Para.Am I the only one, or are there others out there who are sick unto death of seeing those commercials featuring Tom Hanks faking "gratitude" towards the "Greatest Generation", for their having secured the anti-human victory of 1945?
Hanks, who all too convincingly portrayed a light-footed lawyer in "Philadelphia", a film that was a failed attempt to humanize AIDS-riddled sodomites, insults our collective intelligence, by melodramatically asserting that the well-intentioned dupes who pulled the scum of the Earth's chestnuts out of the fire, "saved 'de Woild". He, unlike most kikes, thinks it would be "good business", or in carnie-speak "a good work", to build some monument to "honor" the veterans who he says are leaving this Earth to the tune of "one thousand a day". One thousand a day SOUNDS like an impressive number, until one considers that non-combatants in the ongoing war against the White Race, namely unborn Aryans, are dying at greater than four times that rate! Mr. Hanks and some others of his kosher ilk, suffer some discomfort over the fact that Americans are compelled to "donate" over $20 million annually to the Khazar Museum of Mock Horrors in D.C, while there isn't a single "tribute" to the men who "liberated" the "Murder Factories". They worry that some day, even the intellectual couch-potatoes might catch on to the absurdity of this.
The movers and shakers among Tom's race, can hardly stomach the idea of honoring the millions of shabbos goyim who did their bidding during the "struggle against fascism", and would just like for the star of "Saving Ryan's Privates" to shut the hell up. So would I. Nothing is more insulting than having this anti-white racist, who fully supports the mass infanticide of what could be far "greater" generations than the one he and Tom Brokaw profess to revere, turn in the lousiest performance of his career since "Turner and Hooch".
P.S. : I'm in full support of one day properly memorializing the men who fought Corporate Wars One and Two. Their sacrifices will be treated as unparalleled tragedies. These wars and all other jew-instigated business acquisition "conflicts" are nothing we should ever "celebrate". They are to be learned from, so that the errors that led to them are never repeated.
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs". -- LL
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