(Part three of a four-part serialization of Chapter 15 from "In Defense of Racism," a book to be released later this year.)Para How to awaken our countrymen, while we wait for events to catch up to us?
Para Much of what we do is a waste of time, such as all the meetings of which we have grown so fond, the Internet chat forums in which we lurk, the newsletters we send one another. We need to stop preening for our fellow choir members, get out there and make new converts. We must awaken America to the menace which has befallen her.
Para The media won't do it; indeed, the media is a large part of the problem. Without the media, already the entire government would be behind bars simply for existing revelations about 9-11. We can forget the media doing anything except hindering legitimate efforts to advance the cause of the people.
Para Mostly, we seem to seek approval from those already on board. When we run afoul of the system, often we scream loudly and make outlandish statements which serve only to alienate those who might be sympathetic to our plight, yet fear the appearance of supporting radical behavior.
Para Those who secretly applaud us already are ours, in any event, and will come around in their own time. Already, they have experienced their trigger event or have otherwise been awakened secretly, therefore they should not be our primary concern.
Para I submit that what we should want is results. Little else matters. And the results we should want? Awakening those who otherwise would remain in thrall to the establishment.
Para To be effective, we must keep our eye on the ball and focus on the tactics and strategies calculated to get the results we need. Focus on the objective and be single minded.
Para If putting on a clown costume and urinating on the White House rose bushes will get a result that we need, then that is what we should do. Nothing should be deemed too outlandish. Not even something as outrageous as getting a normal haircut, eschewing tattoos and buying a decent suit. No sacrifice should seem too great, even if it entails moderating our rhetoric, getting a normal job, living in a normal neighborhood, driving a normal car and acting normal at all times. We must make sacrifices in pursuit of our objective.
Para Face it: people relax and become much more receptive when they are comfortable. People are comfortable when those around them are predictable. Nothing is more predictable than a nice suit, white shirt, conservative tie and polished shoes. For many, this is asking far too much, I realize. Pity. They are the ones among us who simply don't mean what they say, else they would be willing to do what it takes to get results.
Para Insecurity is the basic human condition. We all possess it in spades. We would rather adopt our attitudes from those we respect and like -- those we aspire to be like. Trust me, this does not magically end when you graduate from high school; it is a condition that we all carry with us to the grave.
Para Consider what our objective is. Who our target audience is. Who will they respect and want to be like? A skinhead mouthing obscenities and threatening all within earshot? Or someone that seems like all the other authority figures in their lives? You know the answer. You just don't want it to be the answer. Too bad. That's the way things are.
Para Further, we must act within the parameters of what is legal, as it is self defeating to get arrested -- no results, you see.
Para Similarly, it is not productive to be attacking others in the movement, for whatever reason -- again, no results.
Para First step in the analysis: results. What, exactly and realistically, do we want? If your answer is 14 words (David Lane's memorable "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children"), then you have gone too abstract -- focus a level or two beneath that.
Para Once the clear, specific and attainable results are comprehensively catalogued, defined and articulated, then the means to attain them becomes a relevant inquiry.
Para For example, getting people of European ancestry to move to the American Northwest might be a rational result to be desired. Merely calling for it or demanding it, however, does not get the job done. View it in Sales terms: what are the objections and considerations raised by the prospect and how do we overcome them? How do we engage the prospect in the first place? Hell, how do we even identify potential prospects? Better, how do we create prospects?
Para This analysis requires feedback loops. Once we identify potential prospects, it may be necessary to alter our presentation in order to transform them into bona fide prospects.
Para Wanting to move to the Northwest and live in an all-white republic modeled on the US Constitution is one thing. That objective dictates pretty easily-identifiable tasks: quit job, sell house, rent trailer, etc. Getting others to want it is something else altogether, though implicit to the goal as stated, and is the much tougher task, with a host of as-yet-undefined subtasks.
