Dear Martin:.. . . . It was great to receive your letter & enclosures of JAN 20th! Many thanks. Like you, I do not know what occurs with One of the purported fellows connected with the site offered to give it to me. Now, the other is ‘back’ from wherever, & he claims he wants to keep it, & he may even operate it. I’ll ask him to send you the backlog of material I have mailed to his snail-mail address. Otherwise, I can send you items which may be missing. One logger-on complained about my letters to various correspondents. I consider these to be my ‘editorial replies’ to ‘Letters to the Editor’. The letter format does have some repetition, & unlike an essay, it addresses specific concerns of the corres pondent, which I like to share with other correspondents on the Internet, when possible. I’m glad that you find them informative & possibly entertaining, as I enjoy writing them. That is virtually all I can do for the Cause at this time, in view of my limited income. You may have noticed that I omit personal items from my letters, unless they are my own personal ex- periences which may have bearing on the topics under discussion.
. . . . I am impressed by the total unreliability of persons claiming they represent, but I’ll ask the present one if he can send you the items you lack. Otherwise, I can send you items from the period from July 6, 2004, onward. He claims he has "no time" to scan the backlog himself. It sounds like a ‘real holohoax’ to me.
. . . . My purpose for sharing my information & opinions, which are basically analyses, is to serve the Cause. What knowledge I have acquired over decades should be shared with those who seek it. There is no charge for photocopies, for I appreciate your kind assistance & your willingness to handle the Internet end of things. My academic & career background is best described as International Relations. Were this a White country, I’d have been working in the State Department or the CIA, doing mostly what I do now: receive & analyze information. International Relations requires a basic knowledge of history, geography, journalism & lan- guages + anthropology, cultural studies & economics. In the political field (politics = people-power) I have studied & experienced war, civil war, revolution, treason, insurgency & counter-insurgency. My knowledge of military tactics & strategy include research as well as basic infantry experience.
. . . . I appreciate our religious differences, so I won’t go out of my way to exacerbate them, otherwise such differences can make the Movement dysfunctional, perhaps even more than it already is. Ha! My purpose is to share knowledge for my own information & for the use of others. This is basically the strength of our Zionist enemy: their sharing & use of knowledge, & our ignorance thereof, which allows them to herd us like cattle.
. . . . It was said by the founder of TIME Magazine, Luce, if I recall correctly, that he would cover "slow news" & let the dailies & the radio, later TV, cover "fast news". This is my own journalistic approach, although my time frame encompasses more than a week at a time, while also remaining current. Robert Frenz told me that most of my essays are "timeless" & there- fore of current interest. That was certainly a compliment, for it meant that I succeeded in communicating that which I thought important. I am glad you think the same.
. . . . I enclose my latest essay on current events entitled Damned if you do, Damned if you don’t: The battle to make the world safe for hypocrisy." There are also some current letters. Would you like me to forward relevant items from the world press & other sources which you may not find on the Internet? Some of the best information & analyses come from my Canadian sources, especially my alter-ego, Eric Margolis, who is also a U.S. citizen, but the U.S. jewsmedia apparently never publish his items. I’ll enclose a sample of his recent columns. I do not agree with his politics, but I do appreciate his information & analyses on most topics. We generally agree with his views of military & political situations, especially in Iraq & Afghanistan. Just let me know if you’d like to receive such information, in addition to my own writings. I also enclose a flier from James X. of Kentucky, whom I’ve never before heard of. I have written to him, also, for purposes of communication & collaboration.
. . . . As you probably know, I also miss Robert Frenz. He telephoned me the night before he died suddenly of pneumonia. He was having great difficulty breathing & coughed frequently as he spoke. He said that he had to sleep sitting up, so he could breathe. Until then, he’d been quite healthy. He never complained, & he died just the way he wished: all of a sudden.
. . . . Dr. Oliver phoned me a few days before he died. He’d been a heavy smoker, so his lungs were practically gone with emphysema. He reportedly checked himself out of the hospital, went home & shot himself, choosing not to waste away unconscious, on life-support. Obviously, he believed: [to paraphrase Kipling]
"When you’re left dying on America’s plains,
And the jew-quacks are coming to carve up your remains,
Roll over to your rifle & blow out your brains,
And go to your God like a White Man.". . . . On that happy note, I conclude with best wishes, DOWZ! & ORION!
