In the early hours of June 20, 1947, Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel had returned to Los Angeles from Las Vegas, where he had just completed talks with other West Coast syndicate bosses on expanding gambling and prostitution interests in Las Vegas and the rest of the West Coast. The recently opened, lavish Flamingo Hotel had just begun to flourish in Las Vegas, and had cleared some $300,000 in the month of May. But Siegel made one big mistake. He siphoned off some $500,000 in syndicate funds for his own personal use, got caught and arrogantly refused to pay it back. In the afternoon Siegel returned to his rented Beverly Hills mansion with a friend, Allen Smiley. He had just finished consulting with his lawyer and visited his favorite barber shop. At 10:45 P.M. the pair were relaxing in the living room when a series of shots from a .30 caliber carbine, fired by an assassin standing in the bushes outside the living room window, blasted through the room. One bullet tore through Siegel's head, ripping his eye and tossing it across the room. Four more slugs struck his body, cracking his ribs and puncturing his lungs. Three more missed, shattering objects around the room and burying themselves in the wall. At the first shot, Smiley dived to the floor and escaped injury. But Bugsy Siegel had finally become what some often refer to as "A GOOD JEWISH BOY." The American people have been led to believe that the crime syndicate in America is strictly an Italian affair. Our Jewized entertainment media has produced countless films and TV shows depicting Italo-Americans as the masters of the syndicate. But a closer look reveals that Jews, not Italians, founded and financed the syndicate in the early days before Prohibition. In the days before prohibition the underworld consisted mainly of ethnic street gangs and "social clubs." These gangs were mostly confined to certain neighborhoods in the large cities, and their activities were anything from hired terrorism to small-time gambling and prostitution. But before prohibition there was no national crime syndicate and hardly any organization at all in the underworld. The man most responsible for the formation of the crime syndicate on the East Coast was the Jewish gambler and financier Arnold Rothstein. Rothstein "fixed" the 1919 World Series by bribing key members of the Chicago White Sox to "throw" games. He also financed the organized illegal importation of liquor from Europe and Canada when Prohibition came on the scene in 1920. During the 1920's Rothstein's empire grew when he learned to organize thugs to work for him and enforce his policies. He was the first gangster to take full control of an entire city through bribery of public officials and police personnel. It was Rothstein who made the first peace agreement between rival gangs in New York in the 1920s. His number one enforcer was a WW I deserter imported from Philadelphia: Jack "Legs" Diamond, another Jew. Diamond served Rothstein well and was eventually "cut in" for a sizable portion of Rothstein's bootleging, gambling and prostitution empire. It was about that time that another rising Jewish mobster named Arthur Flegenheimer (Dutch Schultz) along with still another Jew, Louis "Lepke" Buchalter, began to "muscle in" on Rothstein and Diamond. Schultz wanted a bigger cut into the bootleg beer racket, while Buchalter was after New York's garment district extortion racket. In the war that followed Rothstein was killed by "Nigger Nate" Raymond when he welshed on a $320,000 gambling debt in 1928. Rothstein groomed Meyer Lansky, a Russian Jewish immigrant, for stardom in organized crime. Lansky along with the aforementioned Bugsy Siegel, teamed up with Italians Charles "Lucky" Luciano and Vito Genovese to help Schultz and Buchalter kill Diamond in 1931. Even before Diano Diamond's murder, Lansky proved that he had learned his lessons well from Rothstein, who always said there was no need for gangsters to kill each other when there was always plenty to go around for everyone. He settled arguments among rival factions of the syndicate peacefully whenever possible. But he allowed Lepke Buchalter and Bugsy Siegel to found the syndicate police force which would later become famous as "Murder, Inc." The ranks of "Murder, Inc.," as Commander Rockwell pointed out in "White Power," were almost totally Jewish. Many of their victims were trussed up with wire and hung upside down with their throats slashed "kosher style." It was Lansky who organized the first binding gang affiliation known as "The Combination" including not only his own Jew-dominated New York outfit, but also bosses from the New England states and Cleveland, Ohio as well. The members of "The Combination" included the Jew Charles "King" Solomon of the Boston mob, plus gang leader Morris Kleinmann, Jewish leader of the Cleveland mob. This arrangement worked well for Lansky and left him at the top of the heap of organized crime in the East in the late 1920s. His subtle methods of handling his own troops and the politicians helped make the syndicate what it is today. In Chicago, as in New York and other cities, the early gangs were loaded down with Jews. But unlike New York, Chicago mobsters just could not seem to get together and settle things peacefully. Chicago, after the early 1920s, was divided into two spheres of influence. The North Side, which was controlled by the Dion O'Banion