, they think voluntary separation is "racist," but only if you're White. However, the question to be begged is why opposition to forced integration is, in hive-speak, "meanness?" "You can have separation, or you can have equality," not both, the hive buzzed. Okay, I choose separation. Forced if necessary. Because the "equality" the hive referred to was not the Anglo-Saxon legal principle of due process, rather the Communist-Lysenkoan theory of biological egalitarianism. "Liberals," forever soft-minded, love Lysenkoism. Harsh reality is Whites do not need Blacks. Western civilization was never "enriched" by Black "contributions;" unless one calls devastation "enrichment." Harsher reality is Blacks need Whites. Given their inability to sustain civilization, that's understandable. So, here's how to fix "race relations." Implement rigid apartheid. Disfranchise Blacks and "others." Whites will sustain Western civilization. Blacks and "others" can sit down, shut up, and enjoy the ride. Ingratitude will earn them a one-way ticket to Africa. PO Box 70586 Fort Bragg, NC 28307 ////////////////////////////////////////////// NOW BOMB ISRAEL! The Meek Shall Inherit The Gulag ////////////////////////////////////////////// |
Letter to the Editor of the Fayetteville Observer-Times by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) 16 August 1999 Mr. Timothy White Editorial Page Editor Fayetteville Observer-Times PO Box 849 Fayetteville, NC 28302 Dear Mr. White: I know you will not print the enclosed opinion piece, or its addendum. That is not the reason I am sending them. The reason I am sending it is because the Fayetteville Observer-Times will spend days spilling huge buckets of ink moaning about "hate" and gratuitously parroting the Party line as dictated by the Anti-Defamation League of the Jewish Masonic B'nai B'rith, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the American Jewish Committee, and other commissariats of America's thought police without once even considering whether anything they say is true or not. The Fayetteville Observer-Times' obedient parroting of whatever Jews say, and fawning praise of whatever they do, is taken for granted. There is a reaction coalescing in America, Mr. White. It is anti-socialist, anti-egalitarian, and anti-democracy; in short, this reaction is anti-Communist, and therefore anti-Jewish. Call it the counterrevolution. You may object that America is not a Communist country. But your objection will only hold up if you can name a single plank of the Jew-written Communist Manifesto that is not enshrined in federal law. Both you and I know you cannot. Nobody in this city and county who has even the remotest inkling of the depths of the socialist sewer into which America has sunk, or who is responsible, expects intellectual honesty from Fayetteville Observer-Times' editorial pages. In fact, the fundamental intellectual dishonesty of the Fayetteville Observer-Times' editorial collective is glaringly obvious to anyone with sense enough to compare what they read in your pages against their everyday observations. Crime in Cumberland County (including Fayetteville) is a good example. Overwhelmingly, crime in Cumberland County is a Negro enterprise as even rudimentary examination of the statistics of the race of perpetrators demonstrates. Yet, the Fayetteville Observer-Times refuses to publish the race of the perpetrator in its crime report, or the percentage of crimes committed by Negroes versus those committed by Whites. Mr. Broadwell remarked to me that that omission was part of the Fayetteville Observer-Times' "enlightened editorial policy." The deliberate omission of demonstrable facts in your reporting is not "enlightened." The word for it is lying. You might moan, like Mr. Broadwell did, that publishing the racial statistics on crime would be "divisive," or damage "race relations." Mr. Broadwell's objection to telling the truth about the source of crime in Cumberland County would be laughable if it was not so pathetic. "Race relations" in this county mean nothing less than Whites are expected to submit passively to whatever this county's minorities demand. I know. I was a participant in the "Study Circles," which were nothing more than classic Communist criticism/self-criticism sessions. Whites were criticized, and expected to criticize themselves. If they didn't (I didn't) they were being "insensitive" to the "needs" of Negroes. Negroes were held up as blameless for their own irresponsibility and systemic behavior problems, "victims" of "discrimination." Suggesting that Negroes start behaving like Whites was declared "not constructive to the healing process." (I'm not kidding!) The Whites on my "circle" were asked to apologize for slavery. My apology was, "I am deeply sorry your race was imported to this continent." I was denounced as a "racist" for stating Negroes should have been left in Africa after they demanded an apology for being here. There is no pleasing them. I have to admit, Mr. White, that you are a masterful propagandist. I study the techniques of propaganda as a hobby, and your style is almost impeccable. I particularly enjoyed your sneering diminution of the local citizens who are attempting to clean up the filth in the Cumberland County library system -- for technique, not for content. In your denunciation of censorship however, you are a hypocrite. You see it as perfectly okay that children can "learn" that homosexuality is "normal," but it doesn't take much imagination to predict the response by local "liberals," and the shaking of your editorial carpetbag, if the book, The Testing of Negro Intelligence, edited by R. Travis Osborne and Frank C.J. McGurk, or Why Race Matters, by Dr. Michael Levin, were shelved and made available to the kiddies. Can't contradict the egalitarian brainwash, can we? "Liberalism" would unravel. Sincerely, S. Barry encl: OPINION: "The ADL: America's Cheka." ADDENDUM: "More Jew Lies." /////OPINION///// The ADL: America's Cheka by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) The