.July 28, 2004 Do you support the Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion?
Rolla Area Forum Committee
. . . . No. Not now, not ever. It was a federal judiciary usurpation of the separate state governments sovereignity. It is a matter for the individual states to decide, and as Governor I would sign any anti-abortion measure that the General Assembly passed that did not place a tax burden either pro- or anti-abortion.
Do you support legislation that would promote alternatives to abortion services provided by faith and community based organizations?
. . . . No. The battle against abortion will not be won by taking taxpayer dollars to financially support either the pro- or anti-abortion sides. Rather, supporting such a measure on the state level would bring the federal judicial intervention that 'legalized' abortion in the first place. Thus this would go too far, making those who would support de-federalizing the abortion issue in favor of the states, demand federal intervention for using their tax dollars for the anti-abortion side.
Do you support same sex 'marriages'?
. . . . No. I do not support the state getting involved in deciding what is 'marriage' as a religious institution at all. Rather, remove this bone of contention from the political sphere altogether. Both homosexual activists and Republican politician panderers, like Matt 'Runt' Blunt, want to politicize this issue in their respective favor.
Do you support the legalization of civil unions between same sex couples?
. . . . No. As noted above, I do not support the 'legalization' of any civil unions between anyone -- man on woman, man on man, wymyn on mymyn, man on beast, wymyn on beast. I support the end of the government imposing itself on families or couples by 'licensing' what is a religious and social arrangement, or private contract. Neither homosexuals nor political panderers support this position because it takes the issue beyond government coercive control. I've held this position since 1996:
Do you support state funding of alternatives to abortion?
. . . . No. Bringing the power of the state to compel taxpayer funding of either side of the abortion issue ends up with the matter being decided by the federal courts instead of in the state legislature.
Do you support the right to conceal and carry a weapon?
. . . . Yes, definitely, without reservations.
Would you support the use of stem cells derived from somatic cell nuclear transfer or any other research practices that use embryonic stem cells for research purposes?
. . . . I don't know. I haven't decided yet because I haven't heard anything other than self-serving argument from both sides.
Do you support educational reform legislation to allow parents to receive public money through scholarships and tax credits to choose public, private or religious schooling to meet the needs of their child?
. . . . Yes. I have always, since 1994, supported reducing public financing for public schools in favor of non-state non- public education, both private, religious, and home schooling. However, I tend to favor reducing the taxes collected in the first place, rather than keeping the taxation constant or growing and then putting private, religious and home-schooling under the scrutiny of the state or federal government. I favor lowering public school taxation and letting parents, not schools, decide where to place their children and what sort of education they receive.
Do you support a moratorium on the death penalty pending review of its fairness and effectiveness in protecting society?
. . . . Yes. The 'justice' system is totally corrupt and not to be trusted. Thus these death-penalty cases, and all cases, need to be re-evaluated in terms of whether or not sustentative due process was done.
Would you support the inclusion in economic development programs measures giving preference to family owned and operated farms instead of large scale corporate owned agricultural enterprises?
. . . . Yes. I have always supported family farms, especially since both sides of my family were farmers and ranchers eventually driven out of business by the corpsoration of agribusiness. These large agribusiness corporations spread disease, Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies, destruction of the local soils and environment as they mine the land and the local communities for short-term profit and subsidies. For as long as there have been subsidies for 'family farms' the corporations have been perverting these programs for corporate welfare. It is past time to drive large corporations from control of the food supply.
Are there other issues you would make a priority if elected?
. . . . I'm a White Nationalist political candidate. I'm not, as the jewsmedia and liepapers claim, a 'White Supremacist' because like most Whites I want nothing to do with non-whites and would run them altogether out of our country.
. . . . Not a single Missouri National Guardsman not wanting to serve as a select militiaman outside the State of Missouri shall be forced to serve. That especially goes for the 203rd Engineers Battalion, which was unlawfully, treacherously and treasonously extended for an additional 90+ days in Iraq, in violation of law and contract by the Deserter-in-Thief George Dubya Bush. I will pardon everyone and anyone in the Missouri National Guard who resolves to defend the State of Missouri, and not the interests of Zionist jews and Bush's Big Oil and Cheney's Halliburton.
. . . . I know that I don't stand a chance of winning the Republican primary this August. My job is to make the Republican party remember its base of White men voters by telling those voters to boycott the Republican Party, and especially liars, thieves and hypocrite professional politicians like RuntBlunt until such time as the Republicans realize that unless they represent White interests that they shall lose to Democrats, who at least have the virtue of not claiming to be our friends and allies, and then betraying our interests. I shall bring up all the issues insofar as my abilities and my self-funding hold out, using my Web page(s).
. . . . On July 21, 2004, I filed a federal civil rights lawsuit, Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt v Matt 'Runt' Blunt Case # 04- 5062-CV-SW-WAK, against Matt 'Runt' Blunt for using his office of Secretary of State to refuse to allow me my chosen nickname and my web page to be displayed.
. . . . Due to lack of funds, I shall not be present at your forum, but would like my letter read, if time permits for your governor candidate's forum. Thank you for your time and attention.
Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt
Republican Candidate for Governor -- 2004
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