.Purpose: Our purpose is to serve the ZOGlings in the Southwestern Missouri area, especially Newton County, as an electronic journal of record for against the current [d]ruling imbeciles and moral degenerates who in a just social order would be skinned alive or hanged, drawn & quartered. Any news or gossip is intended to be the truth, and the Editor allows adverse commentary without censorship, however, Editor claims no sanctimonious 'objectivity' in dealing with regime criminals and ZOGlings.
Commentary is in regular format and is solely the opinions of the Editor and Staff of The Greater Granby Cobb & Turpentine.
Editor & Publisher Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt.
- Thought for the Day
- Rants of a White Nationalist/Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Resistance Political Fighting Man
- Martin Lindstedt's CI Church & State WWW Page
- Patrick Henry On-Line or www.martinlindstedt.org