Para Another result, the one I most wish to focus on herein: awakening those who are sound asleep so that they will prepare for the troubled times ahead and be ready to shoulder their share of responsibility for rebuilding America once the wheels come off completely, as I firmly believe must and will happen. Trying to make the wheels come off is not a legitimate result, aside from the fact that any such activity doubtless would be illegal, thus outside the parameters of our analysis.
Para Many complain of the constant rejection by the unawakened. Yes, that will happen. In fact, it will be the rule, rather than the exception. Keep in mind, however, that everything you say and all that you do goes into their minds. You may not see the effect, but it takes place, I assure you.
Para Here's an analogy: When I was younger and stupider, I smoked cigarettes -- two to three packs a day. I had tried a couple of times, with only limited success, to quit. Yet, the need was building within me on a daily basis. The smell, the holes in my clothing from dropped embers, the dirty ashes all over everything, the ostracizing by friends; all this and more added to my mounting dissatisfaction and disgust with my habit. All went into the hopper. Then, one day, while fumbling a lit cigarette and trying simultaneously to change gears at an intersection, I had had enough. I stubbed it out in the ashtray and have not had even the desire for a cigarette for over thirty years.
Para My point? To the casual observer, I continued just as before, a committed smoker. Then, suddenly, I was a nonsmoker. "What caused the change?" many asked me. I was hard pressed to answer, as the critical mass for the change had been building for years. That cigarette fumble in the car simply was the last straw.
Para Consider others to be like the smoker building up to a decision to quit. They will go along, seemingly as before, but your words and actions will fester within them, unseen by you. The more they respect you, the more influential will have been what you had to say. More will be added by others . . . then something will happen and they will blossom before your eyes. Maybe they will get mugged by a black. Or pushed around in a bar by some drunk Mexicans. Or, God forbid, raped. Or lose their job to a less-qualified beneficiary of affirmative action.
Para Unfortunately, a good deal of what we do is counterproductive, leaving us in worse shape than before, with our countrymen looking even more askance at us. This results from our total unwillingness to consider what our goal should be, to manage by objective, as Peter Drucker, the world’s foremost pioneer of management theory, would put it.
Para Here is a sampling of quotes from Drucker that I think we, in particular, would do well to memorize:
"Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.""Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results, not attributes."
"Management by objective works -- if you know the objectives. Ninety percent of the time you don't."
"Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility."
"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
Para And it doesn't have to be complicated. In fact, simple is better. Truly effective managers recognize the elegance of simplicity, as that is what allows them to keep their eye on the ball, to keep the objective always firmly in view.
Para Not that complicated things cannot be elegant. Witness the Sistine Chapel. Or a pretty girl.
Para Computer programmers and system designers immediately know what I mean when I speak of the elegance, the beauty, that arises from a solution to a problem that achieves its objective with a small percentage of the effort that might previously have been required. Aside from getting the same job done effectively, it is the very simplicity of a new, more efficient approach that will draw true appreciation.
Para Henry Ford revolutionized manufacturing with a simplistically elegant new approach: the assembly line.
Para Always, elegance is accompanied by a form of gracefulness, a grace born of effortless movement which is simplicity personified.
Para Consider skiing. Elegant skiing always is the most effortless.
Para The beginner clatters down the slope, bending, leaning too far, correcting, correcting too much, recorrecting, muscles continually at odds and tensed against one another, falling down, getting up . . . you get the idea . . . exhausted and ready for lunch after two runs.
Para The expert skier elegantly and effortlessly glides in and out of the little hillocks called moguls, skis always together, moving fast and decisively, upper body stationary and perfectly balanced, finally stopping at the bottom without breathing hard.
Para None can dispute the lack of grace attendant to the actions of so many in the Movement. Gracelessness bespeaks inefficiency and ineffectiveness. Focus on the objective and drive relentlessly toward it, along the simplest and most direct path. Form then will follow function. Grace is a consequence of effective and efficient action.