recent shooting at the Los Angeles Jewish Community Center brought forth the usual rants from Abraham H. Foxman, national director of The Anti-Defamation League of the Jewish Masonic B'nai B'rith. Small wonder, as the ADL is America's ideological Cheka. For those of you "educated" in government schools, the Cheka were the Bolshevik's secret police following the October (1917) Revolution. The Cheka's role was to combat counterrevolution. Given that well over 75% of the Bolshevists were Jews (the Central Committee were all Jews; and by Israel's current "law of return" Lenin was a Jew), and given that one of the first "laws" passed by the Bolsheviks made "anti-Semitism" an act of "counterrevolution," it was therefore no coincidence that the Cheka and its commissariat was entirely Jewish. Or that the Soviet Union's Gulag system, in which further millions of Christians died, was run by Jews. One of the Cheka's first acts to combat "counterrevolution" (or "anti-Semitism," take your pick) was the murder of Father Iustinus Bonaventura Pranaitis, author of The Talmud Unmasked (published in St. Petersburg, 1892). Subsequently, well over 25 million Russian Christians were slaughtered by the Bolsheviks (or Jews, take your pick) while following the advice of their prophet, the Jew, Karl Mordechai (or Marx, take your pick). To that total we can add the millions of European Christians murdered by Jewish Bolsheviks during the revolutions that swept Europe in 1918 and 1919. Universally, those revolutions were wholly run Jewish enterprises. It is significant that the 31 October, 1919, The American Hebrew magazine whined about "the holocaust of European Jewry" as the Jew led revolutions were being (justifiably and brutally) suppressed. In the same article the "extermination of 6 million Jews" was sent up as a trial balloon. (1919, folks.) But Americans were smarter back then, and didn't buy into The Great Lie. Jewish wailing about "6 million" of their number dying during World War II (never proven; International Red Cross estimates in 1946 put the number at around 300,000) leaves me cold. Suppression of Communism in America during the early 1920s raised deafening shrieks of protest from the ADL (and the Jew-founded American Civil Liberties Union). It seems almost everyone arrested and deported were Jews. Suppressing communism has always been an act of "anti-Semitism." If you doubt it, read The London Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1919, which informs us, "...the ideals of Bolshevism are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism." But I think cofounder of the American Jewish Congress, and American Jewish icon, rabbi Stephen S. Wise, summed it up best in his The American Bulletin article dated 5 May 1935: "Some call it Marxism -- I call it Judaism." No wonder then that Abraham Foxman, in his 12 August 1999, The New York Times opinion piece, laments the "the unpleasant legacy of the Hoover years" during which communism was suppressed and the Jew led "New Left" and "civil rights" movements were targeted for investigation by the FBI because their Communist origin. Today, due to laws passed during the 1960s and '70s under pressure from the shrieking of Jewish "civil rights" lawyers seeking to protect Communists from "persecution," the FBI cannot gratuitously target organizations Jews now disapprove of. Foxman denounces this as "...too timid an approach...." What is the ADL solution? Go to the FBI and demand reversal of the "laws" enacted to protect Jewish Communists in the '60s and '70s in order to suppress "anti-Semitic" counterrevolution in the '90s. Of course, the latest Jew-invented term for anti-Communist counterrevolution is "hate." And our ADL Chekisti are determined to crush it. Foxman further laments that the FBI cannot proactively target people on the basis of their beliefs because the "Constitution provides for the civil liberties of citizens...." (You are not expected to notice that statement is a lie. The Constitution "provides" nothing for citizens. In fact, it doesn't even apply to them. It is a restriction on the federal government's powers, and it enumerates those natural rights of man that the federal government may not infringe.) Therefore the ADL Chekisti are demanding proscription of "civil liberties against those who have no respect for the nation or would destroy it." The ADL Chekisti, speaking through the voice of chief Chekist Foxman, want to "recalibrate" constitutional liberties to permit the FBI to investigate and arrest people for their spoken or written words. In other words, the ADL Chekisti are demanding that "anit-Semitism" be made a federal "crime." They've been demanding that in America for over 60 years. Fortunately, we still have enough shreds of Christian, Anglo-Saxon liberties remaining that our Jews haven't been able impose "thought crime" laws on us. Not, however, from lack of trying. Canada and Europe are not so lucky. Jews proscribe all independent thought there. In an ADL press release last year, Foxman denied that suppressing thought was censorship; he called it "responsibility." That must be why the entire Soviet censorship apparatus was run by Jews. If anything can be said about the Soviet press, it was indeed "responsible" to its Jewish masters. So today is ours. And that is why the ADL Chekisti are terrified of the Internet, and are demanding federal censorship controls over it. The Internet provides "opportunities for hate-mongers" to talk to one another. In other words, the Jews can't censor it (oops, make it "responsible"). Who are these "hate-mongers" the ADL Chekisti and Abraham Foxman are terrified of? People who are finally getting disgusted with the Jew inspired transformation of America into yet another Jew-run socialist gulag. That the first efforts of these "hate-mongers" are uncoordinated and amateurish is a natural consequence of disorganization and lack of a unifying ideology. But the ADL Chekisti see "it" coming. "It" is an historical pattern