Purpose: Our purpose is to serve the Resistance as the electronic journal of record for the political arm of the Resistance. We plan on providing news and commentary favorable to our Cause in a format accessible to the general public..Commentary is in regular format and is solely the opinions of the Editor and Staff of Resistance Political Front.
Editor Martin Lindstedt
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Fable of Contents
1. ... This Issue's Editorial Commentary -- What is 'The Movement' & Where is It Going?
2. ... Monologue
3. ... The Grinch That Stole Holocaustmas -- James Floyd-- April 27, 2004
4. ... Homily, Sunday, May 02, 2004, (Torture As An Amerik[w]an Family Val[j]ue) -- James Floyd
5. ... Mad Cows, Madder Deer & Maddest Whigger ZOGlings -- Martin Lindstedt -- May 10, 2004
6. ... Kansas City [Red] Star Candidate Survey -- Martin Lindstedt -- June 21, 2004
.Para Another April 19th, the eleventh since Waco and the nineth since Oklahoma City. And where is 'the Movement?' Firstly, what is 'the Movement?' What Is 'The Movement' & Where Is It Going?
Para 'The Movement' is, as it always has been since Waco, a big gelatinous blob of anti-government activists and their followers or merely the quasi-disgruntled with the way things are going here in ZOGland. The Movement is the ocean in which schools of Resistance fish swim in and get their nutrition to live, grow -- and hide. [Note: ZOG = Zionist Occupation Government, for the edification of you ZOGlings out there.]
Para 'The Resistance' is a much smaller subset of 'The Movement.' Just as the Movement might consist of roughly five to ten percent or less of the White population, thus numbering today between five to twenty millions, the active Resistance is much less than one percent of the Movement. And of that Resistance, those in the aboveground Resistance, the 'name' Resistance chieftains and known leaders are less than 500 or so. If the 'made men' of the Mafia is less than several thousand, then that would be an Italian 'Resistance,' of which the Italian 'Movement' would be everyone of Italian descent here in AmeriKwa. And of those 'made men' only those dozen or so known as the capos would be the known Italian Resistance chieftains.
Para Thus accordingly, it is less than these 500 Resistance activists which do the political and propaganda work and provide the leadership for the entire Movement. They activate and stir the blob known as the Movement. It doesn't matter that these Resistance activists fear and hate each other, often far more than they hate ZOG. Rather, since all of them share a hatred of ZOG, as well as an aptitude for chaos and disruption of same, merely in their quest for Movement market share, Resistance activities stir the Movement blob, which in turn affects ZOG. ZOG agents in turn, in their struggle to 'control' this Movement blob and act against the Resistance, make this Movement blob quiver and shake and go into a few tremors every so often, but nothing is ever accomplished by ZOG other than paradoxically growing the Movement blob. The Movement blob grows in the general direction of the Resistance because the two prerequisites of Revolution and civil war grow apace -- injustice and the inability to change that make all Revolutions.
Para The Movement blob as we know it started pretty much simultaneously with Waco and the start of computer Bulletin Board Systems, and then the Internet. The Internet, as I explained back in 1997, made the [Militia] Movement roar. It was the injustice of Waco coupled with the rise of communicating easily that grew the disgruntled Movement blob. This Movement blob is like a jellyfish, it has masses of mere disgruntled and unhappy protoplasm, but within this blob are nerve cells combined in networks of neurons to the blob 'brain' and this network of specialized cells makes up the Resistance. Unlike the more 'advanced' blob of protoplasm that makes up the jellyfish, the Movement blob's Resistance neurons almost NEVER work in coordination with each other, but rather as a network, never a hierarchy. Both like and unlike Louis Beam wrote, the Resistance working within the Movement blob is a 'Leaderless Resistance' in that any given time there is spread even more of a sense of hatred and injustice against ZOG, but with the apparrent lack of coordination very seldom can ZOG ever concentrate its forces against one of the Resistance network of neurons and completely deactivate any one section of the Resistance, much less the Movement. It is like a ZOG-shark chewing on the fat ass of the Movement jellyfish, really doing the Movement a favor by removing excess decayed tissue while the Resistance network is churning up the entire jellyfish and making it add newer, healthier tissue elsewhere, along with new Resistance neuron cells. It doesn't even matter if the ZOG-shark chews off an errant Movement jellyfish asshole or two every so often. Probably best in fact. The Movement hath at least half-a-hundred Movement assholes, and not one single brain, although it does have a Resistance neural network.