Para Remember that the objective is outside ourselves. We must come to the realization that we are accountable, not just for our intent, but also for how we affect others. Indeed, those effects are the most important aspect of that which we profess to do.
Para When we speak out or act in a manner calculated to affect our countrymen, we must be aware of the responsibilities we have toward them and to one another. This is one of the responsibilities of leadership, because we appoint ourselves as leaders whenever we act or speak out.
Para We must appear to the unawakened to be rational and supporting a just cause. We must show how we are just like them, but for one or more injustices to which they have yet to fall prey. This is the simple truth, you know.
Para I deal with a broad spectrum of people in my travels, ranging from tattooed skinheads to the most liberal of bleeding hearts. I am always struck by how similar we all are, but for an exceedingly small percentage of our outlooks. We all are concerned about work, bills, kids, the future. We all pretty much have the same values. Yet, we allow ourselves to be divided by others and some within our own ranks, using labels in a blatantly propagandistic fashion.
Para "Racist" and "antiSemite" are the most common labels thrown about. Refuse to accept them until you include the throwers in their definition, which always is easy to do. There is very little difference in my mind between the hard-core skinhead and the liberal bothered by the unfairness of racial preferences.
Para We forget that, in reality, everybody is a racist, by one definition or another in common use. Yes, it is strange that someone who objects to being displaced as a result of affirmative action gets tagged with the same label as genuine supremacists (whatever the flavor, supremacists are the true racists, in my book).
Para AntiSemite now is losing its currency, since Jews ceaselessly fling it at virtually everybody, even some of their own brethren.
Para We bear a responsibility to our contemporaries in "The Movement" to reflect favorably upon them, else we dishonor ourselves because the public lumps us all together in its view. This is a reality denied only by the dishonest and disingenuous among us.
Para If we, with our common beliefs, can't work together, reason the great bulk of our countrymen, how could they ever hope to work with us?
Para If we can’t bother to look and act like them, how will they ever be comfortable with us?
Para We preach how racial awareness causes one to want to be with one’s own kind, then we go out of our way to drive a wedge between ourselves and the very people we claim to wish to reach, what with tattoos, haircuts, boots, weird clothing, outlandish remarks and violent behavior.
Para If we mean what we say about creating racial unity, we should be wearing suits, conventional haircuts and speaking in measured tones about things that realistically are attainable.
Para It's a simple matter of defining objectives and clearly seeing the means of attaining them.
Para New America. An idea whose time has come.
"I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth."
-- MorpheusCopyright ©2004, Edgar J. Steele
Forward as you wish. Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups, post on all Internet sites and publish in full in all not-for-profit publications. Contact author for all other rights, which are reserved.
.Para First of all, let me say that I have a great deal of respect for Attorney Edgar J. Steele, whose writings I have grown to admire, if not agree with, from when he first started writing back in 1999 to today. Attorney Steele has 'evolved' from being a professional LibberToon style lawyer helping out Pastor Richard Butler to the activist who, must always be just short of calling for Revolution, unlike an earlier Founding Felon attorney, Thomas Jefferson. I'm going to congradulate Attorney Steele for going far longer and far faster than that other Patriot Attorney, Larry Becraft, and for most of this article forget that Ed is a lawyer, although I might wish his help in drawing up, ala Felix Dzerhenski, a Manual of Resistance Courts-Martial. Some of Steele's articles, like Kill 'em! Kill 'em All! made me wonder what, if anything, Edgar Steele picked up from defending Pastor Butler, a Dual-Seedline Christian Identity pastor, who must have thought Steele's understanding of the Bible defective if not blasphemous. But that was then and this is now. Going With The Revolutionary Flow
A Resistance Rebuttal To Edgar Steele's 'Treading Water III'
by Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt, Republican Candidate for Governor of Missouri
Para Ed Steele is writing a book. Fine. He is offering the Movement as a whole and the Resistance in particular a first look at it by serializing the columns. Even better. Therefore, I shall take this opportunity to critique Ed's endeavor from the point of view of a Revolutionary Resistance political aboveground 'legal' activist advocating the destruction of the current regime, this mighty Evil Empire, ZOG, The Beast Power, U.S.A. -- Under Satan's Administration. Will it mess up Ed's book? No, because Ed's book is aimed at a different audience, the sheeple, the lemmings, the herd animals, ZOGlings. But this article is aimed at Ed, and those like Ed, and those who have far surpassed Ed, i.e., the Movement and its radical elite, the fighting Resistance. And thus, while Ed is 'Treading Water' in the third degree, let me instead urge the Resistance to instead -- Go With The [Revolutionary] Flow -- let the Resistance help the regime destroy itself.