gang, and the south Side was left to the Capone mob. But one interesting fact must be brought to light here: The "brains" of both organizations were not Irishmen or Italians, but Jews! The North side O'Banion gang was really run by a Jew named Jack Zuta. Zuta, a "genius" with money figures, was adept at "fixing things" with city hall. On the South side, the Capone gang mentor was a Russian Jew by the name of Jake Guzik. Guzik was a particularly repulsive Jew who got his start in crime as a white slaver. Guzik, along with his brother and sister-in-law, would entice farm girls to come to the big city for a promising "career." When the girls arrived, the Guziks raped them, got them hooked on narcotics, then sold them to the whoremasters in Chicago's infamous Levee district. Which was also run by Jews. In the early 1900's, Chicago's underworld consisted mostly of prostitution and gambling, and confined mostly to the Levee district, the First Ward. "Big Jim" Colosimo ran the Levee district, but was not as ambitious as the likes of Arnold Rothstein and his New York crowd. Big Jim often fell prey to a small group of "Black Handers," who extorted money from him, even though he hired some of the most vicious killers in Chicago to protect him. In 1910 he summoned his nephew, Jonny Torrio, from New York to wipe out his tormentors. Torrio was also acquainted with Arnold Rothstein and led the notorious "Five Points Gang" in New York. The gang hired out to anyone who would pay them enough to bomb, beat, or murder. Shortly after Torrio's arrival the "Black Handers" had been "taken care of" and Big Jim was so pleased with Torrio that he made him his number two man in his organization. It was during the second decade of this century that Torrio began to deal with Jake and Harry Guzik, who supplied many of the girls for Big Jim's brothels. Harry Guzik, the least intelligent of the brothers, remained in the prostitution racket. Brother Jack, however, worked his way up the ladder and became the chief accountant and financier of the Colosimo mob. In 1920 Torrio and Guzik wanted to expand the gang's operations from gambling and prostitution to include bootleging and importing illegal liquor, a field that they felt would make them millions and catapult them not only to a new found wealth, but also immense power. But Big Jim was getting old and soft and was content to keep what he had. His brothels were flourishing and he opened the most plush night club in the Mid-west. Colosimo's Cafe, at 2616 South Wabash Ave. Chicago's social elite dined side by side with top mobsters at Colosimo's Cafe. But it soon would be all over for Big Jim, as Torrio and Guzik decided that he had to "go." Torrio sent for a small-time hood in New York who worked as a bouncer in a saloon owned by the "Five Points Gang" and was currently willing to leave town to avoid arrest on a murder rap. The hood was to be the gunman who would "hit" Big Jim Colosimo. His name was Al Capone. On May 11, 1920, Torrio called his uncle and told him that a shipment of whiskey would be delivered to the cafe that afternoon promptly at 4:00 P.M. But Big Jim would have to sign for it personally. Colosimo was there, waiting in the vestibule of his club precisely at that time. Capone was hiding at that moment in a glass-paneled telephone booth. He fired two shots through it, when Colosimo passed him. The first bullet entering Big Jim's head behind his right ear, the second slamming into a wall. Big Jim toppled heavily to the floor, face down, dead. Capone rushed from his hiding spot, turned the corpse over, ripped open his jacket and withdrew his money-crammed wallet and fled. During the 1920s the two major gangs in Chicago often fought pitched battles in the streets. Torrio, after an attempt had been made on his life, could stand no more, and left Chicago for Italy in 1925. He hid there for three years until Mussolini threatened to "parade him through the streets of Rome in an animal cage" if he caught him. Shortly thereafter, Torrio returned to New York, but was never again a major factor in organized crime. Capone then took over the South side gang with Guzik as his right-hand man and bookkeeper. On February 14, 1929, the feud between the North and South side gangs in Chicago came to an abrupt end. Capone imported gunmen and dressed them like policemen and arranged for the main members of the North side gang to be at the S.M.C. Cartage Co. warehouse to receive what they thought was a large shipment of whiskey. The "police" entered the warehouse, lining the gangsters up against the rear wall, disarming them and then filling them full of machine gun bullets. It is interesting to note the fact that Capone and Guzik knew the main cogs of the North side bunch would be at the warehouse that morning. The Hollywood set would like us to believe that the gang was comprised of Irishmen and Italians only. BUT OF THE SEVEN MEN KILLED in the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, SIX WERE JEWS! The only non-Jew that morning was John May, the gang's mechanic. Bugs Moran, who had recently taken over leadership of the gang, escaped when he spotted the police vehicles parked in front of the warehouse. But why should Moran, a top gangster, be afraid of a few cops who happened to be nosing around his warehouse. It is common knowledge that the Chicago police were then {and still are} on the payroll of the crime syndicate. Moran