Bold headlines, "A troubled charged in the deaths of two officers" in reference to Russell E. Weston, Jr.'s fatal shooting of two Capitol Police officers in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, 25 July 1998..I would assume that information developed too quickly to try to tie Weston to a militia or some radical anti-federalist group. Maybe some of them did; I don't know. It would be consistent with the media's behavior in what is being portrayed as a national tragedy. The headline does not read, "Delusional charged..." No, emphasis on a killer's racial or political beliefs is reserved for those in opposition to the liberal Demokrat philosophy or opposition to extreme federalism. A nut from their end of the political spectrum is merely "troubled." Propaganda conscious or not? Probably both.
Let's make the case even stronger. Newt Gingrich, usually depicted in the left-wing media and by other extreme federalists as some villain from hell (when his is in fact only marginally to the right of the most extreme federalists), is literally pictured with his head bowed, hands in a prayerful position before his chin with the caption reading, "With a tear running down his cheek, House Speaker Newt Gingrich bows his head in prayer during a weekly GOP radio address in his Capitol office Saturday." Gee, does this convey the absolute horror and tragedy of a couple of federalist protectors being killed; how important it is to the nation to guard and protect our federal masters; how much more important they are than the public they are supposed to be serving? You bet it does. More propaganda within the illusion of impartiality to bolster the cause of extreme federalism. "But, its news and it happened!" the socialists would scream.
Yes, it is news and did happen. But, where were all the tears and prayerful positions and news coverage for the 305 or 160 (the AP article used 305 in paragraph 5 and 160 in paragraph 6 to depict essentially the same statistic--heaven forbid they get their facts straight) police officers killed each year? Were the lives of those officers any less valuable, important or truly significant? More importantly, where are all the tears, prayerful positions and tragic news stories when federal police officers kill innocent Americans; an act a hell of a lot more tragic than all this hoopla over a couple of federalist protectors getting killed? Are you starting to see the hypocrisy in the federalist propaganda?
(If you are one of the sheeple who have bought into the nonsense that anyone's life in government is more important than yours, your spouse's, kids, neighbors, etc., I doubt there is any hope of you seeing the propaganda. "It's news to me" has more than one connotation and the lowest one fits you and other good little sheeple for your federalist masters. I hope I didn't disturb your dream.)
The national tragedy is there are so many targets of opportunity to choose from across the nation.
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