Para For let there be no doubt that this regime, and the soft civilization which spawned it, are doomed, regardless of whether or not there is a Resistance, just like a body terminally dying of spreading gangrene is doomed, regardless of the selfless valor and efficiency of the White blood cells which would save it. Like I tried to tell my fellow militia activists a decade ago, this is NOT 1776, but rather more like 476, when the Roman Empire fell, i.e., finished falling, and nothing was put into its place for at least 400 years. That is why it was called the Dark Ages. When this mighty Evil Empire falls, there will be nothing to replace it for a long time (except Christ, but this is not an overtly CI screed). This mighty Evil Empire is doomed, therefore the flow of history says that nothing can or will be able to restore it. Therefore the flow of history says that a successful political strategy of the Resistance is to simply let the destruction take place, and to rather ensure, as best as possible, that the degenerative and alien elements be destroyed. What is presently lacking in this New Rome's fall are 'Noble Barbarians.' The Resistance's goal should be to 'live and let die' so that we are the only surviving people. We shall win because we dare not rebuild but only help destroy the current regimeist structure. Never has it been easier for disruption to destroy a degenerate and overstretched System.
Edgar Steele's article above is wrong for the following reasons:
To show these assertions of mine, I shall take notes on Edgar Steele's above work. Edgar Steele is right -- granted that his underlying assumptions to his audience are correct. However, Steele's audience is not really the Resistance, but to the better of the whiggers and Movement standpatters, and therefore his necessary assumptions for their consumption are incorrect.
- The Movement as a whole, dysfunctional as it is, is a network, not a hierarchy.
- Those Steele labels, wrongly, as alienating the ZOGlings by their behavior, are simply putting on their mental and physical uniforms for the struggle ahead.
- Since there is no hierarchy or pope, so anything that Movement activists do to destroy the System infrastructure, including social norms, is beneficial and natural.
- ZOG agents provacateur, like Harold Covington and Glenn Miller, need to be disowned, branded, and isolated with their clones/clowns.
- Over 90% of the whiggers, as well as all non-whites, mamzers, and the spawn-of-Satan jews must die as a result of their own degeneration and stupidity before any of us can live in peace and freedom. Let's hear no more LSD (LibberToon Social Democrat) notions about saving any of such from theysselfs.
- The only good whigger is a dead whigger. It doesn't matter to the Revolutionary as to how they kill theysselfs, be it from their own stupidity killing theysselfs or from them getting wise and killing the whigger in themselves. They should be judged by their actions, not their false expressions.
- Edgar Steele can't advocate revolution for fear of losing his bar license. We need a few more lawyers like Attorney Steele. But not too many more of them with their much too little, much too late, non-working 'solutions.' What we need in the short run are far more assault politicians with sedition licenses like myself and Jim Giles gleefully using the Sytem's dem[on]ocratic process as an open sewer. What we must have in the long run are the leaders of the damned like Jesse James, Bloody Bill Andersons, Quantrill and General Jehu who will destroy the current regime without worrying overmuch about what the morrow holds.
