"God, I hate the Germans . . . "
Non-White ZOG CEO, Dwight EisenhowerThe above was spoken like a true-jew eurasian piece of trash. It sure is funny how the right-wing AmeReekan yahoos keep sending me silly accusations about Adolf Hitler not being racially "pure" enough ( accusations that they of course refuse to offer any proof of ) when they seem unable to grasp that they have been ruled by mud people longer than any of them have been alive. The label that a product wears may or may not reflect what is inside. That a kike can call itself a "Christian" seems to be more than some folks can wrap their minds around. The religion one claims tells you precious little while an elementary understanding of race tells you everything.
This article is my final statement on this "The Nazis were secret jews" insanity. If I hear anymore about it, I will simply refer the PatrIdiot to "NON SERVIAM 12/20/02" as well as repeat my request for proof that they are doing anything other than repeating the words of whigger ass-clowns with an agenda. This whole thing stinks of jewishness itself and betrays an intellectual dishonesty and cowardice.
A stubborn refusal to face uncomfortable realities can lead to the adoption of some mighty strange coping mechanisms. The American PatrIdiot community clings to its false view of their country's history and the nature of those who rule over them. It is a common sight to see these types projecting their own natures and ideals onto those who not only do not share them, but actually spit on such notions. The desperate need to see America as the "good guy" leads necessarily to the demonization and falsification of all those who come into conflict with her. This bit of foolishness can (and often does) lead to the denial of America's essentially jewish spirit and the need to slap the kike kap on someone elses skull (i.e. German NS leadership). They know that judaism and all of its works should be despised and trampled underfoot. They are correct there, BUT what they do next should land them on the psychologist's couch. Instead of facing up to what is happening in their own backyards (and thus being part of a possible solution) they instead heap abuse on those who have resisted the global tyranny of the jews and their "Christian"(actually Babyl-Masonic) lap-dogs. It is so much easier to create a convoluted case consisting of bull-droppings and little else, than it is to (with both feet planted firmly on the ground) CONDEMN the government that they themselves live under and the judeo-masonic empire for which it stands.
Have these fools the ears to hear nothing if it doesn't fit what they need so desperately to believe? The religious fetishist seems to miss that there is not a single solitary individual of any real influence who refers to America as a "Christian Nation". What our ears are treated to is the mantra about Ameri-ZOG's "judeo-Christian heritage". This is a whigger "talking point" and it is amazing to think that there could be anyone reading this who fails to grasp the distinction. Does anyone seriously think that there are too many muslims who would gush with pride over a "judeo-muslim heritage". Or would they issue a "fatwah" against any scum-froth who suggested that there was any such thing? The answer is obvious.
Organized religion is now (and has been for centuries) working hand in hand with the enemies of our people. Once the church was the power, then it took to brown-nosing those (jews and whiggers) who replaced them. The jewish teaching of so-called Universalism, is mind-poison. What wrapper this idea wears at any given time, makes no real difference to one whose primary interest is the health of the race. Hitler understood this and that is why he wished to nationalize Christianity. "Positive Christianity" had he had the chance to push the idea, would have been muck like the Christian Identity movement of today.
It is popular for judeo-Christians to try to horn in on the "Victim's Olympics" of the Holo-Scam by identifying themselves as targets of Hitler's "evil". This of course is rubbish. Hitler "persecuted" traitors to the Folk, which included sizable numbers of jew-worshipers. What is false is to claim he tried to "take Jesus away". His were the modest goals of a man who merely wanted to cleanse the doctrines of Anti-Aryan filth. Who can seriously criticize that? Those who wish to join the jew for a weep and lie of Hitler's hatred of "Christians", have some rather odd company. The queers claim a "pink holocaust" happened under Uncle Adolf's watch, perhaps in the case of jew-worshipers it was a "yellow holocaust". That name befits the spineless swine who think it too much to ask that they merely behave in accordance with their own natures, put a future for their own kind first and stop slouching towards Jerusalem like servile castrates.
A cursory examination of the facts will quickly show who it is who comes up smelling kosher. Who tricked the goyim under its charge into fighting two World wars that entrenched jews and the scum-froths who emulate/worship them so deeply into the body of the Western World that it will take an unbelievable will and willingness to sacrifice, to EVER remove them again? Who pledges to defend the little jew feifdom known as Israel, unto the death of the very last gentile? Who practices open-door mud immigration and will economically sanction and/or war with anyone that doesn't adopt its perverted vision of a one-world brown proletariat living under a "pax-judaica"?
Now, who removed the international parasite from influence over their people? Who passed sound racial hygeine laws? Who printed up truly National currency, based on the people's production? Who attempted to end all racial subversion? Who correctly labeled Freemasonry an enemy of the Folk? Who encouraged neighboring Aryan nations to adopt his winning ways? Who did everything possible to reach the higher elements of the other Western nations, and thus avoid another war that he taught would be fought at the behest of non-Aryans? Who demanded that the judeo-Christian churches refrain form working against their race, in exchange for being permitted to continue doing business? Who warned that the most kosher of White nations would find itself in relative short order living in a culture that was half jewified and the other half, negrified? Who was dead on right about that one, huh?
I assume that there will be none who "flunk" the above test. Finally, I'd like to promise that this is the last thing I will ever write on this subject. I felt it was worth showing up this crap for what it is, but I will leave it alone from now on. The onus is on the patrIdiotic accusers to back-up their black helicopter BS. The ball is in their court. I'm not holding my breath for a substantive response.
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