. . . . . This is one of those stories which requires, demands, comprehensive investigation. I do not have the credentials, talent, or resources to do justice to this subject and its far-ranging implications... . . . . However, the horrid incident in a Fallujah Mosque where a Marine shot dead a wounded, unarmed, Iraqi, compels me to do what I should have done months ago.
. . . . . Instead of sitting on this, I should have put the question out there for you to answer. And the question is, ARE OUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS, IN COMBAT, IN IRAQ, ISSUED DRUGS?
. . . . . Yesterday, an Officer, (Major or Colonel?), called our local radio-Jew and said, “Yes!” Our frontline soldiers are given amphetamines.
. . . . . Government issued amphetamines are routinely forced on our pilots; that is a fact. This came out at the trial of the two pilots who killed those Canadians. A returning vet from Iraq was interviewed on Link TV and said the same thing; they are drugging our troops.
. . . . . It appears that they are not issued to support personnel. This morning a Guardsman had coffee with me and I interviewed him, at 3:00 am. At least once a year there is an unannounced visit to our local unit by a drug testing team from Montgomery. The doors are locked and no one goes out or comes in while they urinate in a tube. If the test comes back positive they must have a doctor’s prescription or they face discharge.
. . . . . Why? Why would Rumsfeld and his Jewo-con handlers take such a risk as this? They dismissed Abu Ghraib with the ‘few bad apples defense,’ but this defies any such plausible denial.
. . . . . If this soldier had his head fogged-up with GI drugs, if this is some warped-up DOD policy, if they force amphetamines on them to make them more aggressive, or to achieve a ‘don’t-give-a-damn’ state of mind, then I think you know what I want done to these mamzers.
. . . . . There is another investigation that has me at the end of my tether; again I’m stuck.
. . . . . Word reached me, last month, that Rumsfeld and his thugs were quietly discharging troops who suffered terminal wounds in combat. When taken to the hospital, and found to be untreatable, they are immediately discharged so as to not appear on ‘killed in action rolls.’ Is this crap true?
. . . . . Anyone having hard evidence or who is privy to any information in these matters please contact me, now.
. . . . . God bless our troops. God bless the mothers of our troops and may God damn Rumsfeld and his rat’s nest of war-mongering Jews!
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