Para Take for example the Resistance chieftains (or, if you wish, Movement assholes) David Duke and Pontifex Maximus Matt Hale. What have their persecutions and lacerations by ZOG done?
Para David Duke is going to leave ZOG custody pretty soon, and he will be welcomed back with open arms by a large section of the Movement. Of course, perhaps some mistakes shall have to be rectified, such as better petty cash control of EURO funds and dues, but the end result is that the Resistance shall welcome back one of their own. Not because them that are 'paytriots4profit' like the competition for market share, but rather because they want access to the Movement that Duke controls. If David Duke restarts his bandwagon, most of the Resistance shall get back on.
Para In the case of PM Matt Hale, ZOG is being caught persecuting a religious leader whose 'religion' was stolen from him by jews with the aid of a jew ZOG judge who a ZOG agent provacateur openly plotted to murder and Matt Hale didn't remotely encourage. On these flimsiest of charges, Matt Hale is being persecuted. Hale's World 'Church' of the Creator (WCOTC) is breaking up into its 20 or 30 constituent parts, but each of these parts is being added on to. A part long dead, Benjamin Smith, is what is churning ZOG's crank. Meanwhile, even those in the Movement and the Resistance who don't give a rat's ass for WCOTC theological dogma are calling for a holy war against ZOG for violation of everyone's freedom of religion. Of course, some of us would make another Thirty Year's War out of this provocation by ZOG.
Para This Movement blob is an evergrowing tumor in the body politic of ZOG. The Resistance network churns up 'The Movement' and the Movement churns up ZOG. ZOG can't cut out the entire Movement tumor, which is spreading and making ZOG ungovernable, but ZOG can't just sit and do nothing either. So ZOG cuts on the Waco tumor, and that gets infected and spreads into the Oklahoma City tumor and then an outside infection aided by jew internal parasites create a 9-11 infection, and pretty soon all ZOG has BushWarII. Of course with a Bush, a Dick, and a Colin, all of ZOG was gonna get screwed. It no longer pays to trust ZOG. After all, it is the ZOGling joops (jew-dupe troops) who trusted ZOG with their very lives who are losing theirs. The entire world is uniting against ZOG while ZOG is facing revolt at home. ZOG is one sick doomed puppy.
Para Even the jewdeo-Church-inanity worshippers of Dog's Chosen Pee-Pul are discontented. The last of the 'Left Behind' Rapture/Crapture cultist series was published a few weeks ago. Their premise? That ZOG and ZOGlings after the Rapture pretty much go with the Anti-Christ, the Beast regime and False Prophet religion, and persecute the newly converted heroes of 'Tribulation Force' which made for at least eight books over a period of eight years. Are these people in 'the Movement'? No. But they ain't exactly for ZOG, though they be ZOGlings.
Para So if the Movement is a blob of vaguely anti-ZOG sentiment, then what is the Resistance? The Resistance is that subset of the Movement which has the goal of destroying ZOG and putting themselves in power. The universal motivator is hatred and revenge. The father of Revolution is injustice. The mother of Revolution is an inability to change on the part of the decayed regime. The Resistance is the elite of the Movement. All of the inchoate yearnings of the Movement are the driving force with the Resistance. We in the Resistance do not want justice -- We want revenge! We do not want peace -- We want Power! We do not want peaceful change, impossible in any case to get due to the nature of the corrupt regime -- We want Revolution. It takes two sides to make peace. Both ZOG and the Revolutionary Resistance want war. We don't want to restore the CONstitution and the Bill of Goods, any more than ZOG does. We will overthrow ZOG's Oligarchy of the Base, and upon razing ZOG to its foundations, clear aside the rubble and establish in ZOG's place a neo-aristocracy of successful warlords who demonstrated their prowess by keeping alive their White followers. The aftermath of ZOG's War shall not be 1776, but rather 476, when barbarian warlords imposed their own rule upon the survivors.