- A decade plus after Waco told us all that there was no communing or segregating with our own kind in peace, the time has come for an end to the beginning of this Revolution. The Old Resistance which kept the faith and the flame alive are dead or wounded or dying, like Richard Butler, David Lane, Robert Matthews and William Pierce. They worked tirelessly to facilitate the choosing of sides, bringing about the aboveground partisans of the Movement, and some of the underground Resistance fighters. But their time is over, and the actual open combat is about to begin between the Resistance and the regimeists.
- The current Movement spokesmen are mainly fools and blowhards and hollow men, although some are like John the Babtist, preparing the way for the Resistance's coming Hitler, Caesar, Napoleon. And that this man or collection of men are present, but unknown to ZOG, and to us in the Resistance. Thus calling for 'unity' between feebs, fools, witlings and ZOGites in the [bowel] Movement is absurd. Rather than a false [j]unity, rather these fools should be winnowed out and judged by their loyalty and production.
Notes:1. Most of the whiggers running wild across the fruited & nutted plain know that things are degenerating. The prices of everything is going up, as are taxes, they don't have any security or a safety net, much less a freedom that they never wanted. However to wait for the-m-asses to catch up to us while we wait is at best asking to be caught in a lemming stampede over the cliff at best and crucifiction at worst. Whiggers shall not choose our side by means of thought but by the goad of desperation. For now we should continue to push the envelope and with the iniative gained push the herd animals and ZOGlings our way by default.
2. The Movement as a whole has all sorts of nut cases and criminals which makes this observation of Steele's correct that most of their goings-on are worse than a waste of time. However, the aboveground 'legal' political Resistance, numbering less than 500 effectives, is a network, not a parliament or a congress, and they interact with each other by means of these meetings, forums, debates and writings -- all of which could be labeled 'propaganda' aimed not only at an outside audience that Ed Steele wishes to bring in, but the working audience of Resistance effectives which must make and derive Revolutionary policy.
As Lothrup Stoddard put it, on Page 224 of The Revolt Against Civilization, Revolutions are made by Revolutionary elites, that "these dynamic groups are composed primarily of leaders -- they are the officer's corps of much larger armies which mobilize instinctively when crises arise.".
Page 230 . . . . The lesson of past revolutions, particularly the Russian Bolshevik Revolution, is that a small but resolute faction possesses the same decisive tactical advantage as a small but highly disciplined and enthusiastic army attacking a huge but ill-organized and spiritless foe. In such cases the assailants have the inestimable advantage of knowing what they want and exactly where they mean to make their attack. The defenders, on the contrary, not only do not know their own minds, but also usually fail to see precisely where, when and how the attack is coming. They stand, fearful and irresolute, waiting to be hit -- beaten before they are struck."Therefore, the Resistance must debate, argue, and come to some sort of consensus lest in the upcoming overt total civil war all that is done is random, total and irreversible destruction which shall occur by default, leaving us with no framework in which to rally and rebuild the civilization which we had no choice in destroying. Since we are politicals, we must engage in political activity, and that means knowing not only our own minds, but general strategy and tactics as to "where, when and how the attack is coming." jew Bolsheviks were able to plan their Revolt Against Civilization, likewise we too must plan our Revolt FOR Civilization.
3. I could not disagree more strongly. Nothing, except non-whites, are more expendible than the ZOGling whiggers (white niggers). Let only the strong survive of such, and such shall no longer be whigger. What cannot be taken for granted is the quality of the Resistance personnel and leadership with which we work. These literally one-in-a-million, our Resistance Caesars, Hitlers, Napoleons, must be protected and advanced to their levels of competence. We are not sheeple herders, we are warlords, and must act accordingly. Machievelli did not write, "The Paupers," but rather "The Prince" as a blueprint for effective political and military action by those who must seize power. Edgar Steele isn't writing this article for the-m-asses, but rather to bring along lower and mid-level Resistance management around. Fine, by all means, let Steele bring in new talent -- but let us not neglect the Revolutionary cadre.