unchanged through millennia. No matter where, or at what time, Jews have been "tolerated," they end up being utterly despised by their victims. Jews call this "persecution." Their victims call it prosecution. Therefore, the ADL Chekisti, through their chief Chekist Foxman, scream that, "Changing challenges require a new look at education, at law enforcement, at the role of the news media." What "challenges" are "changing?" The Jew's "challenge" of transforming America into a globalist (read, Jewish) slave kibbutz is not going as smoothly as they would like. In other words, renewed brainwashing, suppression of "counterrevolutionaries," and invigorated "Jews are wonderful" propagandizing are called for. "Hatred can still destroy," moans Foxman. He's right. Jews hate all things Christian, and they will stop at nothing to destroy us and our civilization and culture. Consider this comment made by M.A. Levy, Secretary of the World League of Liberal Jews, in a speech in Los Angeles, California, August, 1949: "In the near future, when the Jewish people take over the rule of the United States, legally under our god, we will create a new education system, providing that our god is the only one to follow, and proving that the Christ story is a fake... Christianity will be abolished." One look at our Jew commissared government schools is enough to confirm Levy's boast. Why shouldn't Jews be hated for the anti-Christian, Communist destruction they've wreaked upon America? Foxman's moaning about "hate" is nothing less than the scream of a tick cursing the flea collar. /////ADDENDUM///// More Jew Lies by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) Every morning I find a squawking parrot in its cage next to my mailbox, the Fayetteville Observer-Times. The gratuitous and obedient publishing of American Jewish Committee rabbi Gary Greenebaum's blatant lies about Christian Identity ("Racists can justify anything," 14 August 1999) is only the latest demonstration that the depths of the Fayetteville Observer-Times editorial collective's ignorance cannot be plumbed. Let's see; where to begin? "[Christian Identity]," begins rabbi Greenebaum, "distorts Genesis to preach that people of color are pre-Adamic creation, like beasts, and that God later created Adam and Eve, who gave birth to Abel, whose descendants are white, Nordic, Aryan types, i.e., the 'real' chosen people. According to this racist interpretation of Genesis," continues rabbi Greenebaum, a "holy man" of the most racist and tribalistic people on the face of this planet, "Eve was later impregnated by Satan, producing Cain, and his descendants are Jews." (Emphasis added.) Before we continue, given that the parrots of the Fayetteville Observer-Times editorial collective didn't catch the inversion of the Genesis birth order in "learned" rabbi Greenebaum's version of Genesis, let's demote the editorial collective from ignorant to stupid. That the Fayetteville Observer-Times editorial collective is stupid regarding Scripture, and goim butt-puppets for Jews, may now be posited as an axiom (which explains a great deal about the Fayetteville Observer-Times' other editorial policies and positions). Anyway, returning to rabbi Greenebaum's intrinsically Talmudic blasphemies against Christianity (Jews know what I'm talking about), there are two Christian Identity theologies. (Typical of the theological anarchy inherent in Jew-invented Protestantism -- and, to be fair, post-Vatican II "Catholicism," otherwise known as neo-Protestantism.) One is called "Two Seedline" Identity, the other "Covenant" Identity. Covenant Identity holds that Aryans are the true chosen people, that the idea of White Israel is not a threat to Coloreds, that all God's creations are good, and that Jews should be left alone to be dealt with by God in His own good time for their historic inability to keep their Covenant and for their murder of Christ. Covenant Identity is not a denomination, rather it is an article of belief that crosses denominations. Indeed, it was a central tenant of Christianity for over 1800 years. Until, that is, Jews Judaized Christianity with their Talmudic blasphemies via Jew-led "ecumenism," and its consequence, the Jew-invented blasphemy, "Judeo-Christian." (Why modern "Christians" stupidly swallow that Jew-lie, given that Jews deny the Divinity of Christ, eludes me.) Seedline Identity holds that there were two creations of man, and they have a compelling argument. The creation of Adam clearly follows the seventh day, "and there was not a man to till the ground" (GEN 2:6.), even though the earth had already been populated, "male and female created he them" (note the plural "them;" it's the same in the Latin Douay-Reims), on the sixth day. (GEN 1:27.) The pre-Adamic races (Coloreds) are clearly lumped in with "every beast of the earth" (GEN 1:30.), and only with Adam God "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life," i.e., gave him a soul. (GEN 2:7.) (Interjection: Note the "breath of life" is absent in Eve's creation; speculatively, that would explain a great deal about females, but I am an historian, not a theologian.) Now comes the Fall. Seedline Identity holds that the tree of knowledge of good and evil was Satan embodied, that Satan physically seduced Eve, and the result was the race of Cain, who in Seedline theology are identified as "Jews," the same "children of hell" (the Jewish Encyclopedia explicitly states that Phariseeism is Judaism) Christ denounces. (Matthew 23:15). The depths of rabbi Greenebaum's calumny against Christian Identity is revealed in his own "religion." While sending grave warnings to stupidly obedient, mainstream, Jew-worshipping Protestant goim that, "Christian Identity thus presents a neat theological package in which minorities are not even human and Jews are literally the sons and daughters of Satan," rabbi Greenebaum deliberately fails to mention two things. First, Judaism, which is Talmud (Pharisee), not Torah (Mosaic), centered, explicitly teaches that gentiles