Para The weakness of ZOG, and its ZOGlings, is that as doers of evil they must pretend to do good. Their lies and hypocrisy make them weak. Thus it is always easy to provoke them to foolish and rash behavior, deemed unjust. Lacking both good sense and character, they fray the slender cord of civilization. The Resistance operatives likewise fray the slender cord of civilization, because it no longer is our civilization and we can't get our civilization until this regime is destroyed. So, both regimeist and Revolutionist are destroying the fragile cord upon which civilization rests, and thus the civilization and the decayed rotten regime and its social order are swept away when the resources necessary for life are destroyed as well. Us Revolutionists shall win because we have to do nothing other than to destroy, and our regimeist enemies, parasites all, cannot rebuild.
Para So having answered 'what' is 'the Movement,' the 'where' can be ascertained. Where the Movement is at is but a few short years before complete collapse and total civil war. The Movement has no brain, but plenty of Resistance impulses. Some of these Resistance impulses will propel the Movement to its destiny -- Armeggeddon -- but most of the Resistance impulses shall make the Movement drift there. The results, however, shall be the same.
--Editor Martin Lindstedt
. Monologue
Para There has been much whining about some whiggerball player, a Pat Tillman, who joined the Army and was rightfully killed by the enraged inhabitants of Afghanistan being a 'hero.' Wrong. This jew-driven idiot wasn't defending AmeriKwa, but rather acting as a war criminal terrorizing the population of some Turd-Whirlld country roughly half-way around the globe. None of the rightful inhabitants asked for him to come over there and terrorize them at gunpoint. When the dead fool jooper left in a bodybag, doubtless the inhabitants wished that they would have gotten more of these state-sponsored ZOG terrorists. None of the raghead inhabitants wanted ZOG-style dem[on]ocracy, forced upon them at gunpoint, on behalf of the ZOG sock-puppet 'Mayor of Kabul' Karzai.
ParaThe racial patriot should cheer whenever some ZOG jooper is killed or wounded at the hands of those indigenous people that he was sent over to terrorize, not on behalf of the AmeriKwan Pee-pull, but rather for the bottom line of this mighty Evil Empire. Every single jooper killed in self-defense by the patriots of Afghanistan, Iraq, or Kosovo is merely one less mercenary necessary to be killed here, in the ZOG homeland, by the ZOGling subjects and herd animals forced to support them, via taxation and also at gunpoint. There is nothing good, honorable or moral in being a mercenary oppressing a sovereign people, foreign or domestic, on behalf of [d]ruling idiots, morons, thieves and parasites making up the chickenhawk power-elite of ZOG. The only good jooper (jew-dupe trooper) is a dead jooper, just as the only good pig is a dead pig.
ParaRacial Nationalists have no great love for ragheads, sand-niggers, or dune-coons living nine or ten or eleven or twelve time-zones away. However, the fact that they live so far away, and stay where they belong, is part of their charm. They have minded their own business and not come over here to invade ZOGland. Rather the joopers have gone over there, not for any love of the 'Kwa, but because the jews and shabbes-whiggers running ZOG made them do so. Invaders and occupiers deserve death. If the joopers really wanted to kill some brown mamzers, then they should have stayed at home, and along with the general pub[l]ic, shot invading, occupying mexcriment from our porches or at the local Wal-mart. Now that better fits my notions of proper 'Homeland Security!'
ParaThis BushWar2 in Iraq was a losing proposition even before the jews made the Deserter-in-Thief start their war against the most powerful Arab country, Iraq, for them. Now the pretense that this invasion and occupation, misnomered "Iraqi Freedom," was for the benefit of the Iraqi People has been destroyed by pictures and video of torture, sexual perversion, and murder of helpless civilians with little, if anything, in the way of tactical or strategic information. At first it was only six or seven junior enlisted soldiers, military police, who were blamed. Yet as the degeneracy unraveled, it was found out that Lt-General Sanchez, the Mestizo-in-Charge of ZOG's Army, had been present during a torture session and had approved. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld knew all about the torture and murder, in fact approved of sending an experienced major-general skilled in torturing Afghan 'detainees' at Guantanamo, the ZOG base in Cuba, to Iraq to torture other Muslims in an effort to find out information. Rumsfeld, and his direct superior, Butcher Bush, had deliberately chosen to violate the Geneva Conventions dealing with treatment of captured combatants. In fact, both Rumsfeld and Bush should be liable for violating US laws concerning war crimes and punished by the death penalty for their willful war crimes.