4. Nonsense. Events shall make the best of the whiggers wake up sometime, if it don't kill 'em first. It can't be measured out other than in lumps to whiggerdumb, but rather must come all at once, their triggering event, like a kick in the head -- or the nuts. "Experience keeps a dear skrule, but whiggers will learn in none other," to modernize what the old guy on the 100 ZOG-buk bill said.
5. Don't scare the whiggers. ZOG doesn't want itz whiggers scairt. ZOG wants itz whiggers fat, dumb and happy. So let's try to out-ZOG ZOG [WTF?] and see how 'effective' we be. [Ha!]
6. What Ed Steele calls 'People' the Revolutionist calls 'whiggers.' When Ed wants 'Pee-pull' comfortable, Ed means that whiggerdumb should be comfortable. When whiggerdumb is comfortable, then whiggers are docile. It means that ZOG is doing its job of maintaining power when all is perceived to be well. So the best way to fuck ZOG is to stampede the whiggers by making them uncomfortable and not docile and not manageable and thus ungovernable. We need more Resistance wolves stirring up the sheeple while at the same time spreading rabies amongst ZOG's dogs and hogs.
7. Again, what is the target audience? Steele says the 'Pee-pull', yet the ones who are subject to this paragraph are the skinheads. Steele is wrong to say that those who are already with us should 'take off their uniforms of choice' in order to make whiggerdumb more comfortable. Whiggers should be running scared, not sitting comfortable. It is those who know something is wrong, but who are taking it upon themselves to do something about it, starting with themselves, who should be made comfortable and at home within the Resistance ranks. The better of those ranks should be promoted to non-commissioned officer status by telling them that they have been selected to fit within ZOG as spies and liasons to their peers and thus must fit in better within whiggerdumb the better to stampede the sheeple. Just as "Our Race Is Our Nation" [ORION], so too is our skins our uniforms. The skinheads understand this instinctively. Thus it is our duty as Resistance leadership to conform to the natural racial inclination of our troops, and not the other way around. The Special Forces had a special beret and thus esprit de corps. Should not our stormtroopers have their own uniform, distinct from whiggerdumb, and thus their own esprit de frei-korps?
8. It has never ever been 'legal' to overthrow a degenerate dying criminal regime. Never. Making Revolution illegal merely means that a decadent rotting regime has not the power to keep revolt at bay, so it must 'guard' the rotting door by means of a sign or tabu. Then when the Revolutionists kick down the rotten door, the first order of business, like what happened with the Tzar and his family, is the 'legalized'-by-force extermination of the criminal regimeists and their spawn. Edgar Steele is a licensed attorney, and on our side, so let us allow him his fig leaf, but such is no use to us regime-rapers.
9. Edgar Steele is so wrong in caring for the Movement in this regard. Just as our civilization has been deluged in jew and non-white parasites and is suffering from a dygenic population explosion of whiggers needing an over 90% extermination rate to ensure survival of the fittest, so too does the Movement need a good deworming. It is written that the Sword of YHWH starts first in YHWH's House of Israel. And just as the Resistance has infiltraited ZOG, so too has ZOG infiltraited the Movement, with such sorry specimens as Harold A. Covington, a schidzoid quarter-jew ZOG agent provacateur whose job has been to attack each and every single Movement leader that it can defame, such as Pierce, Metzger, Klassen, Duke and many, many more. Does Hac know that it is not supposed to cause ZOG-enhancing dissention and hurt the Movement? Does Hac care? Of course not! Likewise with the ZOG traitor Frazier Glenn Miller, who testilied for ZOG against Pastor Richard Butler, Louis Beam, David Lane, much of The Order at the Ft. Smith Sedition Trial. Yet bowel-Movementists would bring this ZOG rat back into the fold. Edgar Steele should do a better job of diagnosing our internal parasites and cancers, and name them, as opposed to giving the Movement a clean bill of health, when that is most certainly not the case.