Editor's Notes:
1. One of the problems in maintaining a web site is keeping jews from censoring it by putting pressure on web hosting companies to keep your web page up. The 'free' web sites are often worth as much as you pay for them. One of the editors for was always polite and willing to help until he disappeared.
2. Insofar as scanning Eric's letters go, Eric is quite a correspondent, writing on sheets of whatever paper is available -- my return letter was on the back of a business form -- using his typewriter. As a result, it took me quite a while to scan in his single-spaced letters, having to re-type much of them until I figured out exactly what my scanning software provided on my $50 Visioneer Scanner wanted -- First a greyscale scan at 600 d.p.i. and then a conversion to black & white before undergoing Optical Character Recognition. Copying into plain-text does better than into Word or WordPad format, but then one must go and change all of the ASCII block characters into "quote" characters manually. This requires a good deal of time and effort on the part of any publisher. The key is to do it as often as possible when one has time to do so.
3. Eric may not want to charge for photocopies, however, it is essential that he make and keep photocopies if for no other reason than that he have a photocopy to give to others and therefore access to his files so that others, specifically somebody like myself can get a copy from Eric himself, as opposed to trying to chase down Eric's correspondents across the ZOGland. Therefore, it is easier and cheaper for myself to simply reimburse Eric, as promised, for the postage and photocopying to be done on Eric's time. Nor do I really want jewspaper clippings to which Eric alludes to unless absolutely necessary because they usually are copyrighted and because it is Eric's 'take' on the subject I wanted to publish, not some jewspaper reporter's.
4. I've decided over the years through experience to not name Movement activists whom I've never met before or got permission to use their names unless given permission to do so. Yes, I do love good, new content, and will work with both new and old Resistance activists and writers. However, I've come across plenty of them, particularly the younger ones, who found out that leading with their real names had adverse consequences when the local jews went after them. So as a result, I don't name names unless asked to do so, and if they are young or with families to support I advise against using anything other than a nom de guerre. Eric Thomson is an exception to this rule because he is justly famous, has no dependents, and at his age isn't particularly scared of dying young.
5. Robert Frenz, late publisher of -- The First Amendment Exercise Machine -- edited and wrote what I consider the best Movement web page I've ever seen in terms of content and design. The graphics never overcame the content. Between Robert Frenz, Eric Thomson, Maguire, and others, the content was crisp, cogent, and always timely and timeless. I've taken pointers from FAEM and tried not to slavishly imitate it, but rather to adopt their style into my own style. It was a great loss to the aboveground Resistance when Robert Frenz died in mid-May of 2003.
January 20, 2005
Eric Thomson
P.O. Box 896
Yakima, Washington 98907-0896
Dear Eric:
. . . . I have been a fan of your columns on Robert Frenz' web page. Regrettably Robert is dead and there are no more new columns available although the web page is still up and drawing quite a respectable view on the Internet.
. . . . Earlier this year there was a which carried your columns. I myself put up a mirror site of it. And there was a bulletin board in which your letters were scanned in from May to August. I then went and put them in HTML format until July 6, 2004. Then disappeared and I couldn't put up anything more.
. . . . Let me introduce myself. I've been in the Movement since 1994 and had a web page since 1996. I am Christian Identity and I disagree with what you write about it, but as I look at it, you have your opinion and I have mine, but I have found your writings well worth reading, whether or not I agree with them or not. Over the years, I have found that it is far better to simply print Movement authors intact and uncensored regardless of whether you like what is said or not because if they are legit it all evens out for the best. I really enjoyed Robert Frenz' editorial style of free speech. FAEM was crisp, concise, and both timely and timeless.
. . . . I have published other Movement writers, like Jim Floyd of Alabama since 1998. Jim told me that I am the first one who never censored his articles or stopped publication like other Movement web pages has done. I have also published articles from those who because of jew pressure are no longer in the Movement by merely changing their names upon request. So what I would like to do, now that your material is not being brought forward, is to publish it on my web page. If you have old material, then perhaps you could photocopy it and send it to me and I could put it up as well. I could reimburse you for the printing, paper, and postage costs up to $10. What I get out of this is having more people come to my web page to read original content for themselves. What you get out of this is an Internet presence and having your writings posted where many people can read them. I am quite interested in hearing your views on the current situation. So do please consider this request, which I hope will benefit both of us, and the Movement overall.
Martin ‘Mad Dog’ Lindstedt,
Recent Libertarian Candidate for Sheriff of Newton County
Recent Republican Candidate for Governor of Missouri
2005 Public Domain -- provided credit given to Eric Thomson and
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