Para.We have all seen it many times. Some, like myself, see it everyday in amereeka's increasingly babelized cities.
I'm speaking of the stereotypical "white" slattern, who, sans nigger "papa", walks her little mockeries of the divine through some public place, seemingly oblivious to the fact that she hasn't the right to look a single one of her former racial kinsmen in the eye. I'm also speaking of the denatured "white" male?, walking beside that pear-shaped and Mr.-T-Ugly, gookess, said gookess, more times than not, pushes a stroller containing something only a consumed-with-hate "progressive" genocidalist could love.
These "hip" and "trendy" dead souls may find themselves heaped with praise emanating from our enemies camp. They may be treated "extra nice" by neighbors and fellow church-goers who fear that their real feelings of abject disgust will be picked up on by the perverts. BUT, these scum know, somewhere deep inside, that Sumner Redstone, despite his 24-7 propagandizing via his MTV/Viacom machine, will never change the hearts and minds of MILLIONS of Aryans that hate with a passion we reserve for that which threatens the biological collective, THEM and their contemptible acts of treason.
Those who throw out thousands of generations of upward development, in an entirely selfish, twisted embracing of bestiality, are truly men and women "without a country".
I pull no punches where these murderers are concerned. Just as I cheer every time an abortionist is shot or blown up, I likewise, laugh sardonically upon receiving news of a miscegenationist being beaten, maimed or preferably, killed, at the paws of their pet crud. I felt nothing for Nicole Brown-Simpson. I just wish that thousands of "O.J's" would "juice" their "Nicoles". . . nice and slow. I felt nothing for John Wayne Bobbitt, whose amerasian wife performed a radical amputation of his (questionable) manhood. My only criticism of Lorena is that she didn't flush the medical waste down her commode, instead of laying it out in a field where it was unfortunately found and returned to it's owner.
If only the wages of race-mixing were an immediate, and drawn-out, death, like the one they aid in condemning their genotype to, these drooling drones would opt to avoid the zoo, when looking for a mate.
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs". -- LL
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