WEST NEWSMAGAZINE AUGUST 8, 2000 PRIMARY ELECTION CANDIDATE SURVEY Candidate's Name: Martin Lindstedt Mailing Address: 338 Rabbit Track Road, Granby, Missouri Phone/Fax Number: (417) 472-6901 E-Mail: mlindste@jscomm.net Campaign WWW Page: http://members.xoom.com/m_lindstedt/senate00.html Office For Which You Are Running: Missouri Reform Party Candidate for U.S. Senate PLEASE ANSWER EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN 50 WORDS OR LESS: What qualifications do you bring to this position? In addition to the Constitutional qualifications (42 years old, 35 year resident of Missouri), I am a skilled political activist determined to implement in the U.S. Senate the necessary Reform Party platforms of a Pat Buchanan presidential administration. If elected, what would you strive to accomplish? America First! policies ending illegal immigration, lowering taxes, curtailing foreign wars fought on behalf of the New World Order and international banksters, recinding anti-gun legistreason, and restoring a strictly Constitutional limited federal government. As a Reform Senator from Missouri I'll support a Pat Buchanan Reform Presidency and a Reform Governor of Missouri like Dr. Joseph Keller. Why should voters vote for you? White Christian rural and suburban voters should vote for a Reform candidate who reflects their interests as opposed to sell-out Republican politicians like John Ashcroft who have consistently betrayed them bit-by-bit regarding taxation, gun control, immigration, racial preferences and quotas, foreign wars and expanding unConstitutional government on behalf of big corporations and the New World Order.
Martin Lindstedt Reform Party Candidate for U.S. Senator.
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