are not human. "Jews are human beings; the other peoples of the world are not human beings." (Baba Mezia.) In the Talmud, gentiles are referred to as "animals in the form of human beings" (Midrasch Talpioth, fol. 225d), "asses," "cattle," "beasts," ad infinitum nauseam, whom "Even the best of the goim should be killed." (Abhodah Zarah, 26b. Tosephoth.) Second, the account of the physical seduction of Eve by Satan comes straight out of the Jewish Cabala (Zohar, treatise Bereschith, folio 54 -- the Jewish account is far more revolting than the Seedline Identity account), and is also recounted in their pornographic Talmud. (Zohar, I, 28b.) Thus is the Talmudic instructed perjury of rabbi Greenebaum against Christians (Babha Kama, 113b.) revealed. However, rabbi Greenebaum knows that Jew's-papers will gratuitously print his words, the goim will dully drool in front of their Talmudvisions drinking in its lies, Chutzpahwood will crank out Whites-are-evil movies, and that Protestants will continue to obediently buzz that Jews are the "chosen people," thereby blaspheming Christ's crucifixion by Jews. Just another day in the Jewnited States of "America." PO Box 70586 Fort Bragg, NC 28307 ////////////////////////////////////////////// NOW BOMB ISRAEL! The Meek Shall Inherit The Gulag ////////////////////////////////////////////// |
Camp Follower's Friday by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) (c) 1999 by Steven M. Barry and The Resister Secretary of the Army, William S. Cohen, designated Friday, 14 May 1999, as Military Spouse Day to "...recognize the innumerable contributions of military spouses." This was inevitable. In our "diverse" and "inclusive" Army where everyone has "consideration for others" (or else!), anyone who is not a White male has a day, or a week, or a month to celebrate their "contributions" to an institution they could not have created. Said Cohen in his official Military Spouse Day message, "Dealing with deployments, family separations, and frequent moves requires special skills and commitment... military spouses have proven that they are up to these challenges." Challenge is the Newarmyspeak word of favor these days, and because it is Newarmyspeak it does not have any recognizable English language meaning. In the English language the word challenge means to accuse, reprove, call to account, or invite hostile action. It is what, in our kinder, gentler, effeminate Army, is known as a "strong word," that may hurt somebody's feelings if used properly. But the sound of the word challenge has a pleasing ring and it would be a shame if it couldn't be used at all. The solution? Invert the word's meaning. In the feminized lexicon of Newarmyspeak challenge means "a problem." You see, commanders hate problems; they may be held accountable for solving them. So now there are no problems which have to be solved and be held accountable for, just ongoing "challenges" to be passed-off to the next commander, ad infinitum nauseam. Like, what to do with a soldier's camp followers when he is deployed. Almost 70% of the Army is married. Never mind that the soldier took the burden of camp followers upon himself and is therefore personally responsible for them. But, because the feminized "Army family" cares they become everyone else's burden. Think of it as an extended commune. There are mandatory "Family Support" programs complete with Army Regulations, classes on "partnership," and "parenting," and how to shop and balance a check book ("life skills," etc.) for the publicly educated. "Counseling" is available for dimwits who believe marriage is just a logical progression from rutting on the first date. "Day care" for the (mostly Negro) illegitimate spawn of (mostly Negro) "soldier-mothers" has become a major issue on military facilities. (Has anybody else noticed that Negroes seem singularly unaware of the fact that sex results in babies?) And don't notice females who wanted the "choice" of joining the Army waddling around in their maternity uniforms, or sick-call formations swamped with "woman problems." All this is a "challenge" for commanders, who are expected to drop everything at the whim of any camp follower who invades his office to whine about her squalid Payton Place life. What does our enlightened command call all this? Why, nothing less than "Quality of Life." "Quality if Life" for soldier's camp followers is important because, quoting Cohen, "Their support and dedication provide a vital element of stability to servicemembers [sic] and to our military communities." That is a lie of course. Scores of millions per year out of the military budget is squandered heedlessly on "Quality of Life" for camp followers while mechanized units sit idle in motor pools for lack of spare parts, training in infantry units is degraded by lack of training funds and ammunition, and flight hours are reduced in aviation units. Meanwhile, the Army medical system designed to treat soldiers is overwhelmed with camp followers whose "access to 'free' medical care" costs taxpayers hundreds of millions annually. For all this, Cohen offers his "personal thanks to every military spouse for a job well done." Today's "Army Family" reminds me of a remark made by a captured French officer to the Duke of Wellington in Spain, 1810; "You, Sir, have an army -- we have a traveling brothel." PO Box 70586 Fort Bragg, NC 28307 ////////////////////////////////////////////// NOW BOMB ISRAEL! The Meek Shall Inherit The Gulag ////////////////////////////////////////////// |