left town after that, possibly from fear, or possibly because he knew something that his unfortunate cohorts did not know the morning of February 14, 1929. Moran died of cancer in 1957. After wiping out the North siders the Capone mob became undisputed masters of the Chicago underworld. But the mass murder on St. Valentine's Day enraged the decent citizens of Chicago to such a degree that even the crooked politicians agreed that something had to be done. Guzik already had the wheels of treachery turning. On May 9th, 1929 at the President Hotel on the Broadwalk in Atlantic City, New Jersey, the first meeting of what was to become the organization of the national crime syndicate took place. The meeting was organized by Meyer Lansky of New York, and was attended by Al Capone and Jake Guzik of Chicago, Dutch Schultz, Lucky Luciano and Lepke Buchalter of New York, Abe Bernstein of Detriot's "Purple Gang," Moe Dalitz of Cleveland, and Max Hoff and Nig Rosen of Philadelphia. All agreed to co-operate in controlling national bootleging and gambling under mutually equitable regulations. It is interesting to note that ONLY CAPONE and LUCIANO WERE {so-called} GENTILES, whereas the rest of the founders of the national crime syndicate being Jewish! After the Atlantic City conference peace settled over the underworld. The New York branch was controlled by Lansky and Luciano. In Chicago, it was Capone and Guzik. In other smaller cities the syndicate was controlled by men who were NOT Italians, Irishmen, BUT JEWS! All the Jews had to do was get rid of Capone and Luciano and the syndicate would be totally in the hand of the Jews, at least all of the top levels. Even the syndicate police force, Murder, Inc., was run by Bugsy Siegel and Lepke Buchalter. Only a few key figures in the entire upper strata of the organized crime syndicate in America were not Jewish. Most of the {so-called} Gentile members of the syndicate were employed as enforcers, hitmen, or bagmen, etc. In 1932 the government began going after the kingpins of the syndicate. Unable to pin any murders or any other illegal activities on the "big shots" who covered their tracks too well, they used a new angle: Income Tax Evasion. After a few trial cases in which some gangsters were given short sentences or fines, Al Capone was put "on the spot." But in order to get Capone's books and records {which would show his income} they needed an "in." Now guess who had all of the records of the Capone syndicate at his disposal? Jake {the Jew} Guzik, that's who! After a long trial, Al thought that he too would be given a light sentence. But poor Al just didn't realize how close his trusted Jewish associates and lawyers stuck together, whether they work above or below ground. So, much to his surprise, Capone was sentenced to eleven years in prison. This left Guzik at the top of the heap in Chicago, a position he held until his death in the late 1950s. Now only one more "big shot" had to be taken care of to fully complete Jewizing of the national crime syndicate. His name was Lucky Luciano. In 1935 the government began to investigate Luciano. But in order to convict him they needed "inside information." It finally came from some of the prostitutes on Luciano's payroll and sent to prison for thirty to fifty years. Strangely enough, nobody ever heard again from the whores who had testified against Charley Luckey Luciano after the trial. But not so strange was the fact that after the conviction of Luciano, Meyer Lansky was named "boss of all bosses" in the national crime syndicate. It would appear that both Capone and Luciano had been "duped" by their Jewish cohorts in crime, now wouldn't it? In the Spring of 1940 a small-time Jewish hood named Abe "Kid Twist" Reles was taken into custody for questioning on a gang- related murder charge. Reles became known as the "Brooklyn Canary" when he spilled the beans to the authorities. Reles disclosed that he was not just a smalltime hood, but rather an underlord in Murder, Inc. He told of dozens of gruesome murders committed by this almost totally Jewish syndicate police force. He confirmed the fact that there was indeed a national crime syndicate and named it's leaders. His squealing led to the execution of Lepke Buchalter, the head of Murder, Inc. It also led to his own demise when he was thrown from a twenty story window, even though he had been under the guard of six policemen round-the-clock. And who said the police never co-operate with the syndicate? Reles' testimony helped the System regain a little respect from the American people. Respect necessary to justify America's entry into WW II. The top Jews and their stooges in the government knew that a few fried gangsters were a small price to pay for such an important nation-wide morale builder. Such a deal! From the late 1940s to the present, the upper structure of the syndicate has remained pretty much the same -- Jewish Meyer Lansky dispatched his right-hand man, Bugsy Siegel, to Las Vegas in 1946 to start the gambling and prostitution rackets in that area. Lansky ordered Siegel's death when he learned that Siegel was embezzling from him. Siegel was then replaced by Morris Rosen, Gus Greenbaum, and Morris Sidwirts, all "Chosen." In Los Angeles, Lansky's men were Jack Dranga and Mickey Cohen, strictly "kosher." (National Socialist Report, by Mike Whalen, Fall Issue - 1977).
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