From: James Floyd ( Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 08:46:01 -0400 (EDT) Subject: I Ain't Through Yet In April 1999, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, presented its Big Brother Awards. "The Lifetime Menace Award" went to the FBI. Issues and Views, Oct. 99 Ms. Reno, this is ole Jim a'writing to you, again. I'm sitting here fresh-bathed, I got on my red sport coat, white belt, white socks, and Sunday, brogan shoes, unfortunately, I'm out of snuff, so I may be a little rough on you because of it. My fat wife is here too. (weighs about four hundred, huge breast) She's laying-out of work from Suds-A-GoGo because of an infected tattoo, which has just about ruin't her personality. It's hard as hell to be moderate, measured, or even semi-reasonable under such conditions. Snuff deprivation and the old lady's tattoo are not our only problems. Topmost of all our maladies, we suffer from the cruse of independent thought and an indestructible memory. We are 'rednecks with library cards,' obviously, this alone makes us very dangerous enemies of the State. Exposing ourselves to you this way gives you, of course, a tremendous advantage in your propaganda programs, which seem to always precede the extermination of your enemies, since you must first 'humiliate the notion of their humanity' before doing them in. We know the dangers. But Janet, despite all our social peccadilloes, and our justifiable fears, we are serious students of the history of the FBI and other federal terrorists. We've found that you and the FBI have several sores, some large, some small. What I try to do, old darling, is find these cankered boils and rub'um, and rub'um until they are raw, then inflamed, irritated, painfully sensitive and then I rub'um some damn more. So, let's do some rubbing! A Black Sore Some Black folk, over the past few decades, have begun to look at the FBI as their friends and protectors. Some are even agents. Some would willingly kill their own kind, if so ordered. None will discuss the historical relationship between Blacks and the Bureau. And for good, damn good, reasons! You can not imagine the FBI calling Blacks "monkeys," can you? "In an effort to further polorize (sic) blacks and whites... Bureau authority is requested to prepare the following anonymous letter on commercial stationary... snip... "Why don't you and the rest of your fellow party monkeys hook up with the Panthers where you'd feel at home?" snip... "If authority is granted to prepare and mail the above letter, all precautions will be taken to insure the mailing cannot be associated with this office." New York FBI to Washington And the rest is history, the N.Y. FBI's 'monkey letter' was approved and mailed. Their targets were not just radical Black nationalists, no, no, they went after the so-called "responsible Negro community," with the same alacrity. And then there is the most infamous FBI letter of all time; a short note and the sex tapes from months of wire-taps and buggings of Mike King. (aka Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.) These clean-cut, straight- shooting, white-hat-wearing, good guys, these champions of the Black struggle, neatly wrapped and mailed to Mrs. Coretta King and the SCLC a package of tapes taken from hotel rooms and other locations. These tapes are full of phone sex, vile language, "in his Negro vernacular," and a permanent record to substantiate the FBI's condemnations of King as "a Sybarite of unbridled desire, a communist puppet, and a Tom Cat." Accompanying these tapes was a letter which let King know that "the only way out" for him was suicide. Yes, dear hearts, J. Edgar and Clyde spent many a restless night laying there talking this strange pillow-talk before they took the decision that they didn't have to kill King, naw, if they applied enough pressure, he would kill himself. Of course, Judge John L. Smith made it easy for the FBI and Blacks to postpone addressing this secret relationship when he sealed the letter, tapes, and a mountain of other damning documentation until 2027. (50 yrs. from 1977) Sweet laud in haben, give me 27 mo' years, please laud! And thus it has continued. Letters to the editor, ostensibly from "a concerned citizen," or even from a "concerned mother." Fire-bombings, burglaries, shootings, approved at the highest level of the Bureau and conducted by an endless hoard of well paid agent provocateurs. Wire- taps, warehouses full of illegal files, bribery, recruitment of convicted criminals, murderers even, employed by the Bureau and turned loose on the America public. During the fifties and onward, the FBI worked both sides of the street repeatedly urging and initiating all manner of violence. It ain't hard to catch criminals Colored or White when you got an FBI employee in the car or one buying the explosives or training the bombers! The FBI's corrupting effect among Blacks and Whites is legendary, from Thurgood Marshall, an undercover agent, until, but not including, the Twin Towers bomb maker, the pattern clearly shows that, back then, the Bureau was anybody's dog who would hunt with'um, as long as they came out looking good. And their cheap ideological compass kept them going round in circles. This has all changed under their new ownership. They are now controlled by beastly little commissars whose hatred for all out-groups has remained constant since 740 AD. And their corruptions are now far more clever and sinister. This corruption has clearly spread to the military as was evident at Waco. Why did two of those Bradley Fighting Vehicles have Alabama flags waving from their antennas? Were these gloating sadists of the military species? Enough! Enough, enough! We don't want another Warren Report, John Danforth. We want the same freedom from the government terrorist in the FBI/BATF that Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the Russian people have won from the KGB. Shut'um down, John, shut'um down, now! And jail'um! Jim Floyd 185 Co. Rd. 254 Cullman, Al. 35057 PS - I'm through, now, and I feel better!.
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