NAACP Boycott of South Carolina by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) Once again I find myself supporting in full the NAACP's boycott of South Carolina. Now the NAACP is collecting information about campaign contributions to South Carolina legislators who voted to keep the Confederate battle flag flying above the capitol building. The intent is obvious. To threaten boycotts, "civil rights" actions, and "discrimination" suits against campaign contributors -- a tactic they learned from the Jewish Communist founders of the NAACP. I think it's a wonderful idea! In fact, I think White owned businesses should support the boycott. Such support could take the form of placing signs in business windows. "NEGRO FREE," might be one. "NO NEGROES, I Support Boycott," might be another. White hotel owners should support the boycott with prominent displays on their marquees, "NO PETS OR NEGROES." White grocery store owners can support the boycott also by unlocking their cigarette display cases and removing the anti-shoplifting devices from high value items. Further, they could put up signs reading, "PRODUCE UNTOUCHED BY NEGROES." Recreation facilities should join the boycott. To prove the effectiveness of the NAACP's boycott public parks, pools, etc., could be segregated and signs posted, "WHITE" and "COLORED" with arrows pointing in the appropriate directions. But passive White support of NAACP's boycott may not be enough. Active measures may be necessary. The ultimate support of NAACP's boycott would be a White Strike. Let Negroes run everything. Within a year, if Whites can hold out that long, we will all reap the benefits of the miracle of Negro governance. SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) PO Box 70586 Fort Bragg, NC 28307 ////////////////////////////////////////////// NOW BOMB ISRAEL! The Meek Shall Inherit The Gulag ////////////////////////////////////////////// |
Women & the Military and Women in War by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 22:30:03 -0400 To: H-NET List for Discussion of Women & the Military and Women in War From: "Steven M. Barry" Subject: Re: COMMENT: Women of Color in the US. Military At 12:08 PM 99/07/30 EDT, FJDAMICO@aol.com wrote: "Policing the Military's Race & Gender Lines," in Wives & Warriors: Women & the Military in the United States & Canada, eds. Weinstein & White (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997) 199-234. (main statistical analysis) ...etc. Looks like my book budget just went to hell. As I observe in the first article cited, the different service branches and occupational specializations have different racial/ethnic/gender compositions... That is irrelevant. The original query referenced "the military." That means _all_ of it, not parts. I only threw in the Army as a contrast, not to split hairs (although, if anybody wants to "go there," I'm willing to split hairs. Please, do not bring a knife to the gunfight). ...so if Sgt. Barry wants to compare within the military population, we need to inquire why white men are so vastly OVER-represented in, e.g., the Air Force as a whole and "elite" military jobs, such as pilots, submariners, and special forces.... Steve Barry's Reply: Because, to be candid, White men created those institutions, _for themselves_. In my 21 years in Special Forces, a man's race was never at issue, or made an issue, because the minority man had to pass the same standards the White man had to pass, and the minority man was thereby recognized as the objective equal of his White team mates. It has only been recently, since the Army Research Institute dictated that Special Forces was "too white," and the chain of command began scraping and groveling before the altar of "equality," that serious (and very real) doubts about the abilities of minorities inflicted upon us in the name of egalitarianism have (with considerable justification) begun to arise. or why African American men are UNDER-represented while Hispanic men are "over-represented" in the Marine Corps relative to their respective presence in the general military population.... Because the Marine Corps has fewer women. Hispanic men do not join the military to soldier with women playing at soldier; feminist "theory" notwithstanding. ...Explicitly race-d historical practices, such as assigning African American men to quartermaster corps and African American women with high levels of education and professional training, such as teachers, to serve as charwomen, during WWII have carried over in more subtle yet quite visible ways when we examine patterns in the data. Brenda Moore's work on race & gender in the Army and Cynthia Enloe's analysis of "ethnic soldiers" point us in the direction of "preferred minorities" to interpret these patterns.... Why are the historical patterns of Negro failure in White society fobbed off as "discrimination," and then, when said rational use of one's mental faculties is dictated "illegal," to "subtle racism?" What this says is the Whites are "hard wired" "racists," yet Negro brains are perfectly malleable, and capable of absorbing "smart waves" by osmosis through close proximity with Whites, who, by sinister conspiracy, deny Negroes intelligence by osmosis by continuing to flee from Negro "contributions" to White society. An identical argument can be made that females become "equal" to men by osmosis through proximity with men. "African Americans" were historically assigned to support MOSs because, when objective intelligence tests were used to assign soldiers to positions appropriate to their intelligence, Negroes were assigned appropriately. They enlist for support MOSs today because they view the military as an "opportunity" to escape the squalor and barbarism endemic to their race. To them it is a "job," where equality is enforced by UCMJ, not the reality of performance. I guarantee this: If minority races were re-segregated into thier own regiments, and females were purged from the military, and discipline (instead of "consideration for others") was restored, recruiting offices would be swamped with White men, and they would have to close their doors in the second quarter of the fiscal year to avoid exceeding congressional mandates on troop strengths. SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) PO Box 70586 Fort Bragg, NC 28307 ////////////////////////////////////////////// NOW BOMB ISRAEL! The Meek Shall Inherit The Gulag ////////////////////////////////////////////// |
