Remember the "Republican Revolution" to reduce the federal government, to make it less intrusive in our lives? Did it happen? Well, of course not. In fact, the hypocrisy went far, far beyond increasing the federal budget each year of a Republican-controlled congress and pork- galore on every menu. The federal government is even more intrusive than ever thanks to the Revolution-That-Never-Was. Nobody knows how many violations of your privacy or how many of you are or will be outlaws thanks to those champions of their own minds and rhetoric. Who are the outlaws might be a better question..Are you happy to be in a national data base of employed people? See public law 104-193. Can't wait to get your federally-approved drivers license/National ID card, with it's magnetically coded fingerprints and personal records, which without it you won't be able to get a job and, presumably, hire someone, open a bank account, apply for Social Security or Medicare, buy a firearm, take an airplane flight or consult a physician for treatment? See public law 104-191 and Federal Register, June 17, 1998, Vol 63, Number 116, Proposed Rules.
Comfy with someone like Clinton or Nixon being able to declare your group, or any group, "terrorist" for any reason, there be no appeal and it's mailing/membership list(s) must be provided to the government? Do you like the idea of secret trials with secret evidence? Check public law 104-132, Title III and Title IV.
Where does all this end? Hell, nobody knows...NOBODY! And, yet, ignorance of the law is no excuse...for the commoner.
(So, all you good little sheeple trot off to the nearest University or major library every day to check-out tons of federal laws, regulations, codes, etc., to find out if you are a good little boy or girl. Be sure to do this each and every day and watch crossing the street, honey. And, don't get too near any federal building because you never know what is in one of those things. Oh, and don't talk to strangers because they might have come out of one of those buildings and could do nasty, dirty little things to you. And, don't fall for that "candy" bullshit, either! Now, on your way, darling.)
But, be one of those thieves and liars called Demopublikan politicians who write or signs the laws (including their symbiotes called bureaucrats with their unauthorized codes and regulations) and your ass is probably covered by one of your fellow career bottom-feeders in government. Case in point: That "Thing" called U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno* said in testimony before congress she wouldn't do anything regarding Demokrat campaign law violations (Chinagate) unless she could prove the individual(s) involved, quoting from the law, "knowingly and willfully" committed a violation of law which "triggers" action on her part. Hey, what happened to ignorance of the law is no excuse? Oh, yea, this is law Demopublikans created which applies to themselves. They don't have to know what is in that ton of crap they put out, but we do.
Would there be the slightest hesitation to prosecute one of us for one of the crimes they create? Would the government even hesitate to create the circumstance for a violation of one of the crimes Demopublikans create? Would the government falsify evidence or suppress evidence in the prosecution of one of us for one of the crimes they create? The federal government is almost exclusively in the business of creating crime, not government. Whoever said, "Crime doesn't pay" never looked at Washington, D.C. It pays quite handsomely there; and, pays far, far too many people.
Go ahead and call your duly elected Demopublikan about the multitude of these freedom- robbing crimes or the hypocrisy in them and you'll hear something like, "Oh, when we passed that legislation, I didn't know that was in it. Gee, that was not our intent." Oh, bullshit! If you didn't know that those violations of our rights and the constitution were in the legislation, you should be shot for incompetence. No excuse, just "trigger" what should be the penalty for malfeasance in office. Oh, well, another pleasure moment fantasy gone to waste.
If there was no "intent" to have totalitarian feces in legislation, have a little peek to see if it ever gets rescinded by subsequent legislation. I would not advise holding your breath while waiting unless there is a real threat to their career(s) involved. And, don't be fooled by "Well, I voted to rescind that terrible travesty, but we lost the vote." The vast majority of the time the votes are counted before they are cast and trade-offs can, and do, occur to get what is really desired in Washington done. The net result is we, and our rights and freedoms, get flushed down their career commodes. The socialist I-con, FDR, was quoted as saying something along the lines of, "Nothing happens in Washington by accident."
Yes, this is legislation amok by intent and there are certainly outlaws involved. Unfortunately, it is them, not us, in both cases.
*Ok, on the off-chance some politically correct twit is reading this, I do not care if Janet Reno is a lesbian as we have at least one thing in common, although I shudder at the mental image picture of Thing engaged in cunnilingus...That has too much of the flavor of bestiality in it. No, she is Thing because she is an extreme federalist, appears more interested in protecting the interests of the government--especially extreme federalists-- rather than protecting the people and, last but not least, Thing had a major role in the murders in the Waco Holocaust. I know the aforementioned sexual references are distasteful to some readers. Well, multiply that distaste by one thousand or more and you have some idea how distasteful Demopublikans in Washington, D.C. are to me. It all seems an appropriate level of distaste for this topic.
One in the flock of sheeple grazing near you is bound to ask, "Why isn't it reasonable to have a national identification card?" That the question is even asked probably tells you not only how little the sheeple value and understand freedom, but how little they understand the potential and reality of government abuse or tyranny. It also tells you how history lessons were not taught or were ignored by the sheeple. Of course, a sheeple might have been teaching the course(s). How does one teach an adult sheeple about freedom and history in a brief, concise manner sufficiently so that understanding can occur; so that the sheeple can use any one if it's senses to detect the ravenous wolf at any distance? Boy, that is a task and probably impossible considering the nature of sheeple, time and space..Should one start with, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" in government; that this is a gradient scale from no power to absolute power; that the more power government has, the less freedom there is; that the greater the distance between the government and the governed, the greater the probability of abuse of power and trust? Or, should one start by expressing that freedom is the absence of barriers; the more the barriers, the less the freedom; that the people's rights are legitimate barriers between the sovereign people of the United States who have only delegated limited powers via the U.S. Constitution to the national government which has subsequently usurped more and more power as is government's nature historically and build from there?
Or, should one merely point out that there is no power delegated to the federal government in the U.S. Constitution which allows the federal government to require by law or regulation that citizens must have a federally-approved driver's license or other identification papers to hire someone, get a job, open a bank account (or do any banking), apply for Social Security/Medicare, exercise their Second Amendment rights, take an airplane flight, consult a physician for treatment or ANYTHING ELSE. A government which exhibits these characteristics is a totalitarian government like Nazi Germany, the U.S.S.R. or Communist China and must one explain the abuses and terrors of governments such as those!? Don't we already have enough abuses of citizens by the federal government?
If the federal government wants that kind of power, it can be acquired by amendment to the Constitution which would require proof of the "need" far beyond whim or another power grab by an already too powerful central government. That this is even an issue should tell everyone--- even sheeple---just how extreme the power and control is in the federal government; that there is little doubt it is past time to radically prune that thing which was an out-growth of liberty called the federal government.
Unfortunately, I do not believe there will ever be any pruning of that federal monster of any kind at any time. The reason is simple. Sheeple are compelled to be shorn and slaughtered. I didn't say they liked it, I said they are compelled. Oh, they might bleat at the blade, but the blade(s) cuts nonetheless. Sheeple believe they will live another day and will do anything to support that belief. They will stand right beside another of the flock and watch it's throat slit; odds are, without even a bleat. Even when the blade is at their throat and their time is past. The vast majority of Amerikans are sheeple; even the ones who think they own a flock here or there.
So, they'll accept the branding iron, the national I.D. card or any other measure their masters deem necessary to control their lives. Only a few will look to the mountain and yearn for the days of being a free Big Horn. But, the call of comfort will keep them in the low-lands; their time is past.
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