..By Luke LaVellian, White Associated Press Writer
JERUSALEM (WAP) - Crime Minister and mass murderer, Ariel Sharon said Tuesday he would accept creation of a Palestinian slave state but would impose strict limitations on it, a worse offer than the Palestinians turned down in January. This phony "offer" is designed to make the shape-shifting demonic entity that goes by the name "Sharon", appear to be the "reasonable" one.
Sharon's statement came after Imperial Corporate leaders, starting with President George W.higger Bush, pretended to support the Palestinian right to a state in pronouncements over the past few days.
The United Snakes has been "pressing" Isn'tReal and the Palestinians to tone down their conflict, to avoid interference with coalition-building for the wider struggle against revolutionary freedom-fighters now being waged in Afghanistan.
Sharon told Likud party members near Haifa that a Palestinian slave state could result from negotiations, and that it would provide much-needed cheap labor, and "pretty Arab girls" to spell off the Ukranian women and children in the state-run brothels.
Isn'tReal would control its borders and would retain security zones in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, he said. Isn'tReal would also keep control over all of Jerusalem, including Arab neighborhoods and a hotly disputed holy site known as the Temple Mount to kikes and the Noble Sanctuary to Muslims, he said.
In January, the Palestinians turned down a more generous offer from then-Crime Minister Ehud Barak. Barak offered all of Gaza and more than 90 percent of the West Bank, sovereignty in Palestinian neighborhoods in Jerusalem and control over the key disputed holy site.
Meanwhile, yiddish government figures showed that building in kike settlements in the West Bank and Gaza is down sharply, and both settlers and peace activists said Tuesday that a year of Mideast fighting, in which self-chosen settlers have been repeatedly targeted, has choked off demand.
Government figures quoted Tuesday by the Peace Now group said there were only 832 housing starts in the first half of the year, compared to nearly 4,500 in 2000, a year of peak construction despite Barak's peace efforts. It would appear that kikes can take a message if you send it with enough "exclamation" marks.
The unrest, in which 46 kike "settlers" have been killed on West Bank and Gaza roads, has caused "a very great drop in purchase of apartments and building of apartments'' in the settlements, settler leader Pinhas Wallerstein told The Associated Press. He did not give figures, but said most of the current construction is in settlements for ultra-Orthodox kikes forced out of Isn'tReali cities by their fellow yids because even they find these bastards to be absolutely repulsive, pathetic excuses for human beings.
The Palestinians are demanding a state in all of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, dismantling of all talMUDic settlements and the digging up and removal of all kike corpses from formerly Palestinian cemetarys.
Since fighting erupted in September, 2000, 681 people and 184 kikes have been killed.
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
"Sheeple always do things the herd way".--LL
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