ZOG is what genuine Christians call the 'Beast' Power. Devout Muslims call ZOG 'The Great Satan.' Both sets of belief are correct. An extremely degenerate, criminal and godless mighty evil empire is being ruled by the spawn-of-Satan jews, determined to reach Armegeddon, and its eventual destruction. No nation on the face of the Earth is more evil. It is far more than merely six military police gladly taking orders to sodomise helpless civilian detainees with a nightstick, torture and humiliate them and take pictures of it all the way up through the chain-of-command leading to a self-righteous degenerate drunken moron selected by traitors and aliens to lead the Beast Power to its destruction. Rather, all of ZOG is sick, and deserves extermination, from the lowest to the highest. Take for example this item from the Jewplin Glob of May 24, 2004:
Residents' opinions mixed on war in IraqThese moron-on-the-street interjews by the Jewplin Glob revealed the inherent degeneracy of ZOGlings. All of them think this war is just fine, that ZOG just had to get involved, but now want to pull out now that ZOG's War has gotten expensive in terms of how it might affect them personally in money and/or blood. Many is the time when I have heard ZOGling whiggers snarl, "We had ought to nuke 'em when we pull out."Micheal Stuart II, 20, of Joplin, said he believes there was a purpose in the war when it began last year. "We were defending ourselves," Stuart said. "As far as being over there now, I don't see why we're over there now. It seems like we're causing more problems by being over there."
His response to reports of prisoner abuse in Iraq was: "If they're capturing people who are about to kill us, if that's what they have to do, that's what they have to do."
Patrick "Nathan" Curry, 26, of Galena, Kan., said he supported Bush's decision to go to war in Iraq but now thinks the United States should leave the country. "I think it's time for us to be out of there," Curry said.
Of the prisoner-abuse scandal, Curry said: "War is war. There are no rights. We've got prisoners, and we've got to do what we have to do to get the information."
Curry said that his brother served in the Navy from March to October 2003, and that several Marines on the ship with his brother have died in the war.
Todd Whitmire, 34, of Neosho, said he believes the war in Iraq was necessary because "that regime was anti-American."
Of the prison-abuse scandal, Whitmire said: "It's a disgrace. Real or manufactured, it's pathetic."
Asked whether he supports the current operation, Whitmire said that if the main objective was to get Saddam out of power, then the U.S. military should leave Iraq.
So what is to be done about ZOG and ZOG's herd animals? Obviously neither ZOG nor its herd animals have ever known the lash of defeat or having what they sent around come around back to them. They have never tasted the lash of justice or felt the sting of revenge. They 'think' that they can do whatever they want and never have to pay the bill for what they did. Thus they are both stupid and full of evil, but easily defeated because they will not be able to take what they have dished out, much less plus then some. Sooner or later, economic collapse, famine, disease, and external and civil war shall destroy both ZOG and ZOGlings. However, it is the duty of the wronged, both foreign and domestic, to make sure that revenge and justice comes to ZOG and ZOGlings sooner, rather than later, with neither quarter asked for, nor given. After all, ZOG and ZOGlings are merely getting what they deserve.
Para So the head of the CIA had to resign. It is a pack of ZOGs-wallop that 9/11 was caused by mistake or incompetence by the CIA or FBI, but rather 9/11 was a Mossad false-flag operation specifically designed by neo-khan jews in order to implicate A-rabs, further ashke-nazify the Palestinians, terrorize ZOG client kingdoms like Saudi Arabia, bring the Muslim nukes of Pakistan under ZOG control, and give the 88-IQ One-Term ZOG sock-puppet and Deserter-In-Thief Jorge UU Bush a pretext to invade Iraq and finish off his daddy's war. The pretext is that George Tenet had to resign because of 'mistakes,' when in fact the jew conspiracy worked out according to plan.
Para The 'Acting President' Ronald Reagan coincidentally croaked in time for the Deserter-In-Thief & War Criminal Butcher Bush to give some whining about the 'Greatest [De]Generation's cause to make the Wirrrld safe for jew Communism & Capitalism from the Germans on the 60th Anusvershitty of D[og's]-Day. Perhaps the pore old feeb was suffocated with a pillow by his Secret Service diaper-changer. Reagan might have been diagnosed with terminal senility back in 1994, but it was clear that Reagan's senility was part and parcel of his second term.