Please Don't Thow Us in the Briar Patch! by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) The National All African Communist Party (NAACP) is threatening a boycott of South Carolina if the Confederate battle flag is not removed from the State Capitol. Threatened is the Black tourism "industry," that brings two million Blacks annually to South Carolina, where they spend $2.8 million. My God! That's $1.40 per Black! That loss of revenue will surely bankrupt the state. At risk also are local businesses who will see the trashing of their hotel rooms, shoplifting, robbery, drug and violent crime rates plummet as Blacks increasingly isolate themselves from the White community. Not to mention the loss of "diversity." Wow! That will show us intractable Whites. I find myself coming down on the side of the NAACP on this issue. In fact, I think the NAACP should extend their boycott to cover all 50 states. Whites are entirely too "mean spirited" to recognize the miracle of Black participation in our society and polity. Whites are too "racist" to appreciate the richness of the "diversity" of crime and collectivism Blacks try so earnestly to share with us, the unenlightened. I mean, "racism" is bred into Whites. "Racism" is part of our genetic heritage; it's "hard-wired" in our brains. Blacks, however, are immune from genetic heritage. Their brains are perfectly malleable. That is why our schools and neighborhoods are integrated; at gun point if necessary. Blacks learn by osmosis, and their behavior is dependent upon their environment. To deny Blacks "smart waves" from the brains of White children, and for Whites to insist upon orderly, clean, and crime free neighborhoods, is to deny Blacks both intelligence and their "unique culture." Clearly acts of discrimination. The NAACP has hit upon the perfect solution to punish Whites for their "intolerance" -- boycott! But the NAACP's leadership is far too shortsighted. Limited boycotts within "racist," White America will have only short term effects and not punish Whites thoroughly enough. So, because I heartily support the NAACP boycott of South Carolina, I respectfully extend to the NAACP my solution to end White "racism." Deny White America the blessings of Black participation in its polity. That's right, the NAACP would be able to punish Whites most grievously if they boycotted America; if Blacks removed their enlightenment, tolerance, and diversity to Africa. Why, within at least one generation, Africa would be the model of progress and economic might under the guidance and leadership of American Blacks. And because Blacks learn by osmosis, not inherited intelligence like "racist" Whites, native Africans would see the sophistication of their civilization expand exponentially the closer to Black Americans they lived. Clearly, the NAACP cannot fail to see the "leadership" opportunities such a boycott would "empower" themselves with, and visit upon the victims of White colonization in Africa. Whites are unworthy of Black "inclusion" in our polity. But Whites will never learn their lesson until Blacks show Whites how civilization really started, by reconstructing it in Africa -- all by themselves, without White participation, to teach Whites a richly deserved lesson. I am ashamed to be White. To punish myself for my inherited "racism," I'll stay in America and suffer while gazing wistfully at the economic, sociologic, and political miracle that could be Africa, if only our Black Americans would boycott us. We truly do deserve it. SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) PO Box 70586 Fort Bragg, NC 28307 ////////////////////////////////////////////// UP THE SERBS! The Meek Shall Inherit The Gulag ////////////////////////////////////////////// |
PARENTS ARE FINALLY WISING UP by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) Disgusted by the constant flush of taxes down the bottomless integration sewer, parents in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg, North Carolina, school system are suing to force school officials to seek court approval before any race-based policies can be inflicted upon innocent white children. School officials, always the scrapers and grovelers before whatever minority happens to be shrieking and screaming the loudest at the moment, called the parents' action "mean spirited." All right, let's accept at face value that standard Liberal rant at having their willful acts of destruction opposed. So what, if the white parents' court action is "mean spirited?" If that is the case, then whites need to show a great deal more "mean spirited" resistance to having their children afflicted by integrated schools. A recent study noted the disparity in test scores between Negro and White students. It turned out that Negro students from middle and upper class environments, in the aggregate, scored lower on standardized tests that White students from poor environments. The researchers were mystified. News flash! Precisely the same results were obtained in 1917 during testing of draftees. During one of the largest intelligence testing programs ever conducted in the United States, the highest scoring Negro draftees from the most prosperous four Northern states consistently scored lower in intelligence than White draftees from the poorest four Southern states. Is there be a pattern here? Sure there is. Throughout this century, no matter who tests intelligence, how many times, for whatever reason, they consistently replicate each other's results. And that is that American Negroes are, in the aggregate, between 15 and 18 IQ points lower in intelligence than the average White. And just to put that demonstrable fact in perspective, the average Negro IQ of 85 is considered borderline "dull." I don't suppose anybody has noticed that 30-odd years of school integration and the hundreds of billions squandered in the process have resulted in a net gain in aggregate Negro intelligence of exactly zero. Unless you consider the utter destruction of the public education system in consequence as a net gain. Of course, those who scratch