St. Louis Pest-Despotch Voter's Guide

"Voters' Guide: 15 seek nominations to run for U.S. Senate"


Tamara A. Millay

Age: 31
Home: Normandy
Occupation: Senior recruiting administrator
Political Career: Never held public office

Why Should You Be Elected?

"Voters in the Libertarian primary should elect me due to my uncompromising commitment to Libertarian principles. My opponent, Martin Lindstedt, was expelled from the Missouri Libertarian Party in 1997 for his dishonorable and unethical conduct. He appears to advocate the use of force and subversive tactics to achieve political ends. Virtually every Libertarian candidate in Missouri in 1998 has endorsed by candidacy for the U.S. Senate over that of my opponent. I vow to uphold the principles of noninitiation of force and to be steadfast in my advocacy of a return to a government adhering to the U.S. Constitution."

Main Problem Facing U.S.:

"In my opinion, the greatest problem facing the United States is the extent to which we have strayed from the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Our government has become gargantuan compared to what our founding fathers envisioned, while laws enacted by Congress and enforced by police and government agencies have stripped away the rights guaranteed to citizens. Congress must act to drastically reduce the size and scope of government, returning most tasks to private control and allowing citizens to keep the fruits of their labor instead of being highly taxed. Congress must also abolish all laws creating 'victimless crimes', leaving citizens to be free in their pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, as long as they harm no others."


"I hold a bachelor's degree in psychology, and I have served in a leadership capacity in many organizations throughout the years. More important, I am a 'regular American' with concerns that echo those throughout Missouri: 'Will my children be free to pursue their dreams? Will I be able to save for my retirement and my children's future? How can I make a real contribution to those who need help'? I have a strong desire to return America to its foundations of liberty, so that we and our children may enjoy the freedom and prosperity for which our forefathers and their descendants fought so valiantly."



Martin Lindstedt

Age: 40
Home: Granby
Occupation: Writer / philosopher
Political Career: Never held public office

Why Should You Be Elected?

"My opponents are running only to benefit themselves. I have a program of advancing secession for the various nationalities. While I would prefer peaceful secession, advancing the pace of the ongoing civil warfare towards the inevitable revolution must be implemented."

Main Problem Facing U.S.:

"Its eventual breakup into racial and ethnic nationalities, given the current criminal regime's corruption and lack of ability to make peaceful change. Since the federal regime is the source of most of the corruption, Congress is unable to deal with it."


"Founding member of the 7th Missouri Militia in 1995. Advocate of a policy of 'leaderless resistance', bringing the resistance underground. Resistance writer/philosopher/electronic publisher. A founder of the Resistance Political Front, the political arm of the Resistance Action Forces cells. Christian Identity teacher, White Nationalist politician, Resistance soldier."

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Sunday. Aug. 2, 1998 Voter's Guide