The Acting President said one thing and did another. Republicans have promised fiscal and social responsibility for years. What they have delivered are massive deficits and increases in corporate welfare, along with cutting social programs. Reagan's first term ended with AmeriKwa going from the world's greatest creditor nation to the world's greatest debtor nation. Reagan built up the Armed Farces in an attempt to bankrupt the Soviet jewnion, which succeeded in bankrupting both mighty Evil Empires. Also started was the Imperial ZOG habit of picking fights with smaller weaker sovereign nations and then invading them with military force. Reagan's invasion of Grenada started his Bush-league suckcessors both Bushys in invading and murdering civilians in Panama and then Iraq. Eventually the mighty Evil Empire bit off more than it could chew in the form of fighting poor, well-populated Muslim countries half a world away on behalf of jews.
Para The Torturer-in-Thief Jorge UU Bush, as duly selected Deserter-in-Thief used his bogus authority to get around both international and federal law to command torturing both Afghani and Iraqi Prisoners of War and innocent civilians, according to the July 8, 2004 New York Times story Lawyers Decided Bans on Torture Didn't Bind Bush:
A team of administration lawyers concluded in a March 2003 legal memorandum that President Bush was not bound by either an international treaty prohibiting torture or by a federal antitorture law because he had the authority as commander in chief to approve any technique needed to protect the nation's security.The memo, prepared for Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, also said that any executive branch officials, including those in the military, could be immune from domestic and international prohibitions against torture for a variety of reasons.
One reason, the lawyers said, would be if military personnel believed that they were acting on orders from superiors "except where the conduct goes so far as to be patently unlawful."
"In order to respect the president's inherent constitutional authority to manage a military campaign," the lawyers wrote in the 56-page confidential memorandum, the prohibition against torture "must be construed as inapplicable to interrogation undertaken pursuant to his commander-in-chief authority."
Senior Pentagon officials on Monday sought to minimize the significance of the March memo, one of several obtained by The New York Times, as an interim legal analysis that had no effect on revised interrogation procedures that Mr. Rumsfeld approved in April 2003 for the American military prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.
The March memorandum, which was first reported by The Wall Street Journal on Monday, is the latest internal legal study to be disclosed that shows that after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks the administration's lawyers were set to work to find legal arguments to avoid restrictions imposed by international and American law.
A Jan. 22, 2002, memorandum from the Justice Department that provided arguments to keep American officials from being charged with war crimes for the way prisoners were detained and interrogated was used extensively as a basis for the March memorandum on avoiding proscriptions against torture.
The previously disclosed Justice Department memorandum concluded that administration officials were justified in asserting that the Geneva Conventions did not apply to detainees from the Afghanistan war.
Another memorandum obtained by The Times indicates that most of the administration's top lawyers, with the exception of those at the State Department and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, approved of the Justice Department's position that the Geneva Conventions did not apply to the war in Afghanistan. In addition, that memorandum, dated Feb. 2, 2002, noted that lawyers for the Central Intelligence Agency had asked for an explicit understanding that the administration's public pledge to abide by the spirit of the conventions did not apply to its operatives.
The March memo, a copy of which was obtained by The Times, was prepared as part of a review of interrogation techniques by a working group appointed by the Defense Department's general counsel, William J. Haynes. The group itself was led by the Air Force general counsel, Mary Walker, and included military and civilian lawyers from all branches of the armed services.
The review stemmed from concerns raised by Pentagon lawyers and interrogators at Guantánamo after Mr. Rumsfeld approved a set of harsher interrogation techniques in December 2002 to use on a Saudi detainee, Mohamed al-Kahtani, who was believed to be the planned 20th hijacker in the Sept. 11 terror plot.
The memo showed that not only lawyers from the Defense and Justice departments and the White House approved of the policy but also that David S. Addington, the counsel to Vice President Dick Cheney, also was involved in the deliberations. The State Department lawyer, William H. Taft IV, dissented, warning that such a position would weaken the protections of the Geneva Conventions for American troops.