their heads in dismay at the persistent failure of Negroes to gain in intelligence through osmosis by close proximity to Whites attribute poor Negro performance on standardized tests as environment driven "under-privilege" and a "legacy of racism." No one dare breath the truth; genes count. Genes are not "racist." For better or worse, you get the genes of your biological heritage. But claiming, as biological egalitarians and environmental behaviorists do, that genes affect every organ in the human body exceptthe brain, is the height of intellectual dishonesty and the basest form of political opportunism. Why is it then considered "mean spirited" for Whites to shun an education system that has been "dumbed-down" to accommodate the least intelligent population of our society? The schools should be re-segregated. And Whites need to get more "mean spirited" about it. I'd rather be called a "racists" than have stupid children as products of integrated schools. SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) PO Box 70586 Fort Bragg, NC 28307 ////////////////////////////////////////////// UP THE SERBS! The Meek Shall Inherit The Gulag ////////////////////////////////////////////// |
THE STUPID WAR by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) When the bombing of Serbia began I seriously considered going to Serbia to show their army how to hunt down Laser Target Designator teams. I didn't go, but I did what I could to aid the Serbs from here. By now somebody is yelling "treason!" Treason? Against what? If Bill Clinton could wave NVA flags and give aid and comfort to his Communist pals, and then afflict us with his presidency, what harm could there be in my aiding the Serbs? Communist sympathizers marched with impunity during the Viet Nam War. Thousands of Serb sympathizers in Washington D.C. were suppressed; in fact, the media didn't even report it. Why? Well, who do you think is running "our" government now? So, what was the anti-Serb war about? National defense? Vital national interest? Don't make me laugh. A uniformed traitor, an ethical reprobate whose political obeisance and moral cravenness is hidden behind the stars on his collar, provides the answer. In April, General Wesley Clark stated, "There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That's a 19th-century idea, and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multiethnic states." Who are "we?" "We" are certainly not ethnically pure Europeans. "We" are "Internationalists." If you're old enough to remember, multiethnic-internationalism and communism are synonyms. Clark knows good and well that Albanians had been waging terrorism against Serbs in Kosovo for decades. He also knows that the KLA is nothing more than a criminal gang. Blubbering herds of "refugees" were mere pretext. Clark admitted that the real war aim was to end nationalism. But only for White nations. Having served 24 years in the Army, I wish no harm to American troops. However, I hope our "Internationalist" mission in Kosovo fails miserably. SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) PO Box 70586 Fort Bragg, NC 28307 ////////////////////////////////////////////// UP THE SERBS! The Meek Shall Inherit The Gulag ////////////////////////////////////////////// |
Stereotypes Create Themselves. "Forum" is a weekly feature in the Fayetteville Observer-Times, wherein a question is posed by FOT's editorial collective to the readership. This week's question was: "The new 'Star Wars' movie is under attack by some who say the alien creatures -- particularly Jar Jar -- perpetuates racial and ethnic stereotyping... [Is this] justified?" SMB Stereotypes Create Themselves by SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) The people who most stridently demand that stereotyping individuals from any given group is an unconscionable evil are members of those groups who create their own stereotypes. Take Jar Jar, for instance. A dapping, bopping, gesticulating, clown clothed, mumbling (it's called Ebonics, folks; it has its own "grammar" rules and is gratuitously referred to as a "second language" because nobody has the intestinal fortitude to call it nigger-English) character in "Star Wars." I'm sure if there was a scene with him driving a "speedster" he'd have had the seat reclined, there would be a crown in the rear window, and he'd have rudely inflicted throbbing, unintelligible African random noise on everybody within a thousand feet. My only amazement was that he didn't hold his crotch while invariably failing correctly to pronounce double consonants. Is Jar Jar a stereotype for Negroes? If he is, so what? Look about you. Which group's daily observable behavior created that stereotype? But in the movies it is perfectly acceptable to stereotype Whites as "racists," incompetents, bunglers, sinister, evil, exploiters; you name it. If it's bad, it's White. And the blonder and more light-eyed the more evil. Negroes, of course, are the movie's current heroes; which is the reason for all the Negro howling about Jar Jar. He contradicts Chutzpahwood's latest trend; if it's good, it's Negro. In the movies Negroes are more learned, insightful, and heroic than Whites. They are brain surgeons, rocket scientists, presidents, you name it; and stereotypical Aryan women can't help but thrown themselves at them -- despite an observable, contradictory reality. There is one group, however, who wonders what all the fuss is about. They are called "whiggers." They constitute a new stereotype. Whites who behave like Negroes. Such is the glory of racially integrated schools. The lowest denominator predominates. SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.) PO Box 70586 Fort Bragg, NC 28307 ////////////////////////////////////////////// UP THE SERBS! The Meek Shall Inherit The Gulag ////////////////////////////////////////////// |
How to End Racial Discrimination by Steven M. Barry
Putting an end to "discrimination" and "racism" is very simple. Isolate Whites from the rest of the Global Community.
