Happy Birthday, General Lee

Jim Floyd



From: James Floyd [mailto:jfloyd@airnet.net]
Sent:Sunday, Jan. 24, 1999
To: jfloyd@airnet.net

A belated happy birthday, my General! I purposefully waited for the septic din of MLK celebrants to subside before sending these greetings, to do otherwise would have been a profanation. Your noble name should never be interspersed with or made to compete with the legerdemain and obvious fraud which, now, dominates the day of your birth. They have stolen this day but they can never defraud us of our memories.

Respectability, honesty, integrity and self-sacrificing leadership have become unattainable, abstract and passé ideals. These values that so clearly defined your life have become valueless, leaving us to chose our leaders from a pool of dishonorable, ignoble, contemptible, pavid scalawags. Then we cavalierly dismiss their vile disregard and violation of our trust by attributing their failures to human weakness. And, always, it is a choice between the lesser of two evils.

Your battle continues to be ours; the third day at Gettysburg has never ended, and the sharp stones in the wall on Cemetery Ridge remain a sanctuary for the deluded hordes who still fight for an ersatz Union. We are in greater disunion, today, than when twenty eight thousand of your brave men lay dead in front and atop those wretched rocks.

They have extended that wall and built it higher, wider and deeper. It now encircles our beloved South and stands there threatening anyone who would object to the demise of our culture, heritage or race. Those manning this earthwork have, long ago, destroyed Southerness and are determined to exterminate and forever obliterate Whiteness from the face of this nation.

This present day destruction is an annihilation of more than just the body, it is a fight for the hearts and minds of our children; a battle to destroy their sense of self, self respect, love for kin, and to make them voluntary participants in their own genocide. And, as insane as it seems, it is working -- they are succeeding! The wreck and carnage against our beloved South is indescribable.

Even those of us who are doomed to perpetually assault this impregnable wall are, if not cowards, somehow plagued with an odd paralysis of will that works in our disfavor. We cringe and flee when our love for our White children is branded racism and we kowtow when the defense of our heritage is deemed bigotry. Our worst enemies are most times our own children and neighbors who have been robbed of their identity and somehow convinced that their banishment is inevitable -- and not only fore-ordained but as it should be.

Still, in these darkest of times, those of us who know you hold in our collective memories a picture of your handsome face, stately erect posture and unwavering determination to protect your own from the ravages of the alien. A simple farm girl of your time expressed my feelings better than ever I could;

"I've only heard about God, but I've seen General Lee."
Interview 1865


Jim Floyd
Cullman, Al. 35057


Editor's Note: Robert E. Lee was born on Jan. 19, 1807 in Virginia.
A plagarist, liar, Communist, and adulterer had a three-day civic holiday celebrated in his name this past Monday, Jan. 19, 1999, wherein government workers and banksters got off.



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