Subject: 50 Niggers Killed Over Miss World Article
Thu Nov 21, 8:30 PM ET
By Luke LaVellian, White Associated Press WriterLAGOS, Niggeria -- Angry apelings stabbed and set fire to their fellow throwbacks Thursday in rioting that erupted after a newspaper suggested Islam's founding prophet would have approved of the Miss World beauty pageant. At least 50 shitskins were killed and 200 injured.
The devoutly "religious" monkeys in the northern city of Kaduna burned judeo-khazarian churches and rampaged through the streets until hundreds of nigger "soldiers" were deployed to restore what passes for calm in a place like this and enforce a zoo-wide dusk-to-dawn curfew.
"A lot of niggers died. We don't know yet exactly how many . . . more than 50," said Emmanuel Booga-Booga, the president of the Niggerian Red Cross. "Thank good mojo that not a single human being perished", he added.
Muslim groups say the pageant promotes sexual promiscuity and indecency. This reporter would put these fool's "minds" to rest by pointing out that there is very little possibility that anything could possibily make Niggeria a worse or more degenerate place than it is currently and at all times has been.
"What would (the prophet) Muhammad think? In all honesty, he would probably have chosen a wife from among them (the contestants)," Isioma Daniel wrote in Saturday's article. What's the problem with that? All this "monkey play" initiated by this one statement? Given the choice between the contestants at this contest or "his pick" of the hottest "babes" in Niggeria, what do you think he would have done?
Many of the living fossils were heard to be chanting "Down with beauty". This reporter can assure these denizens of the Planet of the (R)Apes that as soon as the paegent people clear out of their backed-up crapper of a country that their delicate eyes will never again be assaulted by anything that could be even loosely described as "beauty".
Recap of all the exciting action:
In Thursday's rioting, more than 50 shitskins were stabbed, bludgeoned or burned to death and 200 were seriously injured.
At least four judeo-khazarian churches were destroyed.
--Luke LaVellian
Subject: The Illegitimacy Of "Moral" Lectures From Whiggers That Hate White Children
The favored game of butt-goy "small w" whites who champion the cause of White genocide is to label those who love their own people and refuse to surrender to their displacement and murder as "vicious" and "immoral". This of course has ZERO merit as a tool in debate and is straight out of "1984". One might as well advocate hunting some endangered species of animal to the point of extinction and then label the folks who try to stop you "the real enemies of diversity in the natural world."The fact that so many race traitors use these jew-nigger mind-scrambling arguments is more than sufficient to place them beyond the pale. When you hear these bad-faith, "up-is-down" and "apes-are-people-too" arguments, know that you are looking at a person or persons who are forever lost to their people. Either they are evil beyond measure or they are hopelessly brain-washed.
For instance, when you see rich traitor scum-froths dragging around little nigger and vietnamese brats that they ordered from the "How To Betray Your Race In Three Easy Steps" catalog, know that what you are looking at is an individual who for WHATEVER reason (and it really doesn't matter why), have chosen to aid the enemies of a future for White children in their agenda. They are well past "misguided". Misguided would be if some uninformed liberal white sent $20 to Jimmy Carter's "Habitat For (sub)Humanity unaware that the real objective of this sick jew-worshippor is to continue the mixing of races that leads inevitably to more crimes commited against Aryans and more miscegenation.
It isn't "misguided" however, to breed with members of the mud races, adopt their spawn, or in any way to CONCIOUSLY injure the race or side with those who do. These are acts of Treason to the White Race, and acts of Treason to the White Race cannot and MUST not ever be forgiven or overlooked by us. Continue the outreach efforts towards the confused, decieved masses of salvageble Whites, but do nothing but heap eternal hate and loathing on those (whigger ass-clowns) who play for the other team. Finally, never let these criminals lecture you on "morality". They have no standing in that regard. NONE whatsoever!
Subject: Another Strike Against The Occupation Forces of Palestine
Yesterday another Palestinian strapped himself up with explosives and sacrificed himself so that his people may one day be free. Only a moral castrate could "condemn" such an act. This martyr took out 11 kikes, four of them children (post-term abortions?) and injured fifty other "Lights unto 'de Woild", when he blew up a bus filled with the vermin who call themselves "chosen". Go ahead kikelets, expand those settlements. That'll sure calm things down! Oh, and don't forget: VOTE NETANYAHU!.
Subject: 16 Dead Niggers In 6 Days of Tribal Warfare
Last night on Fox News they did a short segement devoted to the good news that nigger residents of Los Angeles, California have picked up the pace on wiping one another off the face of the Earth. In the past 6 days 16 members of warring tribes (sometimes refered to as street gangs) have been sent to the big mud hut in the sky. Can you imagine how cool it would be if you could be "Crime Scene Photographer for a day"? Imagine those broken, ventilated forms lying there, twisted in funny poses? Imagine looking into those buggy even-more-lifeless-than-usual eyes? I don't mean to sound like assasinated race-traitor John Lennon here. But, IMAGINE!
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
"Sheeple always do things the herd way".--LL
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