Because Whites are inherently evil, and are the cause of all Negro, Mestizo -- ad nauseam -- miseries, they should not be permitted to participate in the joys of "rich diversity." Whites are obviously not ready for the miraculous utopia of "multiculturalism." Their bad attitude "creates a climate of hate."
The wicked White race must be isolated if multiculturalism is to realize its full potential. I know that sounds harsh, but the future of diversity, the only hope for mankind, is at stake here.
Despite decades of "teaching tolerance" in schools and churches, subversive elements of the sinister White race persists in being intractable about their deracination. This situation is intolerable! They must be isolated, or they'll wreck everything. "Inclusiveness" is not for them.
Again, I know that sounds harsh, but what else can we do? We've tried and tried to educate that poisonous race. Still Whites discriminate. Now is the time for hard decisions. Away with them! And soon, before they ruin what we've accomplished.
Here is my solution to White racism.
Since America was created by maliciously racist Whites, and every institution here is inherently racist and discriminatory, leave this evil to them. Let Whites wallow in the misery they created. They deserve it!
Everybody who loves diversity and tolerance should move to South Africa, Mexico, Central and South America, the Middle East, India, Asia -- and yes, above all, Israel.
In fact, I think Israel, the very model of diversity and tolerance, could be the new, bright diversity beacon for the world. In fact, we should take the Statue of Liberty with us to Tel Aviv. Whites do not deserve it.
All races, colors, creeds, sexual orientations, ad infinitum, should go to Israel and show everybody just what diversity and tolerance means.
But not Whites. Whites are destroyers. Their inbred malignancy breeds hate wherever they go. And we, as lovers of mankind and brotherhood, must allow none who hate to live among us.
In fact, my fellow brother lovers, in order for our plan to be successful; in order to punish Whites as much as possible, we must deport whites from wherever we settle. Send them all to racist America!
For example, South Africa can deport all those malignant White Boers, those exploiters of the poor Negro, to America to live among other Whites. That will teach them!
How dare Whites inflict their Western Civilization upon us. The very model of intolerance! We'll have none of that. Fie! A pox on them! Let Whites wallow in their "civilization" in isolation. We want diversity. We demanddiversity.
So, to Africa! To Asia! Deport their sinister Whites to America. To Israel! Motherland of diversity and tolerance for all mankind.
Brotherhood lovers are trapped in this racist, White created hell called America. Our salvation lies in the multicultural paradise of the Southern hemisphere. We demandthe right of return!
Either that, or we'll riot.
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Town of Fools by Steven M. Barry
"Doing something" makes Boobus Americanus feel good, you see. feeling good beats thinking.
For example, take the brain-dead town of Walnut Cove, North Carolina. While drooling before their Telescreens soaking up the Ministry of Propaganda's staged rendition of wretched Albanians, they felt an urge to "do something." But what? The dolts of the Rotary Club had an answer. Import Albanians!
It wasn't easy. They had to persist at being stupid. But persistence pays. So does brainwashing. During a meeting of town Rotary, church groups and merchants regarding the "Kosovo situation," Wayne Smart, village idiot and town council member, asked, "How many of you here are descended from Native Americans?" No hands went up. "Then the rest of you are refugees."
Refugees from what? No one thought to ask. They were taught that in "public" school so they dimly felt it must somehow be true. So, that settled it! Bring on the Albanians! The janitor stayed behind to mop up the pools of drool in the meeting room.
Now Walnut Cove has its very own Albanian family. And, boy, does Walnut Cove feel good about it. They've "done something." Now they can go back to drooling in front of their Telescreens, feeling good about "thinking globally and acting locally."
Just like they were taught while their minds were being mangled in "public" school and scrambled in church. Blissfully ignorant about the history of the Balkans; cooing and gurgling over their pet Muslim family -- while Jew directed bombs rain down on Christian Serbs.
SFC Steven M. Barry, USA (Ret.)
PO Box 70586
Fort Bragg, NC 28307
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