The March 6 document about torture provides tightly constructed definitions of torture. For example, if an interrogator "knows that severe pain will result from his actions, if causing such harm is not his objective, he lacks the requisite specific intent even though the defendant did not act in good faith," the report said. "Instead, a defendant is guilty of torture only if he acts with the express purpose of inflicting severe pain or suffering on a person within his control."
The adjective "severe," the report said, "makes plain that the infliction of pain or suffering per se, whether it is physical or mental, is insufficient to amount to torture. Instead, the text provides that pain or suffering must be 'severe.' " The report also advised that if an interrogator "has a good faith belief his actions will not result in prolonged mental harm, he lacks the mental state necessary for his actions to constitute torture."
The report also said that interrogators could justify breaching laws or treaties by invoking the doctrine of necessity. An interrogator using techniques that cause harm might be immune from liability if he "believed at the moment that his act is necessary and designed to avoid greater harm."
Scott Horton, the former head of the human rights committee of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, said Monday that he believed that the March memorandum on avoiding responsibility for torture was what caused a delegation of military lawyers to visit him and complain privately about the administration's confidential legal arguments. That visit, he said, resulted in the association undertaking a study and issuing of a report criticizing the administration. He added that the lawyers who drafted the torture memo in March could face professional sanctions. Jamie Fellner, the director of United States programs for Human Rights Watch, said Monday, "We believe that this memo shows that at the highest levels of the Pentagon there was an interest in using torture as well as a desire to evade the criminal consequences of doing so." The March memorandum also contains a curious section in which the lawyers argued that any torture committed at Guantánamo would not be a violation of the anti-torture statute because the base was under American legal jurisdiction and the statute concerns only torture committed overseas. That view is in direct conflict with the position the administration has taken in the Supreme Court, where it has argued that prisoners at Guantánamo Bay are not entitled to constitutional protections because the base is outside American jurisdiction.
Para After the Mossad-jew run false-flag 9/11 operation meant to get the whiggroid ZOGlings whipped up into accepting BushysWarz against Muslims, peace, prosperity, and the Bill of Goods of the CONstitution, it was understood that ZOG's Armed Farces comprised of nig&whig 'Groids, mexcrement, and femnisheviks comprising a Jobs Corps in jewniform would obey their kikemasters from the CIA corpsorations like Blackwater and Titan to practice the jew method of war and torture civilian men, women and children. Since the jews running Bushy knew that part of the goal of Attack on Iraq was to get caught and lose the war, thus having a permanent hold on Dubya and dulled jew-tool Republicunts, of course the jews had their talmudic-studies lawyers write up 'legal' pretexts for torturing first Iraqi detainees, and then by extension, ZOGlings getting in their way someday. Once ZOG says that torture is 'legal' then where does it all end? It don't. Eventually torture shall be used first thing right off by all, ZOG and non-ZOG alike, in dealing with their perceived enemies.
Para 'Legal' arguments justifying torture as legitimate policy is usually written by feeb lawyers and carried out by piglice, like the Newton County Division of Family Services, who are so very certain that they shall never be on the receiving end of the whirlwind they have unleashed. The thing that such should fear is not the lying talmudic 'laws' that they erected with foreign regime-criminals to camoflage their inherent rapacity and degeneracy from the-m-asses which never in their wildest dreams would apply to them, but rather the consequences of terror and lawlessness debasing their hue-man herd animals, who will have revenge as their moral standard. The consequences of torture as a 'legal' policy shall fall first upon the ZOG joopers (jew-dupe troops) when they are caught and wounded by insurgents. Eventually these policies of torture shall end in having the-m-asses of ZOGlings biowarred by both foreign and domestic counter-terrorists now that the fabric of civilization has been deliberately frayed for temporary advantage in the 'War (by Terror) on Terror."
Para The fact that the Geneva Conventions, signed by ZOG in a more civilized era, was designed to keep AmeriKwan joops secure from reprisal and torture from 'barbarian' Third-World or non-white conflict areas. These 'Laws of Land Warfare' are being ignored or destroyed by the Deserter-in-Thief and his chickenhawk veep and Republicunt radio yapheads like Flush Rimblow simply because there had never been much, if any, chance that these drones would ever be drafted for military service. That the children of the poor might have not much choice other than risking their lives in some 'war on non-ZOG terrorism' and tortured if captured thanks to these chickenhawks breaking international law and leaving them if captured to reprisal isn't any concern for Jorge UU and his jew handlers.
