Date: Tuesday, 25 Jan 2000 07:32:17 -0600 (CST) From: James Floyd ( Subject: The Inevitable Whitening of Mexico The Inevitable Whitening of Mexico Nobody loves me. Nobody even likes me. Go up there to the courthouse, to the police, to the sheriff, to the commissioners, the mayor, the judges and ask them. Go to the newspaper, the TV station, and they'll tell you. They'll turn their heads to the side and spit and then spit- out a string of obscenities that would make a gangster rapper blush. Well, I'm tired of it, folks! After these cases are over, I'm gonna packup my White-Lily-flour-sack shirts and my overalls, gathered together the unwashed, uneducated, the smellest White trash I can find and storm the Mexican border. When we get to Mexico City, we gonna tell every official we meet that our ultimate goal is, "THE INEVITABLE WHITING OF MEXICO." Of course, they'll welcome us with open hearts and arms. They will, immediately, open free health clinics, free child care centers, they'll spend public funds to teach us Spanish, school our kids in whatever language we demand, they gonna let us work with phony papers or no papers at all, they'll print all public messages in English, feed and house our White butts without charge, exempt us from paying any taxes, the police will refuse to arrest us out of fear of counter charges of racial profiling, and the press will come down hard on any politician or hate group which disapproves of us or our Whitenicity. What did you say? It won't work? You say, it ain't that way in Mexico? What? You think they would chain us to a commode, in the police station, and beat the living hell out of us all? Naw, you gotta be wrong, our families wouldn't have to wire us all their money. They wouldn't take our cars, traveler's checks, flour-sack-shirts and boots, and put us on a bus for the border. Well, if you are right, then that means, if we lose this country then we don't have no place to go. Ohh me, nobody in the whole wide world loves me. Jim Floyd.
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