10. The Northwest Migration, as envisioned by that 400-lb snake-oil salesman, Covington, i.e., Hac. First of all, this scheme has been tried and failed under Richard Butler and Robert Miles. They couldn't get the natives interested in anything other than running them out and letting the non-whites in. This fantasy is really nothing more than 'whigger flight' of each and every whigger for itzself. A form of this self-imposed ghettoization didn't work for pore Lo, the Noble Indian, who found out the hard way that the Whites wanted every piece of land for themselves. Nor does it work when the non-white nigger or beaner immigrunt wants to live next to whitey and live off of whitey. It doesn't work in macrocosm, and it doesn't work in microcosm, as at Waco. If Edgar Steele wants to pursue this fantasy, then ditch Hac.
11. And here we come to the difference between treading water and going with the flow. Edgar Steele first says "once the wheels come off completely, as I firmly believe must and will happen." Steele and I are altogether in agreement that the wheels will come off completely -- and especially that they 'must.' But then Steele backtracks himself -- "Trying to make the wheels come off is not a legitimate result."
And here we come to the key point and the key difference between Steele's 'Treading Water' and my 'Go With the Resistance Flow.' We both know that ZOG is doomed. Yet Steele wants to tread water, whereas I want to let Nature take its course, but to swim, to make course corrections, to change and improve the Resistance destiny to that which enables us, and only us, to not only not drown, but to prevail and prosper.
Treading water means that one is trapped within a well, trying to hold one's head above water, for as long as one can. It implies drowning when one's strength gives out. Going with the flow means not struggling against the doom of ZOG's collapse, but rather working with, not against the current of inevitable history, and surviving by taking advantage of opportunities as they occur, 'legal' or not.
Much of the remainder of Edgar Steele's article deals with acting effortlessly. Yet which strategy, is in line with the Tao ideal of 'wu we' -- of effortless gliding? Treading Water? Or Going With the Flow?
12. And what, pray tell, of those responsibilities of the weak, the stupid, the degenerate, who would saddle the strong, the leaders, with responsibilities which were unlawfully and immorally imposed of caring for such as them? What do we owe our parasites?
Every White Civilization has started with a Founding People, who lifted themselves out of savagery and barbarism and into civilization. This civilization has formed Empire, and this Empire has destroyed its Founding People through killing off its best in wars for the greedy elites and parasites, through miscegination and degeneration of its founding stock, and atavistic revolt against civilization, as Dr. Lothrup Stoddard wrote in his first chapter of his 1922 Classic, The Revolt Against Civilization. So when the Revolution inevitable occurs, if that civilization is to survive, then its Founding People must be purged back to its racial bedrock, purified of alien and degenerate elements, and it must be done while hostilities are in effect, rather than during perpetual civil warfare. Therefore Resistance leaders must strike hard and clearly and cleanly to the very bone and beyond and scrape away all traces of the ancient regime and its offal if we are to have any chance of getting back our civilization. And, as it seems clear today, that means less than 10% of the current whigger population must survive -- but not as whiggers. We cannot, due to the nature of modern biological and nuclear warfare, let this civil war continue forever, but must have victory by destroying all of the enemy within ourselves. It matters not if there is a surviving population of a mere 30 million or even 3 million out of a pre-war population of 300 million ZOGlings, just as long as the survivors are White survivors, able to rebuild and repopulate our civilization anew. And it is just that sort of cold rational thinking which underlies that which we must do as Resistance leaders.
13. We bear a responsibility to Ourselves to purge those in the Movement who simply do not measure up, and to do so openly, and to name names, like Harold Covington and Glenn Miller lest we become a stink in the nostrils of both the newbies and the experienced. For if we cannot police ourselves, then ZOG shall, when it polices away the effectives, leave them doing their ZOG tasks of causing unnecessary dissention and treason within. And Edgar, you need to help as well. The dishonest and disingenuous, like Covington, we have among us because we failed to take out the trash when we had the power to do so.
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