Para The same doctrine has long been used against ZOGlings by ZOG piglice. Anderson v. Creighton, 483 US 635 (1987), said that piglice could have 'qualified immunity' back in 1987 if they were able to convince themselves that whatever they did, like break down doors without warrants and terrorize 'innocent niggers' by mistake in an FBI raid, was 'necessary.' Pretty soon ZOG will have open torture performed not only on ragheads, but ZOGlings -- if 'necessary' -- as propounded by jew Dershowitz. In return, torture shall be used in retaliation by the Resistance against regime criminals and their spawn. Once lawlessness and anarchy is unleashed by tyrants, what goes around coming around shall destroy ZOG.
Para The entire purpose of these 'torture memos' was to create a 'legal' excuse for using torture as a means of imperial warfare. This regime-criminal conspiracy extended all the way from the generals on the field, like mestizo-in-chief General Sanchez, up through Rumsfelt, and all the way to the Torturer-in-Chief Jorge UU Bush. This understanding means that not only '43' is responsible for the war crimes committed in his war, but that all ZOGlings are responsible with their lives as well when this war expands to ZOGland.
Para A Somali immigrunt, another one of thousands without a clitoris imported to ZOGland by ZOG in the name of divershitty, has been announced by John Asscrack, Attorney General, of plotting some Al-Qaida attack on an Ohio shopping mall, months after being arrested for something else, like the beaner-muslim Padilla. Doubtless the grand jury was comprised of females who wished to keep their clitorises, and thus a matter of religious dispute. However, a Detroit immigration kort judge wants to deport the Columbus immigrunt back to Somalia, Land Of No Clitorises. Since Mammon and the feds have priority of jewdickal process, doubtless the unlucky Somali immigrunt shall have the luxury of living in a relatively clean ZOG dungeon cell, surrounded by captive ZOGlings, all sans clitorises until such time as Asscrack thinks that he can win a plea 'bargain' against a raghead terrorist.
Para A further look at Asscrack's 'plot' reveals the mundane. It is simply a story about a nigger Muslim alien involved in wanting to overstay his living within the Great Satan by means of visa fraud. Thirty thousand of these Somalian niggers live in Columbus Ohio, with a larger population staining Minneapolis, City of Snow-Whiggers. According to the FiBbIes, this nigger went back to Africa as part of an Al-Qaeda plot to learn how to act like a typical nigger, in getting training on how to engage in banditry, terrorism, bombing, and other activities that can be picked up much cheaper and easier by consorting with native niggers in the hood. But listening to the jewsmedia, it is simply because of suspected Al-Qaeda involvement that turns this immigrunt nigger into a superior terrorist, just as a similar osmosis in the case of the beaner Jose Padilla made a two-bit hubcap thief into a nuke-u-loor 'dirty-bomb' super-terrorist. Asscrack is going to further trash the Bill of Goods to the CONstitution all over a typical nigger immigrunt just like Asscrack did with a beaner two years ago simply because these are 'easy defendants' to make a half-baked case against. It would have been far cheaper and easier to simply shoot or deport such teeming wretched refuse from ZOG's shores.
Para These non-white vermin ARE biological weapons, not developers of biological weaponry. Only the White man benefits from developing and using biological weaponry, because the non-whites living in their teeming millions in super-metropolises like festering maggots are the best, most likely targets of man-made and natural plagues. Islam is a universalist religion, suitable only for brown mongrels. Islam is the least racist of all the major religions, holding that race, especially preserving the White race, is unimportant, indeed undesirable. After all, the continuing darkening of the Arabs from a Semitic people to a negroid people proves that for a fact. So what matter if some Somalian nigger was plotting to blow up a store or two in a shopping mall, a temple of Mammon? What possibly could it have mattered, even in the short run? This is simply yet another little rancid made-up 'sting' operation created by Asscrack and his FiBbIe feebs trying to justify their existence, their expansion, their continued funding in the face of failure.
Copyright 2004. Resistance Political Front
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