.... the harshness, the shibboleths and war cries, the split-second willingness to take offense and constant bristling belligerence is what we expect in wolves, tolerate in dogs but is apalled by in human beings.The Sickness
Israel is incurable. And they are carriers of a disease which has infected the minds of America and Christendom to such a degree that this nation and the churches can, as Allan Dershowitz affirmed, "only think Jewish."
And thinking Jewish is the problem. A problem that has sullied the hands and hearts and destroyed the very soul, of all who support these demented people.
In 1943 the Jews wrote a book about Germany and the German people, 'Is Germany Incurable?' Below I have given you a few excerpts which the Jew used to prove that Germans were mentally sick. I leave it to you to weigh the comparisons. Take out German and Germany and insert Jew and Israel.
."Massive evidence in this book shows that the national group we call Germany behaves and has long behaved startlingly like an individual involved in a dangerous mental trend."."Clinical experience can identify the specific condition that Germany's mental trend approaches. It is paranoia, as grim an ill as mind is heir to...the only mental condition that frightens the psychiatrist himself."
"Dealing with a paranoid patient is absolutely necessary, for the patient and for those near him...he is a potential killer, a bomb that any jar ...may set off at any moment."
"The German group- as a collective force...displays a remarkable number of the classical paranoid symptoms;
The paranoid is the megalomaniac, treating his environment exclusively as a device for his own aggrandizement.
Grandiose mystic notions of the cosmos...a belief in Destiny, a personal divine mission...an exclusive personal right to satiation of all his desires and ambitions, yet unsatisfied in any triumph."
"Other's failures to cooperate with his divine mission, meaning that everybody else is in a gigantic conspiracy to sabotage his self-aggrandizing programs, gives him a "persecution complex."
"When pushed, in justice to his outraged majesty, in cold rage at the world's diabolically malevolent thwarting, the paranoid kills, committing not a sudden crime passionel, but deliberate, well - executed, self-righteous murder."
"Grant the paranoid's warped premises and it is utterly logical." "Their psychological bent, in any situation, stressing some special aspects and minimizing others becomes a pretext for indulging in any behavior that seems a good idea."
"What distinguishes German aggression is the megalomania, the sense of mission, the fanatic violence and above all the accompanying irrationality."
"Unremitting complaints about unjust treatment, encirclement, need for Lebensraum [more room, land], always couched in the idiom of the martyr."
"Their leaders and movements are symptoms...the equivalent of scabs on the body of a smallpox patient."
[They believe that] "by right Germany ought to be the father-emperor- school-master- slave-driver- general-drillmaster- boss-hero of the universe."
"To them black is always extraordinarily black...either you are a superman or a pariah, a chosen descendant of the gods or a worm to be trodden underfoot."
"This is not just in-groups vs out-groups but of a constant need to assert and prove, by extreme violence, transcendent superiority over everybody else."
"In practically every country on earth she has spies and secret organizations, on a scale never before dreamed of...deliberately, almost systematically, she has antagonized the whole world."
"Her self-pitying...is accepted at face value. Her chronic deep sense of victimization [permits] the corollary assumption that it is quite proper for her to eviscerate her neighbors to remedy matters."
"The systematic distortion of history, the outlawing of whole sections of culture as degenerate, the desperate fear of criticism that leads to ruthless crushing of all possible opposition, betoken the same [sick] condition."
"Germany's unchecked paranoia, allowed to develop like compound interest, has only one logical outcome: with the individual, murder; with a whole society, war."
"Major characteristics...the need to dominate...believing that the only way to insure one's safety from the menace of other people is to become powerful enough to control them. They are therefore passionately concerned with determining who is superior and who is inferior."
"Suspiciousness...called the persecution complex."
"Suspiciousness that makes him refer to himself in all circumstances, ie, self-reference."
[Holding] "an exaggeratedly high opinion of one's own importance... the center of the universal malevolent attention...entitled to unqualified deference... he has a great mission... they lose themselves in enormous world-shaking movements... they speak of their life and work in astronomical terms... conjure up mystic, religious concepts of their immense significance."
"THE PAST IS CONSTANTLY REINTERPRETED to fit into whatever plot against their grandeur is currently deemed to exist. False rumination over past events. Retrospective falsification... extending back over any length of time."
"...do atrocious things with a clear and shining conscience since vice becomes virtue and virtue vice by simple decree if it serves the tribe."
"...oponents of the State are subhumans and their consequent sufferings trifles."
"Perspiring with satisfaction, they admit that it is impossible for them to live and breathe except in an atmosphere of haughty contempt for their neighbours... all that their country does not possess it has been robbed of... the universe belongs to it by right."
"The world is populated by hyenas crouching on plots of earth from which they ought to be dislodged by this invincible race, elected by God."
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